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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
Motholelis Mom
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Aug 24 2011 : 1:40:38 PM
I started out nursing career on med/surg unit, then did OB/GYN private practice, followed by eight years in a fertility clinic as IVF coordinator and surgical assistant. Did a bit of hospice, LTC and vaccination clinics, but my full time job now is as an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. Sure wish I could have a chat with my Wise Woman great grandmother who died right after I was born: pick her brain about how she used runes and plants for healing. Her medicine book was burned and her runes were buried in a secret location by my grandmother, her daughter-in-law, after she died. Such a loss. Deborah
Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. -- Margaret B. Runbeck
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 24 2011 : 2:48:41 PM
Deborah, Ignorance is not always blistful... I am sorry to hear about the loss of your Great grandmother's knowledge and wisdom.
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 24 2011 : 4:12:34 PM
Hi Cate, welcome!!!!! glad you are here! I always thought we should all get along well myself. good to meet you. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

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Posted - Aug 24 2011 : 4:25:32 PM
Phyllis, look up Robert Bruce. His books are really good on astral projection. Once you've got that you can do pretty much anything astrally speaking. I've got quite a few pdfs of his if you'd like I can send them to you, just let me know.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps, if you are not willing to move your feet--Dr. Kioni |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
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Posted - Aug 27 2011 : 5:22:52 PM
Glad to see this thread back up and running. Have been gone for three weeks seeing new grandson in WI and daughter and kids in MN and didn't have a chance to get onto a computer and check out if any one was on the thread again. Guess it's just been a really busy summer for everyone. Amy, I think we have all felt "alone" and that's why this thread is so wonderful and important to us. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 28 2011 : 5:34:20 PM
Hi all, Annette, glad your little man is healthy, I know you feel blessed to have him. wondered why you would like to work in vaccinations? I'm a little on the not sure about vaccinations, as in I think we may do too many, too early. I'm not against vaccinations, just wonder if one reason for the increase in allergies, autoimmune illness could be because of overload. maybe we should spread them out a bit, ya know?
Deborah, so sorry that your great grandmothers wonderful knowledge was lost to you. that is so sad.
Rachel,thanks for the info. I would love any info you could send. no hurry though, right now my brain isn't working very well. I will look up Robert Bruce. I find that I have a really hard time concentrating and meditating much of the time. thanks again for your help.
Annie, good to see you!!!! congrats on the new grandson!!!! glad you got to visit with him and the rest of the family. I too, am glad to see the thread more active. it's good to not feel alone.
blessings Phyllis |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
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Posted - Aug 28 2011 : 6:36:06 PM
Deborah, I know what you mean about your g.grandmother. My mother's mom was that way too. She was so attuned to the earth and animals and knew so much. But then she was American Indian and grew up with nature and was very much a wise woman. I think that's where I get my calling from. She and I were very close - I was actually closer to her than I was my own mother because we understood each other so well. We didn't even have to speak to each other - we just sensed each other. My g.m. had everything in her head. As a child I remember trying to keep up with her and what she was doing - her rituals, etc. She was an LPN by trade, but she had such a healing ability about herself in "non-medical" ways people came to her from far and wide. She could treat anything with the good old folk remedies from mother earth. In fact that's where my head is telling me to concentrate. Even picked up a book at my son's called "Old Fashioned Health Remedies" published in 1977. Have gotten half way through it and low and behold, all these remedies, etc. are from our grandmothers and great grandmothers area. I'm so thankful for the time I was able to spend with my g.m. and what she taught me and what she has passed on to me. I feel her with me every day. |
True Blue Farmgirl
67 Posts
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Posted - Aug 29 2011 : 05:19:52 AM
Annie, Deborah - You should have have a look at The Cherokee Herbal by J.T. Garrett. It divides into Native plant medicines from each cardinal point. I also like Herbal Folk Medicine by Thomas Broken Bear Squier. Lots of info. Maybe you will find them interesting.
My grandmother is of Italian descent and her cure-all was whiskey. Chills? Shot of whiskey with coffee. Teething? Rub whiskey on the gums. Achey joints? Rub whiskey on em. The father in "my Big Fat Greek Wedding" reminds me of her. Man I miss her. And, eh, her whiskey too. Hehe.
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night - Sarah Williams |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 29 2011 : 10:01:15 AM
Cate, thank you so much for the info on the books. Will befinetly check to see if I can find them on Amazon (we no longer have a big chain book store where we live with Borders closing this summer). But living out in the Hills here, we have a lot of stores that carry books on the Lakota Indians, so maybe I can find something along the same line as the two you suggeted. Will also check our little library to see if they have anything or possibly they could find them at a bigger library to send over. Your g.m. sounds like she was a hoot to know. Thanks so much again. |
Motholelis Mom
Farmgirl in Training
37 Posts
37 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2011 : 1:39:45 PM
Phyllis, I just found out about something my sister, who has CFS and Fibromyalgia is trying. It is a bit controversial. It is called the Marshall Protocol, put together by an electrical engineer, of all people. < > Not sure who is prescribing all the meds for her, but she is pretty desperate, since the usual stuff hasn't done any good and she is on disability at age 44. Check it out and see if it resonates for you. I have some concerns about possibly promoting resistant strains of bacteria and osteoporosis from abolishing Vitamin D, but also want to support my baby sister. She is going to do a blog about her experience with this protocol. I will ask her if I can post a link or something, if you are interested. Cate, thanks for reminding me, somebody gave me a copy of The Cherokee Herbal a few years back. Maybe it is time to put it at the top of the "to-read" queue! Annie, I can't help but think that given the precarious state of the technological world as we know it, keeping this herbal/healing wisdom and knowledge alive and vibrant may save us all in the end. Blessings, Deborah
Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. -- Margaret B. Runbeck
Motholelis Mom
Farmgirl in Training
37 Posts
37 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2011 : 1:46:19 PM
Also, Cate, I love your reference to Granny's whiskey! My husband's herbal remedy of choice for back pain is Jaegermeister! It has something like 37 different herbs in a liqueur. I actually emailed the company, told them I was an herbalist and wondered if they could tell me which herbs are in there. Inquiring minds, right? They emailed back saying it was a secret formula! So any guesses? Licorice and...? 
Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. -- Margaret B. Runbeck
Edited by - Motholelis Mom on Aug 29 2011 1:46:58 PM |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
756 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2011 : 3:51:38 PM
Deborah, you're right. So many people these days are looking for an alternative to the "man made" drugs out there that seem to have so many bad side affects and are so very expensive. Getting back to the "old" ways of treating aliments is on the rise. Our grandparents and great grandparents knew what worked from what mother earth had to offer us. I remember when my kids were teething back in the '70's that I rubbed whiskey on their gums and when I had a tooth ache I used an herbal pack on my gums. There has to be a way to find out what herbs are in the Jaegemeister - some where on-line. I will also be sending your sister warm thoughts that she has some relief. Hope she allows you to share her experience with this procedure.
True Blue Farmgirl
67 Posts
67 Posts |
Posted - Aug 31 2011 : 06:25:13 AM
Have you ladies heard of Rosemary Gladstar? She's pretty well known herbalist in the New England neck of the woods at least. I'm taking an Herbalist correspondance course with her. I already know quite a bit from self-study and use, but I wanted a formal education in it. (I just wish NY recognized it as a healing practice. So advanced, yet soooo backward...) I'm loving the course so far. I agree that a return to natural healing is needed in this country.
Deborah, It's been a long time since I've had Jaegermeister. I wonder! My first guesses are anise, cinnamon, ginger...? It is similar to a liquor from the Czech Republic called Becherovka that they use as a digestive aid and for arthritis. So maybe hubby has the right idea!
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night - Sarah Williams |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
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Posted - Sep 01 2011 : 07:10:17 AM
Morning ladies, I really envy those of you with grandmothers full of knowledge and love. Cate, I have a copy of Cherokee herbal, have to read it yet though, I love Rosemary Gladstar, I also have a couple of books by Susun Weed that has lots of info. I'm very careful about wildcrafting cause I'm not sure that I'm picking the right thing. ; )
Deborah, I'm so sorry that your sister is dealing with M.E/ fibromyalgia too. I have had it since my teens, but the big crash (when I could no longer work and live my "normal" life came at 43. of course I consider myself lucky, as my daughter and several others I know became disabled at 16. I have heard of the Marshall protocol. I only know one person who has tried it, it wasn't the cure she had hoped, but she is still following it. I too, worry about not getting enough Vit. D. there are lots of risks with that, plus as you say the resistant bacteria etc. Hope your sister only has good results.
I am trying to use natural treatments for our M.E. and F.M. I take valerian and it helps with sleep and pain. the doctor wants me to take Lyrica, I have tried it and it helps with the pain, but my goodness the side effects are really bad. I'm afraid I don't trust most of the new medicines, not well tested I think.
Jaegeremister huh?? LOL. well, gotta check that out. : ). Hope everyone is having a great day. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Sep 02 2011 : 7:13:32 PM
Phyllis, I agree with you for the most part regarding vaccinations and lil ones (a chicken pox vacc really?). The increase in allergies is astounding and I believe that at some point with our "a pill will fix it" mentality we're going to have to start living in plastic bubbles at a near point in our future.
So on that note, I do seasonal flu and pneumo vaccinations at various locations in my area. Most of the people are elderly or health care workers who have been mandated by an employer to get the shot. I would like to find a clinic type setting that does vaccinations for people who will be traveling outside of our country.. keep them from inadvertently bringng a nasty home with them. I know I'm wierd
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2011 : 06:41:54 AM
Hi Annette, I'm trying so hard to get away from the pill thing. working on a natural treatment for hypertension, and asthma. I made a garlic syrup for the blood pressure, but REALLY have a hard time taking a big dose of liquid garlic in the morning. LOL. taking garlic capsules instead for now.
hope today is a good one. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2011 : 2:56:44 PM
Phyllis, Liquid garlic? ECK!!! I can imagine that was one nasty drink!
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Sep 04 2011 : 07:14:39 AM
Hi Annette, yup, you chop the garlic, put it in vinegar and water, let it set for about a week, then add glycerin(and I added honey) so it's not pure garlic. however it's still REALLY strong. doesn't sit well with my constant nausea. LOL. ah, well, I tried. I'll stick with the capsules. ; )
hope you are having a great weekend. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
67 Posts
67 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2011 : 07:44:51 AM
Hello ladies! Quick check-in today. I have been SO busy with the wonderful garden blessings from our big blue Momma! I have not even looked at my computer in weeks. I hope everyone is well and is enjoying whatever bounty has come to them! (in any form) Good thing you lovelies don't live too close or I'd be slipping zukes and kale into your unlocked cars at night! Mua ha ha!
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night - Sarah Williams |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2011 : 09:06:42 AM
Hi Cate, wish I did live closer, I love zukes and kale. LOL. glad you are having a bountiful harvest!! much of our garden didn't do very well this year, soooo hot and dry, but we have enjoyed the goodies we have. getting our fall garden in now.
blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2011 : 8:09:35 PM
hey there ladies! How is every ones week starting out?
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
Farmgirl in Training
39 Posts
39 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2011 : 11:32:48 PM
Just wanted to stop in and say hi. Been at the witchy thing for some time now. Read the comments concerning Grandma's. I had one that was Half Chactaw and she was a water dowser. Very good on too I am told. Sadly I didn't get to spend much time with her as she and my Mom didn't get along. Hope to get to know everyone better.
Anyone have plans for the solstice.
Blessed be
Thoughts are things choose the good ones. |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2011 : 08:35:50 AM
Gracy, welcome to our little peice of MJF, we're glad to have you!!
We don't really have any plans for solstice but I plan on decorating the front porch tomorrow.. does that count?
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2011 : 09:07:25 AM
Hi Gracy, so good to meet you!! welcome!! I'm sorry you didn't get to spend more time with your Grandmother, sounds like she would have been interesting to know.
No plans yet for Solstice, how about your? Annette, how you going to decorate your porch? right now I'm spending my energies getting okra in the freezer. LOL.
Hope everyone is having a great day. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2011 : 09:19:11 AM
Phyllis, I was thinkin a few mums that I'll transplant into the yard after, a hay bale and we're making a trip to old time pottery today.. pick up a couple of crows and what ever else I find.. oh and we're going to the GW as well.. never know what I'll come home with. We're goin pear pickin tomorrow if we can swing it so I'll be putting those up soon too.. pear butter, spiced and probably just plain in syrup.
someplace between lost and found annette FS#1372
not all who wander are lost
why worry about the comming storm when you can learn to dance in the rain |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |