So farmgirlheart and I got to go to a pot luck dinner hosted by the Path to Freedom Family on Sunday night. We didn't get to go to the actual house, they don't have it open for visitors anymore but we did get to see 2 of their goats and meet the family. It was a lot of fun and very interesting meeting other people with the same inspiration as us. Although we did feel like the youngest people there we enjoyed the pot luck and the screening of the movie "Eating Alaska" that they showed. I'm still amazed that their house which is in a subruban neighborhood is a full functioning farm. It has started to inspire me that I could do the same thing. Although my favorit part was the goats, they were just adorable. They take them for walks like you would with a dog! It was awesome and very encouraging for those of us who are stuck where we are but want something different. Farm Girl Hugs!