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 witchy farmgirls?
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
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Posted - Dec 13 2012 :  10:47:35 AM  Show Profile
I sent a quick e-mail to Kim to ask her thoughts on this, since whe put a lot of effort into it.

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

1825 Posts

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Posted - Dec 13 2012 :  10:52:14 AM  Show Profile
Thanks, Judith. I hope it won't be difficult to resurrect the project from what was already done for the first attempt.
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True Blue Farmgirl

451 Posts

Englewood Tennessee
451 Posts

Posted - Dec 22 2012 :  09:05:44 AM  Show Profile
Hi all, hope everyone had a blessed Yule!! blessings Phyllis
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Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training

47 Posts

Thornville Ohio
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Posted - Dec 22 2012 :  12:46:15 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Phyllis for your Yule blessings, and blessings to you as well and all.

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb
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True Blue Farmgirl

361 Posts

Denmark SC
361 Posts

Posted - Dec 22 2012 :  3:29:50 PM  Show Profile  Send Katlady93 a Yahoo! Message
Happy Yule to you.
i am enjoying the fire, the candles, and a wonderful stew with my DH.
Blessed Be

Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon.
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True Blue Farmgirl

453 Posts

Magnolia Texas
453 Posts

Posted - Dec 23 2012 :  06:52:55 AM  Show Profile
Meery Meet Ladies, I got to spend the entireday with my son and his 10 month-old daughter. Baby smiles and baby laughs are the best. Also, having some time with my boy while his sweet wife was at work, we just talked and reminisced. It was a truly joyful day.

When you free your mind your heart can fly. Farmgirl # 714,
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Dec 23 2012 :  07:01:41 AM  Show Profile
Yule Blessings, Witchy Farmgirls. May your ale be stout!

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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True Blue Farmgirl

1825 Posts

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Posted - Dec 23 2012 :  10:31:34 AM  Show Profile
Aw, MaryJane -- what a nice thought! Back atcha :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

361 Posts

Denmark SC
361 Posts

Posted - Dec 23 2012 :  4:24:14 PM  Show Profile  Send Katlady93 a Yahoo! Message
May everyone's holiday season be as happy and joy-filled as they need.
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True Blue Farmgirl

268 Posts

Cahokia IL
268 Posts

Posted - Dec 23 2012 :  9:17:12 PM  Show Profile
Blessed Yule ladies! I hope everyone is warm, happy, and healthy. MaryJane, how kind of you to stop by with wishes, thank you! I am still interested in the round robin letter, what ever happened to the first one who knows, but I'd give it another shot.

someplace between lost and found
annette FS#1372

not all who wander are lost

why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain
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True Blue Farmgirl

1949 Posts

Boonville IN
1949 Posts

Posted - Dec 24 2012 :  3:29:39 PM  Show Profile  Send melanie47601 a Yahoo! Message
Happy Yule! Hope everyone is staying warm. We started off the other day with an "Oh we might get an inch of snow" from the weather man the other day to a full out blizzard warning today. (It's not supposed to start snowing until tomorrow night. I think. LOL) I'm not so sure about this snow stuff. Bah! My kids on the other hand will love it! To make it really crazy, we just had sever thunderstorm weather last week. I think some areas around us even had tornado warnings. Gotta love the Midwest!LOL

I have spent the day all by myself (well with the critters). My kiddos left early this morning to spend the day with their dad. They will be home early tomorrow. I finished wrapping the rest of the gifts, stuffed the stockings, and finished baking the last of the goodies for tomorrow. In a short bit I will be heading out to help my momma finish up at work. I really don't mind as I have been off work since Thursday and I'm getting a little stir crazy.

Annette~ I just noticed your tag line. I LOVE it! "not all who wonder are lost"

Well ladies time to go.
Blessed Be~


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Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training

47 Posts

Thornville Ohio
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Posted - Dec 25 2012 :  06:59:49 AM  Show Profile
Greetings All and a special greetings to our Sister Melanie. Blessings and hugs on this Yule day as we raise our Mugs to Our Beloved #1 Farmgirl MaryJane for touching our lives with bright light and warm love.

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb
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True Blue Farmgirl

361 Posts

Denmark SC
361 Posts

Posted - Dec 25 2012 :  5:21:07 PM  Show Profile  Send Katlady93 a Yahoo! Message
Merry Christmas to everyone, we had a wonderful day with friends and are now relaxing.

Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon.
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True Blue Farmgirl

361 Posts

Denmark SC
361 Posts

Posted - Jan 10 2013 :  10:27:27 AM  Show Profile  Send Katlady93 a Yahoo! Message
Greetings all.
i was just reading about the new merit badges, and want to do the one for herbs. i love cooking with fresh herbs, they make such a difference in the taste of things.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a "witchy" herbgarden? i know the food ones i like -- oregano, rosemary, lavendar, etc. but are they any special ones that anyone else grows that i can try? Gardening around our house is a challenge, it is very shady, so i wind up with pots a lot of time.

Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon.
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True Blue Farmgirl

67 Posts

Manlius NY
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Posted - Jan 10 2013 :  1:55:42 PM  Show Profile
Charlotte you could try yarrow. It's kind of an all purpose spell herb and it grows like wildfire. Very pretty and fast to spread. How about white sage for smudge sticks. Catnip is easy to start, great offering to Bast and good tea for a lousy tummy. Not to mention our feline friends...

Ellen Dugan has an awesome garden book but I forget the name of it.

Have fun!

Farmgirl Sister #3450

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night - Sarah Williams
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 10 2013 :  3:03:12 PM  Show Profile
Any of the medicinal herbs that will grow on your property would be witchy. Yarrow is certainly a wonderful choice, given its support for the immune system and respiration. Though not particularly invasive in *my* experience, I'm always noticing new plants on the property since putting in my first transplants. Echinacea is also a good sturdy herb to grow, very showy and pretty much disease-proof, as are most herbs, actually, as long as you give them the right conditions. Its well known for building up the immune system (three weeks on, one week off, though, please, or you're wasting your time). Birds love the seeds when the flowers die. It is so hardy in my garden that I always have plenty of divisions to share with friends.

When you mentioned shade, I thought immediately of Sweet Woodruff, a pretty creeping ground cover that likes shade. It was a "strewing herb" in olden times; that is, people would strew it on floors to sweeten the room when people walked on it. Sweet Woodruff only releases its soft, soothing fragrance when it's been dried. Makes truly dreamy dream-pillow stuffing.

You might want to grow a Vitex (Chasteberry) tree. They are bushy, produce gorgeous spikes of little purple flowers in late summer when everything else has stopped blooming, and the small black berries that follow have long been used in tinctures to help women regulate their hormones. Lady's Mantle comes to mind also. Both these like sun, but can take a little shade.

Mugwort is especially witchy and grows pretty much anywhere, sun or not. It's often used in ritual cleansing/banishing. When I used to officiate at pagan weddings, I would mark the circle with massive cuttings of it, symbolically protecting everyone present from negative energy, even if they themselves brought some with them. (I also used appropriate herbs for the particular couple, including pretty flowers of the season that are traditionally associated with love. Mugwort can be invasive, though, so you might want to pot it up, as many people do with any member of the mint family.

My goodness, I could go on and on!

It's such fun to plan gardens, isn't it?
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True Blue Farmgirl

361 Posts

Denmark SC
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Posted - Jan 11 2013 :  09:55:13 AM  Show Profile  Send Katlady93 a Yahoo! Message
it is so much fun to plan gardens. i love it. the last two years have been very, very bad in terms of my being outside and playing in the dirt, i just haven't be able to do it. but i am going to this summer, i enjoy it way too much to let life interfere with living any more. :-) you know what i mean. and when i say shade, i mean shade. there are three small spots that are sunny. we have three trees that have to come down this summer and that will open up the yard some, and give us lots of good firewood for the winter.

Mugwort would be a good one to try. i have seen it in our New Age shop in town, and i have a wonderful rcoky hillside it could grow all over. the only competition would be the pineapple mint. i have an apple mint that i din't realize would be quite so vigorous. it is in the front bed. any one want some? it seems the more i pull and prune the better it grows. a friend gave me some plants when they bought a house and he moved from his trailer.

i think i will try the sweet woodruff, catnip and the mugwort for sure. maybe yarrow too. the neighbor has some, i might ask for some and i am looking at Ellen Dugan. gardening books are almost as much fun as cookbooks, don't you think?
thanks for the suggestions.

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True Blue Farmgirl

146 Posts

Pflugerville Texas
146 Posts

Posted - Jan 11 2013 :  2:19:45 PM  Show Profile
Hi ladies! I am currently without a computer. I am typing this on my ereader before I leave for.home. Thank you for free WiFi at work!!!!! Anyway, If you wish I can restart the round robin. Judith indicated there is still interest. Let me know! I hope you all had a Blessed Yule. I spent mine in Florida with my Dad and stepmom.

Forever farmgirl
Farmgirl Sister #1363
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True Blue Farmgirl

146 Posts

Pflugerville Texas
146 Posts

Posted - Jan 11 2013 :  2:22:33 PM  Show Profile
I'll check back in Monday. I think I still have the handwritten list of addresses somewhere.

Forever farmgirl
Farmgirl Sister #1363
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True Blue Farmgirl

1825 Posts

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Posted - Jan 11 2013 :  3:00:29 PM  Show Profile
Oh yes yes yes! Do you need any help?
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True Blue Farmgirl

361 Posts

Denmark SC
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Posted - Jan 11 2013 :  4:45:09 PM  Show Profile  Send Katlady93 a Yahoo! Message
what is a round robing letter? how does it work?

Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1949 Posts

Boonville IN
1949 Posts

Posted - Jan 12 2013 :  10:06:17 AM  Show Profile  Send melanie47601 a Yahoo! Message
Please please please start the round robin again!

Oh girls I had the greatest night last night. I began my first "class" last night, a Tarot class. Mind you I have to drive about 40 minutes to get there, but it is sooooo worth it. It was so amazing to be in a room full of people and not feel like an outcast. So encouraging and uplifting!

Hope you all have glorious weekend! It is gorgeous out there! 67 degrees in January. Do you believe it?! I love it!

Love to you all~


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True Blue Farmgirl

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1825 Posts

Posted - Jan 12 2013 :  11:07:08 AM  Show Profile
Merry meet (again), Melanie! Yes, there is nothing quite so pleasant as "coming home" to a good group of like-minded folk. Enjoy!
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Little Sparrow
Farmgirl in Training

47 Posts

Thornville Ohio
47 Posts

Posted - Jan 13 2013 :  07:15:52 AM  Show Profile
Melanie, Your happiness is such a joy! If you need to "practice" would love you to do a reading for me. The weather here in Ohio also is warm and rainy...the birds are singing with glee because of the break in the weather.

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Cherokee Proverb
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Jan 13 2013 :  08:22:38 AM  Show Profile
Yay, Kim! (I didn't want to comment again until the farmgirls heard from you.) Katlady93, this is my understanding of the round robin letter. You gather a list of persons interested in communicating with each other. One writes a letter and sends it to the next one on the list and so on. It finally returns to the first person who wrote. This is my understanding of it anyway. Ladies, please feel free to add to this or correct me.

Do you all think it would be a good idea to put a time limit on how long a participate keeps the letters? Maybe if you don't think you will be able to write your letter when you receive the packet write a short letter or note and move it along? What do you all think?

Maybe there are new witchy farmgirls who would like to join the list.

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon

Edited by - forgetmenot on Jan 13 2013 08:24:26 AM
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