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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 17 2012 :  3:34:21 PM  Show Profile
Gosh, CJ I wish I had half your talent. and energy. You are truly a creative spirit.

Glenda #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

1291 Posts

1291 Posts

Posted - Jul 17 2012 :  4:05:49 PM  Show Profile
I wish we had good thrift stores around here ... There is nothing like that here ;(

White Sheep Farm
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True Blue Farmgirl

650 Posts

pea ridge arkansas
650 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2012 :  04:54:41 AM  Show Profile
If you cut the collars and cuffs off old decorated sweatshirts they make neat crafts when hot glued around small gift boxes etc or can be applied to cheap plain new sweatshirts to dress them up again.
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

13705 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
13705 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2012 :  09:20:59 AM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
Thanks girls . . . we DO have three good thrift stores and I've hit the mother lode more than once on wonderful linens for all kinds of purposes but also for our glamping. If you haven't seen our pics check out our "tent glamping" threads in OUTPOST.
I come from a long line of creative, resourceful, frugal "inventors" . . .:D

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

living life -

from my hands -

the "Purple Thistle"

from my heart -

from my hubby -
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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
520 Posts

Posted - Jul 21 2012 :  4:37:27 PM  Show Profile
Of course I found this wonderful idea on Pinterest! A wonderful gazing ball made from a bowling ball and pennies. I can't take credit, but can take the credit for applying it. It took alot of patience to glue a few pennies on, wait for them to set and glue on a few more. They tend to want to slide off the bowling ball. :)

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - Jul 23 2012 :  06:20:36 AM  Show Profile
I realized I never posted a pic here of my teacup bird feeder, that I made using the Tip of the Week. I had posted one on the blog, but thought I should post one here, too.


Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger
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Annette Kath
True Blue Farmgirl

198 Posts

Carlock IL
198 Posts

Posted - Jul 24 2012 :  9:27:29 PM  Show Profile
I cut my boys jeans off above the knees and made shorts! Why waste a pair of perfectly good jeans if only the knees are holey!

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True Blue Farmgirl

181 Posts

Southern NJ
181 Posts

Posted - Jul 25 2012 :  05:17:19 AM  Show Profile
Nicole, I have 2 of the same thing!!! I also have made them for family and friends.

Annette, what a great idea...My daughter cuts hers off and rolls them up. The brand jeans she wears sells their shorts for $40!! she get s whole Summer wardrobe practically free.
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Fiddlehead Farm
True Blue Farmgirl

4562 Posts

Waupaca WI
4562 Posts

Posted - Jul 25 2012 :  05:21:36 AM  Show Profile
That penny covered bowling ball is so cool and I heard that it will deter slugs in the garden!

I had my Dad's old potty chair collecting dust in my basement. His whole family and all my siblings were potty trained on this chair. I was wondering what I could do with it. The usual thing is to make it into a planter. I decided to make it into a dog water dish. I painted it with a water proof oil based paint and scrubbed the bowl (not the original). Easy and it is the perfect height for my dogs to get a drink from.
farmgirl sister #922

I am trying to be the person my dogs think I am.

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
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Fiddlehead Farm
True Blue Farmgirl

4562 Posts

Waupaca WI
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Posted - Jul 25 2012 :  05:27:44 AM  Show Profile
Here is another recycle that I did. I had an old iron crib laying around. I spray painted it with rustoleum and removed one side. Found a cheap crib mattress at Ikea and covered it with fabric that matched my dining room. I made a three piece skirt with some scraps and added pillows. Made a cute little setee in my dining room!
farmgirl sister #922

I am trying to be the person my dogs think I am.

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
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True Blue Farmgirl

362 Posts

boise idaho
362 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2012 :  09:33:49 AM  Show Profile
Dresser Repurposed to Canning Cabinet- We got the dresser (left the drawers behind) at a local thrift warehouse last week for $6.00. After reading this Build a Canning Cupboard recnetly Dave and I thought about doing the same. With our more limited woodworking skills and tools, we decided to keep an eye out for smoething else. When I saw this dresser (some of the drawers were out) I could see it was pretty heavilly built. It has solid shelves and is sturdy. I was able to find a 1 qt. jar in the warehouse to check the shelf hieght (good idea!) and it fit great! It was covered with the cheap, plastic wood look crap-

Three coats of antique white satin spray later-

It fits perfect in our spare bedroom on the wall opposite our pantry closet. I have room on the bottom for extra jars, and home dehydrated veggies/peppers as well... I also found the 50 cent basket and am using it on top for the extra lids, rings and canning tools-

Be the change...
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Fiddlehead Farm
True Blue Farmgirl

4562 Posts

Waupaca WI
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Posted - Aug 03 2012 :  2:30:56 PM  Show Profile
That is so awesome and useful! Nice re-purpose!
farmgirl sister #922

I am trying to be the person my dogs think I am.

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
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Farmer Judy
True Blue Farmgirl

433 Posts

North Aurora IL
433 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2012 :  8:36:46 PM  Show Profile
This may seem silly but we were given two plain fabric grocery bags. I just found some reall cool green themed embroidery patterns so I though I would decorate those two bags with growing types of decorations.

Nancy, you are a lucky woman to find that deal and have it turn out so wonderfully, congrats!

God bless,

Farmgirl #3666

Born a city girl but a farm girl at heart!
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True Blue Farmgirl

230 Posts

Mitchell Nebraska
230 Posts

Posted - Aug 08 2012 :  10:19:06 AM  Show Profile
I lined a couple of cabinet shelfs with the waste from doing a vinyl floor. I'm hoping that when they come back to do the other floor I'll get enough to line the rest of the cabinet shelves.

~"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
— Oscar Wilde~
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Bonnie Ellis
True Blue Farmgirl

2474 Posts

Minneapolis Minnesota
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Posted - Aug 12 2012 :  8:12:09 PM  Show Profile
Hi farmgirls: I just have to laugh. Now I have been collecting stuff for a long time. (I turned 70 July 8). Well I'll tell you what the cheapest re-purposing is...taking your own old stuff and working it into something new entirely. It is so much fun to go through things and "discover" stuff I forgot I had. Try it with a friend. You might just have what each other "needs".

grandmother and orphan farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl

912 Posts

fernandina beach florida
912 Posts

Posted - Aug 13 2012 :  04:57:59 AM  Show Profile
I really like what you did, Nancy, with that dresser. It looks great.

Bonnie, I have to laugh at what you said about going through old stuff we have collected. I have so much "stuff" stowed away here in my sewing/art room.

I have just finished another quilt and am working on a mixed media picture right now. It uses paper and cloth to make a portrait.


Make everyday a celebration of the heart.
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True Blue Farmgirl

437 Posts

437 Posts

Posted - Aug 18 2012 :  12:45:57 PM  Show Profile
Hi Sisters,
This is not an original idea, but I took the packaging from my Mary Jane's Sheets to organize my holiday napkins. The napkins fit perfectly folded into a four square and lay flat. I reversed the label to show white and printed a sign on card stock using Word and inserting a clip art photo. It stacks neatly in my linen closet. I am glad to not throw away the nice zipped packaging. I used the hard cardboard insert for stability. Two photos are attached.
Good days to you!

"The turnings of life seldom show a sign-post; or rather, though the sign is always there, it is usually placed some distance back, like the notices that give warning of a bad hill or a level railway-crossing." Edith Wharton, 1913 from 'The Custom of the Country'.
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

mcalester Oklahoma
102 Posts

Posted - Aug 23 2012 :  07:54:55 AM  Show Profile
I like to take vintage table cloths, bed skirts with very pretty trim on them and turn them into clothes. I have made really cute bloomers and shirts. I take pretty china plates and cups make night lights out of them. I have taken glass plates and glass candle sticks an made cake stands out of them. Mens or womens oversized shirts to make dresses. I take vintage dollies and make purses. I make a lot of things with vintage clothing, I just bought a suit case full of things, among them are 3 of the vintage brassie(i believe they where bra's). I think I will make some really cute shirts with added lace, fabric and buttons may even add a few vintage hankies as pockets. My mind is always thinking of something new to make. Seems I never have time for me to sew for myself, someone always has something for me to do. I do quilting, I have 5 quilts to do right now.
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True Blue Farmgirl

171 Posts

Lexington Park MD
171 Posts

Posted - Aug 24 2012 :  11:43:34 AM  Show Profile
My boys tree house was condemned due to last fall's hurricane. We salvaged much of the wood, and used it to make this: I recently added better wheels - kids' bike wheels from one of our extra bikes. I also used Kitty Litter buckets as nesting boxes - but I have to admit, they were a bit small - maybe better for bantams, or maybe get bigger litter buckets? All the paint was leftover from previous projects as well. Do you all know of Habitat for Humanity's ReStore? Yeah, I shop there too, and found many of the parts for my coop from there.

I'm a RidgeRunner, and will always feel best when surrounded by the PA mountains.
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

13705 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
13705 Posts

Posted - Aug 24 2012 :  12:21:33 PM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
Still have license plate pieces from my big "Glamping Farmgirls" sign project left over. So, I took a couple little enamelware trays with strawberries on one side and pop-riveted these number on the back side to make Sisterhood number signs for my daughter and me. You can still see the strawberry side . . . and I still have two trays from the set. I like the metal because it's lightweight and will stand up to weather issues. Add a piece of baling wire (which we have plenty of) for a hanger/handle.
(Took the pic on the old corn planter that we had on our farm . . it now graces my yard . .I love it!)

AND, I still have license plate pieces . . hmmmm, what shall I do next?

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

living life -

from my hands -

the "Purple Thistle"

from my heart -

from my hubby -
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True Blue Farmgirl

437 Posts

437 Posts

Posted - Aug 27 2012 :  1:31:44 PM  Show Profile
Hi Hen Sisters,
I order Stoneground Cornmeal from Dexter's Grist Mill in Sandwich, MA. It is delicious and comes from Organic Vermont Farmers and ground locally at the Grist Mill. The cornmeal sacks they come in are so charming, that I had to find a way to repurpose them. So I handwashed, air dried, snipped out the stitches, lightly ironed and made them into a pot holder using the thermal batting you can buy doubled. Now I have a keepsake from my amazing trips to Sandwich, MA and the Dexter Grist Mill. FYI, other great sites to see in town are Green Briar Jam Kitchen, Thornton Museum, Sandwich Glass Museum, nearby shores, and so much more. It will take awhile to get two more empty sacks to make a pair, but for now I have one repurposed sack. Yeah.

"The turnings of life seldom show a sign-post; or rather, though the sign is always there, it is usually placed some distance back, like the notices that give warning of a bad hill or a level railway-crossing." Edith Wharton, 1913 from 'The Custom of the Country'.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Aug 27 2012 :  3:32:10 PM  Show Profile
Very nice, Annie. They sure fit into a country kitchen.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

4658 Posts

Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - Oct 15 2012 :  3:21:49 PM  Show Profile
Oh my! I haven't seen this post in many neat things you all have done! Love it all. Diane, your crib settee is so cute! I can see drinking a cup of tea there...

Anyway, in the eighties when my parents divorced my mom had to go back to work. She worked really hard and always looked so put-together even if she didn't have a lot of money at the time. She bought these little silver skeleton earrings back then at a jewelry party, and always wore them in October around Halloween. Well, some years back, she gave them to me. Two years ago, I was walking the dog and realized I'd lost one. It made me sick! They were sentimental to me since they were my mom's.

Held on to the other, so today I took the single skeleton earring, and a loop from another necklace, and a broken chain, and VOILA! Made a Halloween necklace. Pardon the picture, we were trying to show the necklace and it's been a long day. ;)

What d'ya think?


Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger
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True Blue Farmgirl

917 Posts

cincinnati ohio
917 Posts

Posted - Oct 17 2012 :  07:57:06 AM  Show Profile
I love it. You are so talented and I am so happy for you that you have such a sentimental piece...
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Fiddlehead Farm
True Blue Farmgirl

4562 Posts

Waupaca WI
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Posted - Oct 17 2012 :  5:58:20 PM  Show Profile
Cute necklace! I think I like it even better than as earrings.
farmgirl sister #922

I am trying to be the person my dogs think I am.

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
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