On page 44 of the new magazine there is a little article saying to go here for pictures of the birth of Maryjane's calf Molasses. I don't see it here. What should I look in?
I see goat babies born all the time but never have seen a calf birth.
Jersey's are the most beautiful animal. I have a friend who has 2 that she's milking. One is pregnant and due soon. So maybe I can see that birth. No matter how many times I've seen goats give birth it's just amazing to me. And I still like to watch A Baby Story on TLC. I will never get tired of seeing that.
That is so amazing! I just got Oakley to come over here and look at those photos with me. Birth is an incredible, miraculous thing to see. Oh, thanks, MaryJane, for sharing these photos with us. So VERY COOL!