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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
Farmgirl at Heart

6 Posts
mary esther
6 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2010 : 8:10:34 PM
merry meet, everyone!
imagine my surprise to see this thread featured on the front page!
i am new to maryjanesfarm and this is the first place i've visited. i have been a solo mostly-not-practitioner since 1992 and would greatly enjoy a community that blends my spiritual and lifestyle beliefs.
off now to explore some more, hope to get to know all of you soon.
barb, aka thatpaganwoman |
True Blue Farmgirl
2027 Posts
Central MN
2027 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2010 : 05:01:34 AM
Glad to meet you Barb! How fabulous that this thread popped up for you on the first page. :)You'll find lots to like here at MJF. Its a great group of farmgals. :) I look forward to learning more about (and from) you!
--* FarmMilkMama *--
Farmgirl Sister #1086
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde |
True Blue Farmgirl
230 Posts
Lee's Summit
230 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2010 : 05:32:08 AM
MM & welcome to MJF :) On the 1st page?!? WoW!!! How COOL is that! Nice to meet you. I agree w/ FarmMilkMama, You will be hard pressed to NOT find stuff to like & do.
BB~ Beverly
Farmgirl Sister 1575* * * It is often the bend in the road that makes life worth the drive * * * |
True Blue Farmgirl
263 Posts
Glen Burnie
263 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2010 : 10:54:47 AM
Hi Amy,
I have a couple of suggestions for some witchy music. My ultimate favorite is Loreena McKennitt. She has a beautiful voice, and her music is just gorgeous. You may or may not remember a couple of years ago she did a great song entitled, The Mummer's Dance. Here is the link to the video on YouTube:
The other music I listen to is by a group called Clannad. Enya was originally part of this group before she went off and did her own thing.
I LOVE your quote by Oscar Wilde! And it's quite true!
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
540 Posts

Del City
540 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2010 : 8:04:00 PM
Merry meet, ladies. I have a little something that I don't know which direction to move in. It seems my 3-year-old g-daughter "sees" people who aren't there -- and I don't mean imaginary playmates. There seems to be 3 at their home (Jeremy and Candace live upstairs - the attic - and Donny - who is a full grown man - lives in the garage). One of my SIL's soldiers came over for a cookout and she proceeded to tell him all about his grandmother and how she is with him and really nice. He got really upset that they had told her his GM had recently died - however, they didn't know. He told them Shy is weird and won't come back to their house. We've had a few things happen in our house and she has told us "Scratch-Scratch" lives upstairs in our bedroom area. She has also seen something at one of DD's friend's houses but they won't tell the friend because she is already uncomfortable there and they don't want to freak her out.
DD is trying to be okay with it, but doesn't know how to guide her. I've told her to tell Shy that she can't see them because she's too old, but to get what info she can and be supportive, except that she is kind of freaked out by it. I'm very okay with it as I used dream things that would happen later.
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to what we can do to guide her and help her develop this gift without making her the "weird" kid in her group.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Life's a dance you learn as you go |
True Blue Farmgirl
2027 Posts
Central MN
2027 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2010 : 8:42:07 PM
Wow KayB! I would also love suggestions on this as well as my seven year old is constantly telling me he sees people. He's done this since he was very little. He's just now asking to get books about these things so he can "explore this" on his own. (He's a very good reader.) I myself had had experiences with this (not seeing them, but feeling them), but I guess, like you KayB, I'm wondering exactly how to guide him in this. This isn't really something they write books about for kids. Or at least as far as I've found. :)
--* FarmMilkMama *--
Farmgirl Sister #1086
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde |
True Blue Farmgirl
2027 Posts
Central MN
2027 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2010 : 8:46:01 PM
And thanks Carol for the links. I do know that first song you linked to! Thanks for the reminder. I love learning all these great things from you ladies!!!
--* FarmMilkMama *--
Farmgirl Sister #1086
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
756 Posts |
Posted - Nov 04 2010 : 2:12:05 PM
Welcome Barb. So glad you found this thread. Everyone here is so helpful with all the information they personally have used or read.
Kay and Amy - I hope you can find something out there to help with the kids. They have a "gift" and are not weird. I've read or heard that everyone has this ability - it's just that most people don't really know it and then there are the ones who are more blessed with this gift but don't understand how to use it. In time things will work out. There has to be others out there on the internet that would be able to give you advice and guidance. Good luck to you. Keep us all informed on how things work out with the kids.
Loreena McKennitt is wonderful! I want to get dressed in a floaty long skirt and gause top and go barefoot and dance around a fire with the full moon shining. When I first heard The Mummer's Dance I was hooked.
Peace and Love to All Annie |
True Blue Farmgirl
540 Posts

Del City
540 Posts |
Posted - Nov 04 2010 : 7:56:25 PM
I'm going to see them next weekend and then they are coming to stay with us for a while when SIL leave for school. After that, they're off to Europe. DD is excited and I told her that if she goes to Germany, think what fun Shy will have because of everything that happened over there. Now DD is breathing deeply and hoping to cope with it, which I know she will. See, we've smelled fresh cigarette smoke and when my hands are full the back door opens to let me into the laundry room. We've lived here about 6 years and are not afraid, just curious. One night "someone" pounded up the stairs into our bedroom, but neither one of us looked. However, Shy stood at the foot of the stairs and that's when I heard about "Scratch-Scratch". I'm going to ask her more about him later.
I feel this is indeed a gift, so I'm hoping we can find a way to help her develop it.
Life's a dance you learn as you go |
Farmgirl at Heart

6 Posts
mary esther
6 Posts |
Posted - Nov 04 2010 : 8:11:57 PM
thanks for the welcome, everyone. i'm looking forward to sharing and learning with all of you.
i want to dance too! floaty is good; i've recently given in and started wearing calf- or ankle-length skirts quite often. that, combined with my burgeoning love of purple, seems to be an outward expression of my inner different-ness. i've also acquired a couple of tattoos--triple goddess on my left ankle, moon and stars on the outer edge and wrist of my right hand. anybody else experiencing this sort of coming out?
for kay and amy, i wonder if you've seen psychic kids: children of the paranormal. if you haven't, you might find it quite instructive. i can't remember which network it's on; doing a search should turn it up and might also turn up some sources for help and instruction. above all, i think it's important to emphasize to the children that there is nothing wrong with them, they're not weird or strange; they just have access to a wonderful gift that most people aren't aware they have.
barb, tpw
Mother Earth, you are my life support system. As a child I must drink your blue water, live inside your red clay, and eat your green skin. Help me to balance myself, as you hold in balance the Earth, the Sea, and Space environments. Help me open my heart, knowing that the Universe will feed me. I pray my feet will always kiss your face, and my footsteps match your heartbeat. Carry my body through space and time. You are my connection to the universe and all that comes after. I am yours and you are mine. I salute you. |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Nov 05 2010 : 5:10:04 PM
Hi everyone. It's difficult to know what to tell a child. I was one who "saw" things others didn't and my mom used to tell me I was imagining things. After awhile I just quit telling people what I saw. So many folks are freaked out by the idea of a "ghost" or "spirit" wandering around. I see them all the time so the experience is common place for me. I think the best course of action is just to act like it's all totally normal and that it is an extra "gift" that the child has. Let them tell you all about it and act like it's no big deal. I would explain that not everyone sees what they do and that sometimes it's not a good idea to discuss it with just anyone unless they know the person pretty well.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
540 Posts

Del City
540 Posts |
Posted - Nov 05 2010 : 7:18:55 PM
The network for the Psychic Children is A&E. We've been watching it since it started and I said something about calling them, but DD said not right now. After all, Shy is only 3. But we ar going to work on helping her develop this gift.
Life's a dance you learn as you go |
Farmgirl in Training
16 Posts
Oklahoma City
16 Posts |
Posted - Nov 16 2010 : 4:25:50 PM
Hi Ladies! I was SO happy to find this thread! I'm going to join the official group but wanted to say WASSAIL to everyone. I'm not Wiccan but am a fellow pagan. I'm technically Asatru but even an offshoot of that. And also happy to see another Okie who posted right before I did! HI KayB ~waving hand in air~ |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2010 : 08:18:05 AM
Hi everyone, welcome to our new sisters. good to see everyone posting. just stopped in to say I won't be posting for a while. I have an illness that causes read difficulties with brain fog and cognitive problems. I'm having a bad flair up and have difficulty expressing myself. I'll be checking in to see how everyone is doing, but probably won't be posting.
hope everyone is doing well. blessings Phyllis |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2010 : 09:39:37 AM
Phyllis I hope you will be feeling better soon. I am sending good energy your way. Welcome to all new comers - it's so nice to have some new contributions. This thread tends to get quiet from time to time. How is Shy doing with her visitations? Hope all is well with everyone as the cold season descends on us.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
756 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2010 : 2:01:42 PM
Phyllis, sending you wellness thoughts and good energy as well for a speedy recovery. There's nothing worse than not feeling like yourself in one way or another.
Blessings, Annie |
True Blue Farmgirl
720 Posts
720 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2010 : 7:34:11 PM
Keeping you in the light, Phyllis, and sending you hugs and positive energy for a quick recovery.
"Women are angels...and if someone breaks our wings...we fly on our brooms...we're flexible like that!" -Unknown |
Farmgirl at Heart

6 Posts
mary esther
6 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2010 : 8:49:43 PM
hang in there, phyllis. be sure to treat yourself gently and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
trying to learn that myself...
quote: Originally posted by 4HMom
Keeping you in the light, Phyllis, and sending you hugs and positive energy for a quick recovery.
"Women are angels...and if someone breaks our wings...we fly on our brooms...we're flexible like that!" -Unknown
Mother Earth, you are my life support system. As a child I must drink your blue water, live inside your red clay, and eat your green skin. Help me to balance myself, as you hold in balance the Earth, the Sea, and Space environments. Help me open my heart, knowing that the Universe will feed me. I pray my feet will always kiss your face, and my footsteps match your heartbeat. Carry my body through space and time. You are my connection to the universe and all that comes after. I am yours and you are mine. I salute you. -paraphrase from The Men Who Stare At Goats |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
756 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2010 : 5:50:39 PM
Kay, just wanted to check in and see how things were going with you and with Shy. Have been thinking of you two and I close my eyes and send you warm blessings. I watch that A&E show on the kids and can't help but think of you. Hope all is well.
Annie |
Farmgirl at Heart

6 Posts
mary esther
6 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2010 : 7:30:26 PM
for kay and amy: here are some resources that might be helpful:
the indigo children: the new kids have arrived, by lee carroll and jan tober, hay house 1999; all i see is part of me, by chara m curtis, illumination arts publishing company, 1994; the care and feeding of indigo children, by doreen virtue, hay house, 2001; and the crystal children: a guide to the newest generation of psychic and sensitive children, hay house, 2003
these are recommended by david morehouse, one of the well-known remote viewers, or psychic spies, in his book 'remote viewing: the complete user's manual for cooridnate remote viewing, published in 2008.
i just got it yesterday and haven't had a chance to get into it but wanted to pass these along.
barb, tpw
Mother Earth, you are my life support system. As a child I must drink your blue water, live inside your red clay, and eat your green skin. Help me to balance myself, as you hold in balance the Earth, the Sea, and Space environments. Help me open my heart, knowing that the Universe will feed me. I pray my feet will always kiss your face, and my footsteps match your heartbeat. Carry my body through space and time. You are my connection to the universe and all that comes after. I am yours and you are mine. I salute you. -paraphrase from The Men Who Stare At Goats |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Nov 22 2010 : 10:48:57 AM
I like the crystal children book - I bought it for my step daughter and it was very helpful for dealing with her kids.
Hope everyone is staying warm - we are heading into an Arctic blast. The prediction is for -14 tonight!! The snow is starting to add up, and the wind is kicking. Not going to be a pleasant trek to the barn this afternoon.
Happy turkey day to all.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
256 Posts
White County
256 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2010 : 4:59:49 PM
Merry Meet Ladies! I was without the internet at home for awhile and MJF is my first stop on the internet train. A good book to get a better understanding about Wicca that I'm reading is "Drawing Down the Moon" by Margot Adler. I've owned the book for years but just now reading it. I'm about half way through it and even though I've been pagan for many, many years the book really just puts it all there for me.
Also as a child I use to "see" things no one saw..especially animals. It always frightened me. I wish I had told my mom because later I found out she and her mother use to see things too.
My son recently moved to Alaska in the military and I've been very, very worried about him..thankfully I was blessed with a vision of him walking on a boat wearing a heavy coat.. so I know he's ok. Due to him being on a boat right now we won't have any contact with him until close to Christmas. I miss him.
Thanks for keeping this thread going! Cheers, Cynthia |
Annie S
True Blue Farmgirl
756 Posts
756 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2010 : 12:58:42 PM
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Good to have you back on the thread Cynthia. Have a question to put out to anyone - I've been "hearing" voices. It's like being in a large, crowded room and everyone is talking at the same time and you can't make out what it is they're saying. I've even gotten out of bed to check to see if we left the volume remote on for the tv. It was turned off. I'm wondering if it could be caused by where we live - on top of a mountian in the Black Hills. There was a lot of mining going on where our place is located with a couple of shaft opening. Of course I can't forget the Indians who were living here. So I'm wondering if I'm hearing voices from people who were here first. I know this whole thing sounds crazy. I don't even tell my husband any more when I hear them. I don't know if it's "medical" or "other worldly". When it first started it was once in awhile, but now it can be several times a day I hear the voices. Anybody ever run across something like this or read about it? It doesn't scare me at all, it's just kind of weird to have it start all of a sudden.
Annie |
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2010 : 09:33:19 AM
Barb, thank you for the book titles. I'll be looking for them. At least one of my 5 granddaughters may fit it there. Although, I don't really want to pigeon hole her. She is very special. I have seen, heard and experienced many gifts since I can remember (around 2 yrs. old) I call them gifts because they have been life changing for me.
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
540 Posts

Del City
540 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2010 : 06:17:08 AM
I will check out these books for Shy. Right now she is doing okay. Mom doesn't bring it up with her but if Shy starts talking about it, Mom talks to her and tries to understand. I'm going to try something when they get up here and get settled in. I found out they will be leaving here earlier than they had thought as they have moved up SIL's report date by 3+ weeks. Gonna miss those girls. I know just the store to hit here in town to find those books, so thanks so much for the info.
I remember "seeing" things when I was young that would happen later down the road - usually within 72 hours. Of course, my mother and grandmother would call it my vivd imagination and blow it off. I'm kind of sorry I lost that ability so that is why I want to help Shy maintain hers and see if her little sister Payton has any special talents when she gets older.
Thank you everybody!!!
Life's a dance you learn as you go
Farmgirl Sister #2351 |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |