True Blue Farmgirl
374 Posts
374 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2009 : 2:09:45 PM
For those of you who're interested...
I've just finished creating a button for placement upon your own blogs to link back to us!
Here's the details. (Now, make sure your head's on straight, since you'll need to do several steps, all of them just so.)
You can do a simple version, or a slightly more complex version. Steps for the complex version are marked with * below. Here's a working example of the complex version (which you may want for your reference later, to compare whether your "installment" of the button is working correctly):
To begin with, you'll need to download the button image, and save it somewhere of your own on the web. Don't rename the image! particularly for the complex version. 1. Go to the button image at: 2. Right-click on it, and select "Save Picture As..." (or "Save Image As..."). Then, select somewhere on your computer to save it temporarily. 3. Now you'll need to find somewhere of your own on the web (not just your own computer) to save it — wherever you normally save images for your blog or website should do. *4*. If you're doing the complex version, you'll also grab this image:
Now, you'll need to place the button on your blog pages. 5. EITHER A) insert the image onto your page, the way you would normally place an image, then make it into a link to "" (however you normally do that sort of thing on your blog... I can't know, because it will differ depending what service you're using); OR B) if you have access to viewing the HTML code of your pages, insert this code where you want the button:
<a href=""><img id="btnMJF" src="*your button location/mjf_button.gif*" width="180" height="73" alt="MaryJanesFarm Button" class="" style="border: 0px;"></a>
Be sure to replace *your button location/mjf_button.gif* with the final location of your button image (which will look something like nttp:// ):
*5*. Grab the text off this page (all of it) and place it in the HTML for your blog page: Once again, you must be sure to replace *your button location/mjf_button.gif* with the URL of the location where your file of the button image is saved.
6. Load it up, and see if it works!
Good luck (and I'm not being sarcastic ;oP )! If you have any questions, you can email me at |