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 witchy farmgirls?
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Glen Burnie Maryland
263 Posts

Posted - Apr 24 2009 :  11:33:03 AM  Show Profile  Send carolbrigid a Yahoo! Message
Yeah, my church is pretty open and liberal. They don't care what you wear. I know what you mean, Phyllis about the Southern Baptist thing. Do I ever. I've had my own bad experiences with that. I don't disrespect anyone's religion or faith. But I don't like it when they get preachy or pushy. I turn away immediately. I think a lot of the customs of the Orthodox church come from old European customs. We had people who attend who are from different countries who dress differently and seem more "old fashioned" I guess is the term. So maybe that's why that priest told Stephanie to come back dressed differently. They wouldn't do that at my church. I've been to all kinds of churches, even the southern ones who handle the snakes. That was kind of freaky, LOL.

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #222
Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter
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True Blue Farmgirl

247 Posts

Oakland CA
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Posted - Apr 24 2009 :  11:50:51 AM  Show Profile  Send sjs an AOL message  Send sjs a Yahoo! Message
Snakes? Wow! That sounds like a great story.

Learning to live is learning to let go.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Oakland CA
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Posted - Apr 28 2009 :  8:14:19 PM  Show Profile  Send sjs an AOL message  Send sjs a Yahoo! Message
Are any of you on covenspace? I'm here:

Learning to live is learning to let go.

Visit my food blog! - natural cooking to live for.
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True Blue Farmgirl

451 Posts

Englewood Tennessee
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Posted - Apr 29 2009 :  2:56:52 PM  Show Profile
Hey Stephanie, I haven't been to coven-space. I'm not too up on the blog thing and face book and such. you are witnessing my entire ability on the computer. LOL. technically challenged, that's me. I'll stop by and try to figure it out. hugs Phyllis
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True Blue Farmgirl

2552 Posts

St. Paul Minnesota
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Posted - Apr 29 2009 :  3:16:32 PM  Show Profile
okay....I have some reading to do. Things got NUTS around here and I lost track of the swap members. If you want to be in the swap for the Midsommer Besom, shoot me an email-AND if you'd like to be in the witch way farmgirl chapter!!! Off to read the pages of witchy farmgirls!!!

~*~Brightest Blessings~*~
Farmgirl Sister #88


"Joyful chaos, working in tune with the seasons, telling itme by the sun, variety, change and self-direction; all this wwas replaced with a brutal, standardized work culture, the effects of which we are still suffering from today." - Tom Hodgkinson in 'How To Be Idle'
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True Blue Farmgirl

348 Posts

Carrollton Georgia
348 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2009 :  5:52:38 PM  Show Profile
Have you got me on your list for both?

Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
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Farmgirl in Training

48 Posts

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Posted - Apr 30 2009 :  08:11:42 AM  Show Profile
Hey everyone! has the swap been decided? Someone back a few posts said something about making a broom and posting the pic. Certainly would take care fo the shipping...LOL

"Never spend time with people who do not respect you."

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True Blue Farmgirl

433 Posts

Benton City WA
433 Posts

Posted - Apr 30 2009 :  08:49:23 AM  Show Profile
I am down for a trade. I got some super cool Broom Corn seed from a local lady and I am plannin for a sweet besom. SO count me in.


Nude Food Farm
~Grown so good,
Dressing is Optional.
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True Blue Farmgirl

465 Posts

465 Posts

Posted - Apr 30 2009 :  9:24:38 PM  Show Profile
Love to read what you have all written and hope you go through with the book idea. Count me in if you do. Maybe I could share my Aurora Borealis story with you all. It is truly magical. Is the Tom Hodgkinson quote from a book? I love it and would like to read more.


"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." John Muir
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Apr 30 2009 :  11:31:56 PM  Show Profile
Just flew in from Illinois...I'm not a witch, but I'm an eco-spiritualist with strong connections to the Catholic Church. What does that make me? I'm the kind of person who'll bless a tree with Holy Water and then skip mass so I can go for a walk in the park. OK, I'm a leettle bit weird. It's nice to know that there are some good pagans out there cause I had a very bad experience with one. Have had bad experiences with the Catholic Church as well--yet I keep looking for the good in both. My mission is to live softly on the Earth and make people aware that yes, the Earth is alive--and if we humans abuse it, God (or the Goddess if you please) will give it the power to seek revenge. I'm not sure what that makes me--a new age Christian? Or a Catholic pagan?
Who knows? Just know that I love this forum and enjoy reading what ya'll have to say. Don't plan on ever becoming a witch, but it's neat that we can all do our thing and be respectful of each other. Happy May Day
"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven"
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Farmgirl in Training

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Posted - May 01 2009 :  06:40:20 AM  Show Profile
Merry Beltane everyone :D

Hi Prariehawk :)I don't see anything weird about blessing trees and skipping mass.
I am a loosely defined Pagan, myself. :D

What did you fly in on??? LOL


"Never spend time with people who do not respect you."

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True Blue Farmgirl

1181 Posts

Lake Stevens Washington
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Posted - May 01 2009 :  09:25:16 AM  Show Profile
Merry Beltane to all!!!

Farmgirl Sister #283
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True Blue Farmgirl

247 Posts

Oakland CA
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Posted - May 01 2009 :  10:59:12 AM  Show Profile  Send sjs an AOL message  Send sjs a Yahoo! Message
Happy Beltane!!

Cindy, we all practice what is right for us, and I totally appreciate your beliefs! I don't subscribe to any one doctrine, and I'm just happy you've found something that makes you happy. :)

Learning to live is learning to let go.

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True Blue Farmgirl

451 Posts

Englewood Tennessee
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Posted - May 01 2009 :  11:12:57 AM  Show Profile
Happy Beltane ya'll!!!

Cindy, maybe a Christian with Pagan tendencies??? A Pagan with Christian tendencies?? Heck, who needs a title??? Many of us have a varied belief system, I think you will fit right in here. glad you stopped by.

kristin, love the screen name!!! I would also love to hear your aurora borealis story!! I hope to see the aurora some day.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. blessings Phyllis
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True Blue Farmgirl

2552 Posts

St. Paul Minnesota
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Posted - May 01 2009 :  1:54:09 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, I'd call you a Catholic witch! For a long time that is how I identified. I think it is entirely feasable to be both, ESPECIALLY in the Catholic Church!

There is still a swap....I'll give it till Monday for sign up and then assign partners! YAY!

~*~Brightest Blessings~*~
Farmgirl Sister #88


"Joyful chaos, working in tune with the seasons, telling itme by the sun, variety, change and self-direction; all this wwas replaced with a brutal, standardized work culture, the effects of which we are still suffering from today." - Tom Hodgkinson in 'How To Be Idle'
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True Blue Farmgirl

2552 Posts

St. Paul Minnesota
2552 Posts

Posted - May 01 2009 :  1:56:36 PM  Show Profile
oh and... Blessed Beltane!!

Blessed Be the Goddess and God in their month of union!!

~*~Brightest Blessings~*~
Farmgirl Sister #88


"Joyful chaos, working in tune with the seasons, telling itme by the sun, variety, change and self-direction; all this wwas replaced with a brutal, standardized work culture, the effects of which we are still suffering from today." - Tom Hodgkinson in 'How To Be Idle'
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - May 01 2009 :  7:10:57 PM  Show Profile
Blessed Beltane? Is that Pagan for May Day? Nice picture of the Goddess and God--I've never met a Catholic witch but I know a few priests who are into the eco-spiritualist movement. That's how I got into it--by attending some retreats. I guess you could say I was spirited away.
Besides, I live alone, with my animals, so if I had lived in earlier times,I'd probably be considered a witch. Maybe i do have pagan tendencies...I've always been able to sense what animals are feeling, so maybe I have the makings of an animal shaman. Animals "tell" me things, like if they're scared, if I'm invading their territory, etc. I used to think that everyone was like that but now I know better.
Actually, I think it's all a part of being human. And I prefer humans who are in touch with the natural world. That's why i love MJF.
What's the swap about?
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True Blue Farmgirl

895 Posts

Houston Texas
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Posted - May 01 2009 :  8:46:20 PM  Show Profile
Please put me down for the witch way farmgirl chapter. I would love to do the broom thing but am just to bogged down with training a new horse and making new curtains to get it done and I don't want to disappoint. I would be down for one later in the year though if there is ever another one. And since the word Pagan actually means "country dweller" I guess that any farmgirl that wants to can call herself one.
Here is wishing all of you a very Blessed Beltane.

May the force of the Horse be with you.
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True Blue Farmgirl

348 Posts

Carrollton Georgia
348 Posts

Posted - May 02 2009 :  3:17:09 PM  Show Profile
Ok, so I'm putting together a Maiden Lodge/ Moon Circle for my daughter and a friend. I have 12 months mapped out and can't decide whether I should set up a blog just for this project. Both of these girls are private, solitary girls and I was thinking that having a place they (and others) can go to check in with each other and me and to post ideas might be good. What do ya think? Sometimes I overthink things and get bogged down in the details!

Proud Farmgirl Sister # 267
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True Blue Farmgirl

1181 Posts

Lake Stevens Washington
1181 Posts

Posted - May 02 2009 :  9:07:33 PM  Show Profile
Dana-I think that is a fabulous idea! Wow! I wish I had had something like that to check into when I was younger!

Farmgirl Sister #283
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Farmgirl at Heart

7 Posts

7 Posts

Posted - May 03 2009 :  09:40:45 AM  Show Profile
Hey Guys! I am so happy to find you all! Count me into both the swap and the chapter please. I saw all of you waldorf homeschoolers - me too.
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True Blue Farmgirl

433 Posts

Benton City WA
433 Posts

Posted - May 03 2009 :  09:59:14 AM  Show Profile
Dana, that is a fantastic idea! I have small girls and often wonder how to intergrate more "goddess power" into their lives. I am very interested.
Tasha, I look forward to hearing about the swap.
Hey ~ does anyone know the differance between Beltane and Lunar Beltane?


Nude Food Farm
~Grown so good,
Dressing is Optional.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 03 2009 :  10:16:11 AM  Show Profile  Send LynnMarie a Yahoo! Message
I am definitely interested in joining but I would like to know - what are we swapping?


Bringing the Past Back to Life

"You may never know what results come from your action. But, if you do nothing, there will be no results" -Gandhi
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True Blue Farmgirl

433 Posts

Benton City WA
433 Posts

Posted - May 03 2009 :  11:15:57 AM  Show Profile
Summer Solstice Besoms (Brooms)
to use to cleanse your alters and purify your space.
Or fly away. . .


Nude Food Farm
~Grown so good,
Dressing is Optional.
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True Blue Farmgirl

389 Posts

Pikeville TN
389 Posts

Posted - May 03 2009 :  11:22:24 AM  Show Profile
Flyin' in to join the witch way and the swap... YAHOO i thought there were a few of us around.

live well,
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" follow me!
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