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 witchy farmgirls?
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True Blue Farmgirl

697 Posts

Chambersburg PA
697 Posts

Posted - Apr 12 2011 :  4:29:43 PM  Show Profile
Motholelis, your great grandmother sounds like an amazing woman. It seems so odd to me that because that sibling was the wierd one that they are cast in a bad light. My dad is very hard on his sister. I love her to pieces, we share alot, scattered brains, love of the odd, and seeing the beauty in everyday. I understand her completely. I hope that your great grandmother helps you along to your answer

Batz, Unless there is a physical barrier, my hubby will run everything over, including the pea gardern.

Currently renting-farmgirl wannabe
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Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts

Mayville New York
8 Posts

Posted - Apr 12 2011 :  8:44:37 PM  Show Profile
Hi all! I just joined the sisterhood today and on a whim did a search for 'pagan' in the forum- a gal can always hope ;-) Sure enough I just spent the past few hours getting caught up on this thread!
My husband and I are part of the Black Forest tradition of Wicca. I've been practicing the Craft since the mid 80's. I love the format of my tradition, but view myself more specifically as a cunning woman and brauchere (pa dutch form of folk healing and magic)
My husband and I, (in a beautifully turned phrase said earlier here), in the process of following our fondest wishes, just bought an old farmhouse (a major fixer upper)on 18 mostly wooded acres with access to another 80+. We spent about a decade getting our last house fixed up to sell so we could do this. Our long term goal is to turn this land into a subsistence farm/covenstead camp and to move my shop to the property so I don't have to make the 1:40 commute any more. I am a tattoo artist of 20+yrs and my shop is a witchy supply shop. When I move it here, I hope to be able to also sell some of what we grow, and if I have my way- honey. I want bees in the worst way!
So, I'm new in my lovely little town, and people sure are nice- but my students are taking students of their own now and with the distance I'm having a bit of 'empty nest syndrome.'
In short, its sure nice to have some other witchy farmgirls to chat with, while I keep an eye out for the ones hiding hill and dale around here.
Along with gardening I spin, make soap, brew beer and mead, work with herbs (medicinal and magical) and make crafty things. I'm not so good at sewing, catching water snakes or working on high ladders.
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True Blue Farmgirl

451 Posts

Englewood Tennessee
451 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2011 :  07:05:16 AM  Show Profile
Hi Chimene, welcome!!!! glad you found us. your farm sounds wonderful, and your shop!!! looking forward to getting to know you. blessings Phyllis
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Farmgirl in Training

39 Posts

Shelby AL
39 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2011 :  12:12:15 PM  Show Profile
Welcome Chimene! You sound like an interesting lady! I'd love to see some of your work. and wish I could visit your shop!

Following the earlier conversation about the lawns being overtaken by herbs and such, I'm trying to convince Husband to plant our yard in herbs so he WON'T have to mow it. It's steep and somewhat terraced and more weeds than grass so he feels like he has to keep it cut to look tidy. (Our neighbors on both sides never cut their grass and have crap everywhere; fallen trees, yard cars, home improvement supplies - doors, lumber, windows, toilets, etc. He HATES that!)
I think it would look nice done in perennial herbs that would be there all year or come back. Mix in some of the daylilies, iris, columbine and tiger lilies we already have, and it could be a lovely garden, no mowing necessary. Trying to build up my herb garden to include medicinal and other "necessaries" a bit at a time.

Such a lovely day today. Cool, low humidity for a change, sunny; great day for knitting on the porch and watching the boats go by.

Hope you are all having a wonderful day.

To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges.
- Paulo Coelho -
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Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts

Mayville New York
8 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2011 :  1:24:26 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for the welcome!

Teresa, I'm with you on the 'no lawn' notion. There are some options to consider if you'd like a lawn like area- carpet thyme and a chamomile lawn- both take walking on well and smell amazing.

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Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl

756 Posts

Custer S.D.
756 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2011 :  3:18:52 PM  Show Profile
Deborah and Chimene, welcome to the site. You both sound so interesting and can't wait to hear more from you. Learn and teach from all and to all.
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Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts

Mayville New York
8 Posts

Posted - Apr 14 2011 :  7:05:03 PM  Show Profile
Teresa (TeJo), you asked a few weeks back about herbs that like crappy soil in full sun. You are a bit further south than me, but you would probably do well with these:
Echinacea (cone flower), Poppy, Yucca, mullein, bergamot, lobelia, st. john's wort, mints, cinquefoil, white sage, coltsfoot,evening primrose, broom- scotch or dyers, motherwort, yarrow, valerian. Also, rosemary should perrenialize where you live, it likes sun and well drained soil. Most of these are rather tall, aside from some strains of lobelia, mint, coltsfoot, cinquefoil.

"Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape."
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Farmgirl in Training

39 Posts

Shelby AL
39 Posts

Posted - Apr 15 2011 :  08:43:26 AM  Show Profile
Thanks, Chimene. I have Rosemary, they're huge bushes now. Also, sage, oregano, mint (of course...) and a couple others that always come back. We used to have primrose everywhere on the sides of the road, but the state, in their infinite wisdom, has destroyed so many of our wildflowers with herbicides to "clean up the roadways". I stole some yesterday from an old plantation I visited yesterday down in South Alabama. I've put them in water and plan to plant them hopefully tomorrow after the storms pass through. (Expecting severe thunderstorms/tornadoes today). I have a couple of them that I had dug up somewhere a couple of years ago, but they're struggling and haven't spread much.
A group of quilters/knitters from our local library went to Gee's Bend Quilter's Collective yesterday on a day trip. If you've never heard of this, check it out online. A group of quilters, descendants of slaves, still using the old traditional ways and patterns handed down through 6 generations. Very interesting history lesson.
Of course the lady who was the "tour director" was apparently "not from around here". It was rather funny to hear her go on and on about the beautiful farmland, catfish ponds, tree farms, etc. (I guess you take it for granted when you've seen and been around it all your life, as I have...) Telling about the abject poverty in the area, and these poor people's lives, like this all happened only "way back then", when it was obvious that it's not a tremendous amount better now, except that they have indoor plumbing and electricity. And that my mother's family was probably as poor as these people, and were almost in the same boat, as they were "tenant farmers", working other people's land picking and ginning cotton. Only had what they grew, no shoes a lot of the time, used mules in the fields and for wagons, (no automobiles) and so on. At least they got to go to school, except during harvest. Sorry, got off on a tangent. It was just funny to me to hear this woman telling this busload of people who've lived here all their lives about, well, their own live.

Thanks again, Chimene for the list of plants. I plan to do the yard as I mentioned in the last post. Just gotta convince Husband that it was his idea....................

To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges.
- Paulo Coelho -
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Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts

Mayville New York
8 Posts

Posted - Apr 15 2011 :  08:57:15 AM  Show Profile
Lol! I've got one of those hubbies too. Literal conversation, final comment just last week...
Me: "I think the stairs should be moved over there. "
Him: "No. That won't work."
A few weeks later, Him: "You know, I think the stairs might work over there" (same place I'd suggested).
With remodelling we go through this pretty regularly- to the point where I don't argue any more, I just wait for him to come to the same conclusion.

Glad to hear you are rescuing plants! Can't understand the logic of herbicides...

"Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape."
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Farmgirl in Training

39 Posts

Shelby AL
39 Posts

Posted - Apr 15 2011 :  10:11:21 AM  Show Profile
BTW, Chimene, I think some of the plants you mentioned I already have, are considered weeds by most so I'm not sure about the names.
and again, have to convince Husband it's his idea to let them ramble and spread. They'll be fine if I can plant others amongst them as I see the plan "in my head". I'm going to take cuttings from the rosemary and spread it around the property, have started lavender and intend to do the same with it.
Thanks again,

To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges.
- Paulo Coelho -
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Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts

Mayville New York
8 Posts

Posted - Apr 15 2011 :  10:44:13 AM  Show Profile
Yup, many of them are 'roadside weeds' but they are useful and have a penchant for poor soil and sun :-)
I wish Rosemary was perennial in our zone, I love it. Lavender is another favorite but it hasn't done well for me in the past, though I'm hopeful it might in our new home. Particularly since I've got a corner that gets good sun but is sheltered from the wind and things are coming up earlier there. I could just roll around in their smells!
So glad for the spring weather, taking walks in our woods every weekend to see what might come up. In about two more weeks I'll really be able to tell. Right now I haven't spotted much more than marsh marigold. I'm hoping for bloodroot, american mandrake, ginseng, cohosh and troutlily (love the leaves in salad)- since they are generally found in woods in our area. I think I might squeal if I find leeks! I have to start a field guide for this place!

"Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape."
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True Blue Farmgirl

171 Posts

fargo north dakota
171 Posts

Posted - Apr 17 2011 :  06:41:39 AM  Show Profile
To those of you speaking about your rosemary plants, I am so envious. I love the plant need the plant, it is the one that will destress me, so I always carry a sprig of my plants during the growing season, but it does not overwinter here at all, I bring my plants indoors hoping to keep them alive and they shrivel up and dy on me... the only plant that dares do this!!! I think it knows that I will once again the following spring go to the center and buy more of it's family irregardless of the price.
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Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts

Mayville New York
8 Posts

Posted - Apr 17 2011 :  07:30:50 AM  Show Profile
Inge, it doesn't winter over here either. I try nearly every year to bring it in and get it to survive indoors and it will limp along until early spring and then give up the ghost on me. I have a glassed in front porch now, so I may try again this year- though it got too cold this last winter and I lost nearly all the plants I'd brought in there to winter over too. I agree with you completely about the effects of smelling rosemary- it just makes everything feel ok! It needs zone 8 to be perennial. So I suppose trying to find a way to immitate their winter conditions would be the trick to getting it to keep going

"Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape."
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True Blue Farmgirl

1487 Posts

Ocean NJ
1487 Posts

Posted - Apr 18 2011 :  07:12:44 AM  Show Profile
Repotting my chocolate mint, orange mint and spearmint today. I was thrilled to see that my thyme wintered over!

~ Elaine
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi

Farmgirl sister #2882

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True Blue Farmgirl

1257 Posts

Athol Ma
1257 Posts

Posted - Apr 23 2011 :  9:29:36 PM  Show Profile
ahhh this green witchy girl is going stir actually had the nerve to snow again yesterday! but then the heavy rains we have been getting for a week or more came in right after it so no more snow but the ground is so wet you sink in it...even the chickens who hate the rain & snow came out for a bit today & got stuck in the muddy areas & said 'ok thats enough' & went back in their coops.I keep looking at my seed packs going well someday....but that someday is sure taking its time this year to get them in the ground....Now normally I adore my winters but my hubby left for Afghanistan back in the end of Feb so I have been antsy to get outside so I am not so moody...I am sure there are a lot of you like me that go outside to play in the dirt & just lose all sense of time & place.....i can be out there working, weeding ect & all I hear is my chickens , the dogs, neighbors, cars all disappear from my head even though they are still there I just no longer hear them. so anyway am sewing to take my mind off the gardens which I know will come when they are suppose to, but boy am i wanting to be out in the sun with dirt under my nails....Michele'

Chickens rule!
The Old Batz Farm
Hen #2622
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Farmgirl in Training

39 Posts

Shelby AL
39 Posts

Posted - Apr 25 2011 :  5:34:52 PM  Show Profile
Plz send good thoughts to chill out this weather. So much damage already done across the country; expecting SEVERE storms here Wednesday.
Didn't put seedlings out; afraid they would wash away.

To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges.
- Paulo Coelho -
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True Blue Farmgirl

540 Posts

Del City Oklahoma
540 Posts

Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  5:12:19 PM  Show Profile
Welcome to all of our new witchy girls. I haven't been on in quite a while due to family needs.

We had Shy's aura picture taken and the girl who took it originally didn't want to because of her age ("all kids have the same thing - a red aura - it's a waste of time and money") and then she just about dropped her teeth when the picture came out. It seems Miss Shy is a Crystal Child. We had to wait for the owner of the shop to read her picture and she talked to us for over an hour about her. I got my daughter some books and tried to be supportive while they were here. As of May 8, they are flying off to Germany. Nothing strange has happened to her and she was very happy while she was here.

Thanks all sisters for what info and support you gave me a while back. We will try to raise her to fulfille her potential.

Life's a dance you learn as you go

Farmgirl Sister #2351
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Farmgirl in Training

39 Posts

Shelby AL
39 Posts

Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  9:57:40 PM  Show Profile
Kay! How awesome for you to have such a wonderful child. I think mine are Indigos. They're both adults, but have always had all the traits. I should get an aura photo done of them. Mine was pretty interesting that I had done a few years ago.

Please ladies send good thoughts to all the people here in the SE who had so much damage today. My sister and some other relatives had damage to their homes. Several communities were demolished.
Thx so much,

To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges.
- Paulo Coelho -
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True Blue Farmgirl

451 Posts

Englewood Tennessee
451 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2011 :  05:23:45 AM  Show Profile
just wanted to check in, Teresa, glad you are ok, glad your family didn't get hurt. we spent the day and night in the hallway with the sirens screaming every few minutes(over 15 separate warnings) finally got our internet back this am, and cable. turned on the T.v. to see how bad things were, and found the royal wedding. we at least we have our priorities right. LOL.

saddened to see the devastation caused by the storms. sending healing energies to all affected.

Kay, interesting about the photo, I didn't know about crystal children. I like Teresa think my daughter is an indigo.

gotta run, need to check in on some other friends. blessings Phyllis
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Farmgirl in Training

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Shelby AL
39 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2011 :  10:55:29 AM  Show Profile
My sister's neighborhood was heavily damaged. Her house and the two past it are probably the only ones that will be livable. Most are rubble or blown off the foundation and crumbling; huge trees down everywhere. All utilities off because of devastation and don't know when they'll be back on. Could be weeks. All the small businesses on the main road about a half mile from her house are destroyed. Trees and houses flattened everywhere. She and my mom are with me for now. (Please pray for my She had to leave her animal behind, but the guy across the street, (whose house has 2 huge oak trees across it) is staying there to "guard" the neighborhood and is going to watch out for everyone's animals. He has 3 guys staying with him. My sister has gone back over there today to try to get in and also to volunteer to help. (She's an RN and retired Army)

Seriously, send healing thoughts and prayers to all affected across the country.

To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges.
- Paulo Coelho -
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Farmgirl at Heart

5 Posts

Dixon IL
5 Posts

Posted - May 01 2011 :  06:18:10 AM  Show Profile
Candles have been ablaze for the folks affected my the storms. Healing energy to all~

Any *witchy* farmgirls in Illinois?

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.”

Peace Pilgrim quotes
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Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl

1534 Posts

Elk WA
1534 Posts

Posted - May 01 2011 :  10:02:23 AM  Show Profile
Kay, there are several good books on raising Crystal Children. I have 2 grandaughters that are both crystal children. It is difficult to raise them especially if you are not used to seeing things others can't yourself. I,myself am an indigo and so is my daughter. I have been "hearing" spirits all my life. For me it is auditory not visual. I think the most difficult part is learning who it is okay to discuss it with and who not to. I'd like to think that we have progressed as a society but in all honesty - sometimes it feels like we have entered another "Dark Age" when it comes to many facets of spirituality. I think that the biggest problem is fear - many people fear what they do not understand.

My heart goes out to all effected by the massive storms. I have been holding them in light and love for days now. We all must remember that we are not separate entities but part of the whole and if one suffers the whole suffers as well.

Sharon, I love your tag line. I truly believe that we will never have world peace by just praying for it. I believe that it begins within each individual. If you want peace on earth, you must become a peaceful person. I believe that one becomes peaceful when we quit resisting the flow of energy and work with it. By letting go, we become a part of the universal Divine Energy that is the whole. As long as people believe that the amount of energy available is limited then strife will continue. Everyone fighting for their bit and worried that somehow they will be left out. I believe there is unlimited amounts of energy and there is no need to scramble for one's share. Let go and trust that all will be well.

Blessings, Sheri

"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran
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Farmgirl at Heart

5 Posts

Dixon IL
5 Posts

Posted - May 01 2011 :  2:08:29 PM  Show Profile

My husband shared with me this morning that there is actually looting going on in the storm ravaged areas. Can you imagine? Stealing from those who hardly have any. Even if you have less, that does not justify that kind of thievery.

I agree with your energy theory. Well said.

Love and light evermore,

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.”

Peace Pilgrim quotes
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True Blue Farmgirl

540 Posts

Del City Oklahoma
540 Posts

Posted - May 03 2011 :  09:15:11 AM  Show Profile

We got a couple of books and talked with the nice lady to read her photograph. The problem is with her being so far away, I just hope DD can work with her. She is quite a load but we love her to death and want to do everything to help her develop the way she should. We are waiting breathlessly to see if her little sister might be special, too.

I used to know when things were going to happen. I never had friends who weren't there, but I always knew stuff and my poor grandmother would tell me it was all my imagination and so I quit using it. I'm hoping now, at 57, to try and get part if not all of it back. I just always felt different growing up, but I can't really explain it.

As for looting in the storm areas, it happens every time. I don't understand it, either, but what goes around, comes around, so they will eventually get theirs. I live in tornado and have seen it over and over. But I feel bad for everyone who has been hit and am sending out "good vibes".


Life's a dance you learn as you go

Farmgirl Sister #2351
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True Blue Farmgirl

1257 Posts

Athol Ma
1257 Posts

Posted - May 03 2011 :  5:57:21 PM  Show Profile
you know whats weird I am sure if the looters helped the families get out the things they really needed or treasured the families would let them take whatever else is there for free....& also thank them for helping them....But the greed is so overwhelming when things like this occur, it just breaks my heart because as they loot they throw items that mean something to the family to the side or break it cause they what has been said...what goes around comes around.....Michele'

Chickens rule!
The Old Batz Farm
Hen #2622
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