Ok girls......here's one for ya. This year the weeds have come up really bad in my flower beds....I have tons of perennials coming up and because of this we don't mulch. But.....these weeds are very deep and very thick and me with my RA just can't get down to pull them dang things out. Any ideas on how to get rid of them without hurting my flowers?? The roots on these dang things goes to China...they are very long and hard to pull. Thanks bunches girls. Sweet Blessins', Paula
"Life shall judge us harshly enough. Let us at least be gentle with each other."
Paula, I know it is a bit late to mulch but you can carefully mulch around those perrenials. Perhaps you can hire a local teen to assist you with this project. Call your local school for names of a few who are trustworthy and looking for local work. Sometimes local boy/girl scouts are trying to earn a badge and would be happy to assist you for a few dollars or points towards his or her badge. What I do is mulch heavily in the fall and again in early spring just as the daffoldils are beginning to emerge. The perrenials come up through it and love the other nutrition in the mulch as well as the added warmth to the soil. You can push the mulch aside from around certain perrenials when you expect them to be coming in. I put little stakes in the ground to show me where the main part of the plant is. I know that nobody wants to hear this but those weeds with the roots that go to china are actually good for our soil and our environment. Those roots go deep and break up the hard pan as well as bring up from the deep in a usable form for other plants the rich minerals deep in the soil that shallow rooted plants need but cannot access unless we add them to the top of the bed in the form of fertilizers hopefully organic ones. Just some thoughts Eileen
I don't think it's ever too late to mulch, the more the better in the fight of combating weeds. Also, perennials like to be crowded, most anyway, keeps the weeds at bay and adds support to some. As for those hard to get weeds, keep yanking then mulch?
Thanks SO much girls! I have a huge compost bin just full of good stuff. So...I guess I'm off to kill some weeds. :o) Hubby bought me a garden claw so hopefully I shall win the battle!! I'm off........if you don't hear from me....send help, it means that HUGE weed got me!LOL Sweet Blessins Paula ;o)
"Life shall judge us harshly enough. Let us at least be gentle with each other."