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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 21 2011 : 12:26:35 PM
Thank you Rosemary for the kind words, I agree with you 100% that all faiths/beliefs we hold can have a heavy responsibility to them that if we are agreeable we will take on, but then I think life in itself is a huge responsibility that many just can't handle...we are responsible for ourselves & some seem to forget that as they stomp thur life. When I hit my late 40's I came to realize that all though I have always tried to be a loving caring person to others I forgot about myself. After I got into my 50's I realized that what I did for others was good but I needed to remember that I counted too....That does not mean I hold count of what I do for others but that I take the time now to do what I want or feel I need to do to make me a better human to all things. I grew up poor until my Mother died, but never knew it so to speak, this woman was a ray of sunshine to all that met her & I am pleased that I have a lot of her wisdom inside me as I grew. She would have been a wonderful witch if she had known what it was all about...but she was a child born in 1919....Though I did not get to grew completely up with her she had this earth Mother Nature to her. As for religion ect she was open to it all & gave that to my sister & I as well. later foster homes would try to stop some of my thoughts but I learned back then to keep my mouth shut....but hey now that I am a Old Crone I can speak my mind if I feel it is needed & no longer feel the need to be accepted....I now realize my life is my own & what I do with it is my choice....Age has made me Michele'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 21 2011 : 1:49:12 PM
Those were lovely thoughts to share, Michele. My mother was born in 1920 -- only two years after her father died, leaving my grandma, uncle and mom to make their way through the Great Depression as best they could. Although most of my life growing up was relatively stable (or if it wasn't, that news was kept from me), both my parents knew all about poverty, and raised me to have a healthy respect for how fast all that you think you have can be taken away. You have to be resilient, self-reliant, and be able to count on yourself -- especially if others count on you, too. So I hear what you're saying about being careful to take care of #1. That isn't selfish. It's smart. Well, as long as you don't carry it to the extremes of narcissism, the way some people do (but never me, oh horrors, never ME!) ;-) I'm 63 (and a half!) years old and find that the older I get, the wiser I become -- and the wiser all the older folks of my past get, too, as I reflect back on lessons I should have learned sooner. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 21 2011 : 3:34:00 PM
Oh Rosemary I love what you wrote...yes I too find the older I get that the older folks in my life are wise & I listen! But I have always been drawn to older people, even as a child i adored the grandmothers/grandfather figures that came & went in my life. I can promise you I am never extreme except with my wild outfits & dyed hair!!! I never got over the stage of little girl dress-up...but my idea of dress up may be a 1930's dress with combat boots! I just think growing older is so cool because you finally see what all the older people were saying & finally get it. I like the fact that I am now one of those people & can be myself without worrying what my family, friends or neighbors will think...but then again I never did care about that part but to have a job (teaching) I sure had to tone down & pretend play the politics of it all just so I could be in the classroom doing what I loved.
i received an Email today from Brian & found that they have stopped doing henhouses at the moment because of Server space....So my lovely has we are for the moment this area will have to do for us until they can expand Server Space.....Michele'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622 |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 21 2011 : 4:01:45 PM
Michelle and Rosemary, your wisdom on life is so profound and lovely. You both expressed what I think a lot of us feel and are going through. Your words are the poetry of life and experiences. I too grew up as you did (I'm 64), but found my own voice inside of me leading me onto my lifes journey of a new awakening. I know I'm different than others, but I embrace that difference with joy and enlightenment. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 21 2011 : 5:54:19 PM
I don't know how I managed to miss this thread for so long,I've been kind of keeping mum about my beliefs but I suspected that there were more earthy types around here,I'm glad to see that there's a move to organize a specific thread for us witchy women,I don't know anything about organizing a henhouse chapter but I would love to join if you get one up and running!
"Today's Mighty Oak is just Yesterday's Nut" |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 21 2011 : 6:14:07 PM
Hey, Kathryn, let me be the first (and I know I won't be the last) to say welcome! Looks like all of us hens, witchy and otherwise, have maxed out Mary Jane's henhouse, so here we stay for the nonce. Fine by me! I hope you'll chime in. The thread was dangling in midair for a while there, but it seems we've got it playing again. How's everything in your neck of the woods? |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 21 2011 : 9:53:22 PM
Hello kathryn...Well honey hen you can let it all out here...we are not the judging type.....Plus if you can't sing out your ideas/beliefs/traditions I feel a part of you here I know we will be kind to your voice when you speak. Plus I have finally got to page 16 or so of this & there are so many hens that have wonderful ideas & thoughts whether you be pagan, wiccan, spiritual, mystic, a witch of any kind i think we can all honestly learn something new or relearn thur this chat area. I can say that there is a lot of love, acceptance & peace that flows thur here....Michele'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 22 2011 : 07:36:44 AM
Thank you ladies for the warm welcome!It is so nice that we all have a place here,like i said before,I've tried to be real subtle about my beliefs because I wasn't sure how that would go over,I'm usually pretty outgoing about my beliefs in my personal environment but I didn't want to start any contention here on the MJF boards by being more open about it but then here you all are,amazing! I've always followed Wise Woman traditions and expressed my beliefs by living closer to the Earth,I'm more of the Earthy shamanistic type of Witch that grows herbs and tries to live a more natural lifestyle,I like to attend some group gatherings and drum circles and love that there are connections to be made here as well. I also see several mentions of bellydancing,I've been Bellydancing for eighteen years,I used to teach for one of our local community education programs and would do special clinics but right now I'm healing a hip fracture and have been just teaching rhythm classes with the doumbeck and finger cymbals,gathering together once a month in my home. Anyways,it's so nice that there's a place for us here,times they are a changing,what a bright blessing!
"Today's Mighty Oak is just Yesterday's Nut" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
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Posted - Feb 22 2011 : 08:45:59 AM
Kathyrn I hope your healing up real bellydancing...have a older sis who has done it for years.....You say you are a Earthy shaman is so like me but I have always called myself a green Witch but I would say we have the same ideas. I tried in my 30's to be involved with groups but too many people with too many goals of what should happen ect that I decided it was best for my temperment to do it alone...Us Capricorns hate being pushed, even if its for our own good! But to be honest I am not alone, when I am out speaking to the plants, trees, sky & sun they are there giving me feedback & in my mind sharing with me all their wonderful things. Plus for some reason as I get older the idea of the alone-ness isn't as frighten as it once was. Plus I truly believe that my family/Ancesters that has passed before me is always there with me & they help me even when I am unaware of them.....M'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622 |
True Blue Farmgirl
539 Posts
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Posted - Feb 22 2011 : 08:58:14 AM
Michele, that sounds like a description of myself - a sister Earthy woman and Capricorn. I love your descriptions of yourself - they resonate.
Jonnie Farmgirl #648
"Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you" - Maori Proverb
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 22 2011 : 5:44:45 PM
Kathryn, welcome. As the others have said before you have found the place to learn and teach. There are so many wonderful women on this thread and it feels so great to be open and honest with everyone because they are of the same spirit. As a side note, my late mother and her family lived in the San Luis Valley for years so we were always going thro Pueblo. Miss not going there any more. Again, a very warm welcome. |
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Feb 23 2011 : 4:25:25 PM
I'm thinkin' this is gonna be a really good place to visit. Seems like lots of nice witchy women, willing to share and help one another. We can enjoy the way we all really are, without having to censor our thoughts about the way we live our lives. Although I'm new here, (and still trying to work my way through the first pages of the thread....), warm welcomes to any other new Witchy Women! 
To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges. - Paulo Coelho -
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
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Posted - Feb 23 2011 : 8:50:38 PM
hello ladies/hens...its so good to see so many here....I have finally worked my way to page 16 of the earlier post....have to give the eyes a break & thought it might be a good time to ask a question of sorts:
What's one thing that you do that makes you a Witchy Woman? it can be serious, silly but please be will not seem crazy or unreal to us.... For me its when I am tending to the yard, I thank Mother Earth for allowing me to dig & plant, I thank the dead trees I am trimming or cutting down for their time they were here growing....I even thank the dandelions when I pull their young leaves to feed to my hens.....I am sure my neighbors wonder who I am speaking to as I say my thank yous out loud....For me its a calm happy feeling to know somewhere outside my vision someone or something is listening & understands that this is important to me...Its funny but my best friend does the same thing & when we are together everyone thinks we are speaking to each'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622 |
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Feb 24 2011 : 05:53:12 AM
Michele, I too talk to the flora and fauna. Sometimes I think they even talk back... LOL! I use crystals and gemstones, aromatherapy, both of these I'm just a novice in the use of, but I'm learning. I've always been sensitive to the moon, and always try to see where it is in the sky. I'm learning about the energies of food and how it affects us. I try to be kind to the Mother; my father taught us that from an early age. I have used rituals, not on a regular basis, just when I feel like that's what needs to be done. I read cards, again as a beginner, I still have to use a book, but I've found the results to be fairly accurate. Mostly I just believe that we are all a part of The One, and what we do affects everything else. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. and that goes for the earth, the water, the sky and everything that lives therein. Teresa
To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges. - Paulo Coelho -
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
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Posted - Feb 24 2011 : 10:40:15 AM
I like what you wrote Teresa....Oh I honestly think things talk back to us also.....we just have to be open to hearing it....I think that even us old timers (me) still have lots to learn & I like that you are still new at a lot of it & read to learn..its important that we see what others have written & try to expand our understandings of those who like us have come to see what they believe & why. learning is the key to everything that makes us who we are. I love to read & have a vast collection of Witchy/magic/herbal/folklore library Some I read & said ok I get it but its not where I am going, others I treasure...especially some of the older ones I have found that don't have all the fancy terms ect in them (that make you want to scream at the person who wrote it).....They are more of the grandmotherly type of books with herbal wisdom in them that I pull out & use often. I have a wonderful Egyptian tarot set that was a gift 20 yrs ago that I like to get out sometimes. I swear I was Egyptian in a past love all things dealing with Egypt.....anyway I think that you are doing a fine job with what it is you are hunting for & your thoughts are freely giving...Michele'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622 |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
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Posted - Feb 24 2011 : 1:00:11 PM
When we built our house we had to clear a lot of trees. But there was one tree that I didn't want them to cut down. It was a snarly looking tree with a curved trunk. I blessed it my spirit tree. The bird feeder is close to it so I often talk to the tree and to the birds. Looking around our place I see other snarly looking trees coming up and they will be blessed as my spirit trees as well. I feed a group of deer that come to our backyard every day and talk to them as well. There's a yearling that just seems to understand what I'm saying. Even when I'm out shoveling snow I look up and talk to my Earth Mother and thank her for giving me another day to enjoy. When we have someone coming over to the house that has a negative energy about them, I'll get out my sage and light it and go around the house and say a blessing especially around the door they will be coming through. I also burn the sage whenever I feel a negative energy trying to come into the house. I also put three stones under the front and back steps of our house and have a red ribbon tied around the doorknob of the front door. My witches broom is on the fireplace and when some people come in they look at it in a odd sort of way and I just say it's my witchy broom. They don't say much after that. I just laugh to myself and smile. I also have a set of Tarot cards and want to start learing how to use them. |
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Feb 24 2011 : 1:05:08 PM
Annie, What are the three stones for? I've never heard of that one... I use the sage, and sweet grass, incense and resins. I love rocks and stones, and keep one from every place I visit. Have rocks here and there around the house. Thx,Teresa
To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges. - Paulo Coelho -
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
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Posted - Feb 24 2011 : 1:35:02 PM
Oh Annie I am so glad you explained about your spirit tree...I have a dead peach tree that was planted in the early 1920's & for some reason i just can't cut it down....its beautiful in its own way & now I get it....this is my spirit tree & its been telling me why I can't cut it down but I wasn't listening...thank you so much for sharing...sometimes you need to hear from others to hear the things that are being said when you aren't listening.....Michele'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622 |
Farmgirl in Training
15 Posts

old bridge
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Posted - Feb 25 2011 : 11:22:04 AM
Hi Y'all! I've been lurking around the forums for a couple of weeks and just joined the Sisterhood. I'm so glad I found this particular neck of the woods! I'm a long time pagan, eclectic and weird. javascript:insertsmilie(' ')(I mean weird in a fabulous sense...) I do some Reiki, a bit of herbal dabbling (I took Susun Weed's Green Witch course a few years back, when I was really ill with an autoimmune illness) I am a dog mother to 2 crazy American Bulldog/Plotthound/Pit bull mix pups, 1 of whom is in remission from cancer. I love weight lifting in the gym.I also talk to the trees, rocks, animals and water in my neighborhood. So, I feel like I'll fit right in here! Peas, Barb |
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Feb 26 2011 : 4:06:56 PM
Thanks for the welcome! I work as a pharmacy clerk and odd hours so haven't posted yet until now. I actually live in an area where many early roots of spiritualism were formed and a few hours from Lily Dale. I had also been involved in a paranormal group about 5 years ago but no longer as I was not feeling right about it. I am going to catch up on the posts here and talk to ya all later! -Cheryl
quote: Originally posted by batznthebelfry
I think Cheryl you will find that all are welcome here....I consider myself a Earth Mother & green witch but I am also ordained & helped in a Baptist wedding with a dear friend. i also think of myself as spiritual not religious but I accept that all religions have the right to be. I think its wonderful that we can all get together here no matter what our beliefs are & enjoy each other. I think being pure of heart in your beliefs is what matters most plus everyone has something to share with others & I welcome you to this & hope that as time goes by we will find some priceless friendships that we hold dear....Michele'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622
without creativity, we cannot be! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
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Posted - Feb 27 2011 : 1:12:43 PM
I just had to share this with you all...on another area of MJ a older woman was asking how to get her garden rows straight with her little made me laugh....because I thought 'what is wrong with crooked rows?' Plus like me she is over 50, but worried about her I would say let them be crooked & enjoy them just as you would a straight row.....It just seemed so funny that this was such a concern that she was worried about it.....I too have one of those little tillers...bought it for myself when we moved here so I could do my own areas without the it but yes it will take you for a ride.....I told her to enjoy the crooked rows & she would have a great story to tell to all that I think crooked rows would be perfect...hey this might start a new fad...crooked row gardening...:) Michele'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622 |
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Feb 27 2011 : 2:58:35 PM
I would be happy to have some rows at all!! I live on pretty much a granite outcropping and you can't dig in this dirt without a backhoe. We have some raised beds, but I've given them to the ants. Another bed is against a wooden retaining wall and it gets so hot in the afternoon sun I'm gonna plant desert plants. It fried all the vegetables I planted there last two years. And I too think crooked rows would be lovely to look at. I think I'd do it on purpose! How cute would that be with all that movement in the garden!
To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges. - Paulo Coelho -
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
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Posted - Feb 27 2011 : 11:53:32 PM
I must say the more I think about it the more I like the idea of crooked rows...with herbs & flowers it would be so cool to see them that way instead of little military soldiers all lined up....I went back 7 checked the other site & I think the woman was concerned because of the amount of weeding she would have to do & how hard it would be in her veggie, I lay garden cloth down on the areas I don't want weeds & then lay hay over it so its no big deal for me & in the herb garden, I grow weeds for the I lived in Missouri where its all churt...a hard rock that is a pill to try & dig up & you need a backhoe for it as well....when I lived in Columbus Georgia I found some netting that I hung over my gardens so they wouldn't fry & that worked pretty well.....I got the mosquito netting so it blocked out some of the sun....i was able to grow tomatoes where as the year before they burnt up within days...but your idea for desert plants sounds sure would be preety....Michele'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622 |
Farmgirl in Training
39 Posts
39 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2011 : 05:59:27 AM
Waiting for the thunderstorms to go through today, then I'll put out seeds in the raised beds and work the "hot" bed to get it ready for the "desert" plants. Also gonna put out some lavender near my rosemary bushes. Anyone got ideas for other herbs that like crappy soil and too much sun that are perennials? I think I may just have container gardens for my veggies. I doubt I'll do enough to can and freeze; just enough to eat as we go. Maybe a few things to put up. I'm sort of lazy; rather just sit on the porch and watch the waterfowl on the lake, and the clouds go by, maybe read or knit. I figured I've earned a little laziness; I am "retired" after all. Like that even means anything..... Hope everyone has a good day with no damaging storms. Teresa
To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges. - Paulo Coelho -
True Blue Farmgirl
1257 Posts
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Posted - Mar 15 2011 : 12:00:43 PM
Well finally I can see a bit of the ground but still have tons of snow that needs to melt before I can get out & do my tons of herb seeds this year & can't wait to get started....Would like to do another witches garden but not sure with all I have to do if I will get to it this mothers memorial garden looks like hell & needs to be worked on really bad. I have a small pond in her garden, mini red rose bush, her old flat tombstone & lots of little things like a frogs house...large metal crane sculpture plus my big sis gave me a bunch of flower seeds that are all either black or deep red I want to plant this year in her garden. a few days back I got 2 raspberrie plants & a concord grape vine....i have started a mini orchard when I first moved here 3 yrs ago & only 1 mini apple tree made it & 1 raspberry vine......the soil is really good back there just a hubby who ignores the small fencing & mows over it...well this year since he is gone i should get them going good enough that by the time he gets back next april I will have them big enough he will see them! Michele'
Chickens rule! The Old Batz Farm Hen #2622 |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |