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True Blue Farmgirl

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Pflugerville Texas
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Posted - May 14 2012 :  5:54:29 PM  Show Profile
How wonderful Melanie! Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Hope the ear infection is getting better!

Forever farmgirl
Farmgirl Sister #1363
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True Blue Farmgirl

1825 Posts

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Posted - May 15 2012 :  12:20:04 PM  Show Profile
Annie, it's sweet that you honor your grandmother's memory. I always say that no relationship ever ends. This is especially true for our blood relations. They are literally in our DNA! Like you (or so I gather) I feel much more connected to one of my grandmothers, who died just before I was born, than to my own mother. I have always wished I'd known her. I'm told she made a "spring tonic" that the local doctor recommended to his patients, and that her home was a way station for home cooking and friendly advice to all who passed by. I recently had the pleasure of visiting two houses where she lived in Rosendale, NY. It was like a trip back in time. Gave me chills -- the good kind. May you always thrive in the living spirit of your grandma.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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1825 Posts

Posted - May 15 2012 :  1:49:18 PM  Show Profile
I've posted photos of my "witchy stuff" in a Photobucket album that you can visit here:

I've had two witchy farmgirls ask about Tarot decks, so they should get first choice, but everything is offered to those who will use them properly, with love and with respect for the free will of all. The terms are to reimburse me for postage cost.

Motherpeace Tarot (the round one, in its original box)
Celtic Tarot - TAKEN
Witch's Tarot - TAKEN
Herbal Tarot
Miniature Rider-Waite Tarot
Robin Wood Tarot
(I forget the name) A beginner's Tarot with routine "interpretations" pre-printed on each card.

There are pouches and a padded cloth envelope-style enclosure for 4 of the decks. I'll include one that I feel goes best with the deck for the first 4 farmgirls who ask for them.

There is also a tin (aluminum?) drum (SORRY - TAKEN) that I've already described. It's about 17" tall but fairly lightweight. In a silly moment at Starwood a long time ago where I was one of the drummers, I scribbled a pentacle with a Sharpie on the skin, to note the drum's "sweet spot." I suppose that could be removed but I've never been motivated to do so :) The green grosgrain ribbon makes a decent shoulder strap.

Edited by - Rosemary on May 19 2012 11:46:53 AM
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Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl

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Custer S.D.
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Posted - May 15 2012 :  4:03:45 PM  Show Profile
Mara, that was so nice that you could "connect" with your grandmother in that way. I'm sure you received a connection from her when you visited her old houses. I'm a firm believer that people's spirits can stay in their houses even after they have passed on. My "granny" sounds very much like yours - making homemade remedies for people and her house was always open. She was an LPN in the nursery of the local hospital and all her "learnin" was done one the job - never went to college, but was probably mors wise than some of the doctors and nurses in what she knew about homemade remedies and how to treat peoples ailments - a long-ago knowledge of what mother earth offers in herbs, roots, etc. I wish I could have known her more and lived closer so I could have been with her more often, but the time we spent together was beyond belief and I cherish the memories and knowledge she passed on to me. And may you live on with the spirit of your grandmother - sounds like you two conected on your visit. Isn't it wonderful.
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True Blue Farmgirl

316 Posts

Ellsinore MO
316 Posts

Posted - May 16 2012 :  08:34:24 AM  Show Profile
Good morning, Sisters....I was raised by my grandparents about 5 miles from where I live now...we gardened, canned, butchered chickens, and enjoyed large family dinners on Sundays. They say that smell is the strongest memory trigger and the air smells the same today as it did when I was a little girl and the memories of my wonderful grandparents and all that they done for me as a child will be with me until my last breath is drawn. I ran through the woods as a child and I could hear my grandma call me home for supper....maybe one day when I get ready to depart this life...I will hear her call my name once more.

Blessed Be,

Auntie M
Farmgirl # 4062
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Farmgirl in Training

25 Posts

Smithville OH
25 Posts

Posted - May 18 2012 :  1:40:44 PM  Show Profile
Hi All, I'm new here. This forum looks like a good place for me to fit in. Saw where it said not to discuss religion, then stumbled upon this. Yea!
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True Blue Farmgirl

697 Posts

Chambersburg PA
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Posted - May 18 2012 :  2:16:18 PM  Show Profile
Hey ladies,

I have some ruins that I would like to give away. No charge, no barter, just free. They are from my religion search several years ago. Please message me with your name and address and I will get it in the mail.

Farmgirl #2951
No longer renting, offical farmgirl.
Check out my new blog at
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Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl

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Custer S.D.
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Posted - May 18 2012 :  2:37:36 PM  Show Profile
Welcome Cass. This is a great place to learn and share. So happy you found us.
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Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl

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Custer S.D.
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Posted - May 18 2012 :  2:39:02 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn that is such a sweet memory that will stay with you forever. Isn't it wonderful!!
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Farmgirl in Training

25 Posts

Smithville OH
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Posted - May 18 2012 :  3:01:46 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Annie. It's hard to find Pagan friends around where I live, it's a very conservative area. And Farmgirls to boot! Gotta love it.
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True Blue Farmgirl

316 Posts

Ellsinore MO
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Posted - May 18 2012 :  4:04:27 PM  Show Profile
Welcome, Cass...hope you enjoy our little grove!!!

Yes, Annie, my memories are so precious....I never get bored. And on those rare days when all the farm work is finished for the day, I sit and watch the sunset and let the memories flood my doesn't get much better than this!

Love and Light,

Auntie M
Farmgirl # 4062
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True Blue Farmgirl

146 Posts

Pflugerville Texas
146 Posts

Posted - May 19 2012 :  08:45:24 AM  Show Profile
Cass welcome! I'm sure you will love it here. Are you interested in the Witchy Round Robin letter writing?

Forever farmgirl
Farmgirl Sister #1363
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Farmgirl in Training

25 Posts

Smithville OH
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Posted - May 19 2012 :  11:23:10 AM  Show Profile
Not to sound dumb, but what is the Witchy Round Robin letter writing? :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

1825 Posts

1825 Posts

Posted - May 19 2012 :  11:45:23 AM  Show Profile
The drum, Witch's Tarot and Celtic Tarot are spoken for. Thank you, sisters! There are other nice Tarot decks available, and of course all the other things. No takers on "The Burning Times"? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you ;) Actually at this point, since the largest, bulkiest item (the drum) are gone, all that remains is one nice big box of everything! Wouldn't someone love it all? No pressure, of course....

Edited by - Rosemary on May 19 2012 3:46:50 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

146 Posts

Pflugerville Texas
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Posted - May 19 2012 :  3:31:18 PM  Show Profile
Hi Cass. A round robin is a type of letter written. One person writes a letter to the general group and sends it to the next person on the list. That person write a letter and send both letters to the next participant. I started the letter. By the time it gets back to me I will have 12 letters to read! And then we start again! The witchy aspect is since we are all "witch" farmgals, we share those aspects of our lives, too. And anything else for that matter. Come join the fun!

Forever farmgirl
Farmgirl Sister #1363
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Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl

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Custer S.D.
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Posted - May 19 2012 :  3:55:12 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I too will just all of a sudden sit and remember my times at my granny's place and helping her in the garden or kitchen and just listening to her stories. It brings such a peace of mind to me no matter what I'm doing.
Cass, know what you mean - I too live in a very conservative, very religious little town where everyone knows everyone elses business. There's no way you can talk about anything "non" religious here. That's why I love this thread - one can be open about everything and you know every one will understand you and you can talk openly.
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True Blue Farmgirl

146 Posts

Pflugerville Texas
146 Posts

Posted - May 19 2012 :  4:31:14 PM  Show Profile
Mara-sent you an e-mail!

Forever farmgirl
Farmgirl Sister #1363
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Farmgirl in Training

25 Posts

Smithville OH
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Posted - May 20 2012 :  12:17:06 PM  Show Profile
Kim, the letters sound like a good way to get to know each other, count me in!
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Farmgirl in Training

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Smithville OH
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Posted - May 20 2012 :  12:35:34 PM  Show Profile
Annie, You are out there in SD with the Hutterites, right? My ex husband lives in NE South Dakota. It's interesting. We have Amish, Mennonites, and otherwise alot of very conservative Christians. I lived out west for several years and found the people there to be much more openminded, enlightened, if you will, and way less judgmental than the Midwest. A generalization, I know, but overall, my experience.
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True Blue Farmgirl

316 Posts

Ellsinore MO
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Posted - May 20 2012 :  1:19:11 PM  Show Profile
Living in the mid-west does have its narrow-minded ness and I, too, live in the bible-belt of can be trying, but as I have stated before I just makes me feel like I have a secret that nobody else knows or like maybe I know something better than they do! Hehehe

Who has the letter now? Yes, I am patiently waiting *drumming fingers on the table*....... LOL!!!

Y'all have a great day!

Love and Light,

Auntie M
Farmgirl # 4062
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True Blue Farmgirl

1949 Posts

Boonville IN
1949 Posts

Posted - May 20 2012 :  2:18:10 PM  Show Profile  Send melanie47601 a Yahoo! Message
Mara~ Just curious if you received my email. I've been out of town, cleaned out my inbox this morning and hoping I didn't inadvertently delete your response.

Hope all of you had a lovely weekend! Is anyone watching for the eclipse today? A gal I used to work with mentioned that we should be able to see it about 5pm cst so I know what I'll be doing that is if I don't get side-tracked and forget all about it. LOL



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True Blue Farmgirl

146 Posts

Pflugerville Texas
146 Posts

Posted - May 20 2012 :  8:10:10 PM  Show Profile
Yes, who has the letter now? We need to get Melanie and Cass added!!

Forever farmgirl
Farmgirl Sister #1363
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Farmgirl in Training

25 Posts

Smithville OH
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Posted - May 21 2012 :  03:38:34 AM  Show Profile
Marylyn, I hear ya on feeling like you have a secret, a lot of people around here just think I'm weird, that's ok with me.

Kim, do you need my PO box or is the letter done thru e mail?

Bright Blessing!
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Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl

756 Posts

Custer S.D.
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Posted - May 21 2012 :  12:25:00 PM  Show Profile
Cass, have never heard of any Hutterites out this way in the Hills. We have lots of Luteran's out here tho. And not to far from my town is a FLDS compound. You can imagine what that's like!! Otherwise, I'm like the rest - I have a secret. My kids and step-kids think I'm weird at times with what I read, etc., but when I'm with the grandkids they are so open minded and accept what I'm telling them or showing them. I'm so hopeing I can pass on some knowledge to one of my kids' kids.
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Farmgirl in Training

25 Posts

Smithville OH
25 Posts

Posted - May 21 2012 :  2:20:01 PM  Show Profile
Oh! I can imagine what it's like Annie, very interesting! My girls think I'm weird too, but are accepting of my weirdness. My son, the youngest, burns sage, and asks alot of questions of a spiritual nature. He takes his spirituality seriously, and is finding what is right for him. All 4 of my kids are teens, no grandkids here yet, but my time will come. I think it's great ghat you can teach yours! They will take it with them, learning young they absorb it like a sponge.
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