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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
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Posted - Jul 11 2010 : 1:09:39 PM
Hi all, just a quick hello. sounds like everyone has been busy. we have been doing some canning around here. my daughter has been really sick, so I haven't been on too often. gosh, I didn't even know there was a solar eclipse???!!! guess I do need to pay more attention. Sheri, good luck with the skunk gunk, have you tried tomato juice?? blessings y'all. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
133 Posts
133 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2010 : 2:03:20 PM
I to did not realize about the eclipse between work,canning,the garden and the kids Im worn out I def need to recharge!!!!!Phyllis is your daughter ok?? I hope so, Blessings to you and yours
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
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Posted - Jul 11 2010 : 3:50:14 PM
Hi Jennifer, thanks for asking about Deidre, she is hanging in there. She and I have M.E(myalgic encephalomylitis(can't spell today) or known in this country as Chronic Fatigue syndrome, a bit like calling diabetes chronic thirst syndrome. LOL. Deidre has severe stomach pain, and myoclonus ( which causes muscle twitching and jerking, almost gave herself whiplash yesterday, ;-/. it's very difficult watching your child suffer and not be able to do anything to help. still, we have been dealing with this for 16 yrs so we are kinda used to it.
there is a couple of new studies that have found a possible cause, a retrovirus. I have made up some antiviral herbal tablets and we are starting them to see if it helps. I do prefer natural treatments when possible, and conventional medicine has little to offer.
hope that wasn't too much information. we with M.E. are often not taken seriously, treated like it's "all in our heads" and I tend to try and explain when given a chance.
rest up and recharge my friend, hope all is well with your family. blessings Phyllis |
Candy C.
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
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Posted - Jul 12 2010 : 8:57:19 PM
Hope your herbal remedies help. I am with you, I always prefer herbal to conventional medicine. Blessings to you and your daughter.
Candy C. Farmgirl Sister #977
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
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Posted - Jul 13 2010 : 07:08:35 AM
Hi Candy, thanks, I'm hopeful. I was just reading that histamine intolerance can cause a lot of her symptoms. need to avoid foods like tomatoes, peppers and tons of other things. now that's just not nice right in the middle of harvesting tons of lovely tomatoes from my garden. LOL.
Hope all is well with you on this lovely summer day. Phyllis |
Farmgirl Legend Schoolmarm
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Port Orchard
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True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
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Posted - Aug 09 2010 : 6:27:28 PM
Hi Tanya, good to see you. Hope today is a great day, from one Raggedy Ann to another. LOL. Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
68 Posts
68 Posts |
Posted - Aug 17 2010 : 10:05:58 AM
I need some suggestions... I transplanted an anise hyssop last fall and it's done really well. Anyone have any good suggestions on using it. It smalls and tastes divine and has prettiest purple flowers on top. So far, I've only made tea. I'm wondering about soap and could I keep the smell without bumping it up with oil? I'm thinking it should be dried first?
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks....
Blessed be,*´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ * soleil
Even as we dream, we begin to succeed...even as we succeed, we begin to dream again. |
Motholelis Mom
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 1:04:32 PM
Merry Meet! So nice to have found all you beautiful goddesses on this thread. I drew a card from my Druid Plant Oracle this afternoon, and thought I would share it with you.
Borage: To be courageous and daring you must also be able to forget. If you hold every eventuality in mind, you will never act, and being courageous often requires a magnanimity that forgets personal slights or errors of judgement. Going beyond judgement or recrimination, true courage is a brave open-heartedness that restores our confidence in human nature, bringing with it joy and happiness.
Blessed Full Moon. Deborah
Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. -- Margaret B. Runbeck
True Blue Farmgirl
539 Posts
539 Posts |
Posted - Aug 24 2010 : 1:14:18 PM
Blessings, Deborah! Thank you for sharing those beautiful words of wisdom.
I put out my crystals and cauldron this morning and asked Sister Moon for her cleansing and blessings.
Happy day to you all!
Jonnie Farmgirl #648
"Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you" - Maori Proverb
True Blue Farmgirl
720 Posts
720 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2010 : 09:06:30 AM
Deborah, Thank you for sharing from your Druid plant oracle. The timeliness of the wisdom is uncanny for where I'm at right now.... Blessed Be
"Be the change you want to see in the world" -Gandhi |
Farmgirl in Training
22 Posts
22 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2010 : 7:44:41 PM
Oh wow I am so glad to find this thread!! I am new to MaryJanesFarm and I was beginning to wonder if everyone here was Christian!
I have to admit, I did not read all 56 pages, just skimmed a few. But you have my attention now! Let me introduce myself...
My name is Rhiannon. I am a newly single mom of two kids, ages 11 and 8. I homeschool. I also have 4 cats and 8 chickens. We all live in a 5th wheel trailer on my friends' land just south of Livermore, CA in the mountains. The land I live on just happens to be a dedicated Pagan retreat and ritual center that has several shrines and a real live stone circle. I live smack in the middle of the campground here. We're also entirely off the grid with solar power & propane. We try to live by the permaculture way of doing things. On top of all that I am a seamstress and avid knitter.
If any of you are in CA, you should come for a visit!
Single Mama living her off-the-grid dream life... |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2010 : 7:53:16 PM
Great to meet you Rhiannon and welcome the the witchy farmgirls. We can sometime get quiet but we are all still here. I was happy to find this thread myself.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Aug 28 2010 : 7:59:04 PM
And now that I've introduced myself... :)
We're starting to plan for the Samhain ritual right now. I'm excited already. I think it's my favorite Sabbat here. I've had so much wildlife in my yard. There's baby quail who I watched one morning picking through the wood pile with their mama while I drank my morning coffee. Then there's a flock of wild turkey I have watched grow up from chicks throughout the summer. They stopped outside my door and just watched me a few evenings ago. Also, deer and cottontails and vultures. I'm told that soon it will be tarantula season. My daughter is nervous and has asked me tons of questions about them.
I'm still getting settled here, so not much else happening except unpacking, setting everything up and watching the wildlife when I am able to sit down. Hoping to get a chance to take the kids on a hike soon.
So glad I found some fellow witchy farmgirls. :)
Single Mama living her off-the-grid dream life... |
Edited by - MamaRhi on Aug 28 2010 8:00:13 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2010 : 8:21:05 PM
Samhain is my favorite Sabbat as well. It was even my favorite holiday before I realized I was witchy. Should have been a clue I guess. I don't much get to watch wildlife at my house but there are lots of creatures out at the Ranch. I love the harvest season. Due to the area where I live our celebrations are always small and personal but I love the time of year.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
463 Posts
463 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2010 : 4:10:34 PM
Just wondering if any of you ladies consider yourself Christo-Pagan? I was raised Christian & still attend a ELCA Lutheran church each Sunday. There is much there that speaks to me & I am loved & accepted there. My Pastor often makes references to the Pagan roots of today's Christian church. But.. I have always felt drawn to the Earth in a living relational way & feel that there is such a feminine spirit existing in the earth & in the person I call Jesus. I have a connection with the world that my mother used to say made me "a little fey." Not to be rambling but I don't often get a chance to put into words my feelings about this to people who don't know me. Over the last year I have begun to read more about Paganism & Wicca and find so much that seems right & natural.
Just wondering if any of you have Christian backgrounds & if you still observe any of your Christian beliefs or not. I would like to find other woman with similar beliefs to share & continue to grow in my understanding & discovery
Thanks!! Laura
"That which does not kill us makes us strong!" "I cast all my cares upon you Lord." |
Edited by - Mommyswanson on Aug 29 2010 4:28:22 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2010 : 9:30:19 PM
Laura--I am a Christian who embraces most Earth-centered faiths. I celebrate the seasons and sometimes have been known to talk to the moon. There are some rituals that I choose not to be a part of but I love listening to Celtic and Native American music and respect those traditions. One of my favorite--well, actually, my favorite--Christian writers was Julian of Norwich who lived in the Middle Ages and also Hildegard of Bingen. Christians during that time were intimately in touch with the land and I think most churches today have lost the concept of living connected to the natural world. I recently started attending a church with ties to the fourth century churches of Scotland and northern Ireland and I'm really liking it so far. One's spiritual search is very personal and often not understood by others who know the person. We all have aspects of our personalities yet to be discovered. The joy is in the exploring. Cindy
"There is more to life than increasing its speed". Mahatma Gandhi
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Motholelis Mom
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Aug 30 2010 : 2:56:15 PM
Well, where but MaryJanes's could we have this thread going without being harrassed by the viewpoints of those who find this all so threatening to their faith? Although, I confess I have not read every page on the thread either! I, like MaryJane, was actually raised LDS, but left that church as I started to be indoctrinated as a teen. Became a Catholic through the liberal teachings of the Jesuits, but left them after my divorce and all the wrath and judgement I received when my ex-husband filed for an annulment, after 18 years of marriage. Long story... Anyway, took Buddhist vows and still do my sitting practice, but if pressed would declare myself a Neo-pagan/Earth-based Druidic Buddhist. About once every three or four years, the scary rhetoric of the Evangelicals starts to get to me. I haul out every doctrine and idea of faith and spirituality I have been exposed to, and every single time, I am left with the deep and true knowledge that I am comfortable with my beliefs and wisdom; where my current Kharma lies. I should really call my self an Eclecticist. I just made that up! I trust myself to know what truths call out to me, and I know that one group or religion does not own god/goddess. I love the Autumn and Samhain, I love the going-deeper energy it represents. My current husband and I were married on the Winter Solstice, that wonderful time of deep quiet and gentle hope. I stand in the light of the full moon, La Luna, whenever I can, giving thanks to the Goddess, the source of all life. Blessings surround you, Deborah
Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. -- Margaret B. Runbeck
True Blue Farmgirl
539 Posts
539 Posts |
Posted - Aug 30 2010 : 8:30:46 PM
Hmmmm, eclecticist - I LIKE that! Feels familiar . . .
Jonnie Farmgirl #648
"Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you" - Maori Proverb
Candy C.
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
823 Posts |
Posted - Sep 01 2010 : 9:53:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by mtngirljon
Hmmmm, eclecticist - I LIKE that! Feels familiar . . .
Jonnie Farmgirl #648
"Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you" - Maori Proverb
I agree, thanks Deborah!
Candy C. Farmgirl Sister #977
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. |
True Blue Farmgirl
133 Posts
133 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2010 : 1:05:19 PM
HI Ladies!!!! welcome and blessings to the new ones who have found us! how is everyones harvest time going? Ive been so busy that I may have forgotten to breathe on occasions!!!!!!! it sounds awful but Im actually kinda looking forward to tilling my huge garden under nad planting garlic in a few weeks! Im so ready for fall my favorite time of year with out a doubt!
Blessings to you all
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
True Blue Farmgirl
1853 Posts

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Posted - Sep 14 2010 : 7:53:03 PM
i love this site and visit just to read so many wonderful women ...many talents and wisedom its a joy to just sit back and learn.. blessing deborah inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
Motholelis Mom
Farmgirl in Training
37 Posts
37 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 9:17:03 PM
Just want to send heartfelt blessings for a peaceful turning at the Autumnal Equinox. Stood with my face soaking in the gorgeous moonbeams of the full moon this evening, with gratitude for the rhythms of the seasons, the sisters of my heart near and far, and the ultimate balance of life in general. Blessed be all those who read these sincere words of love. Deborah
Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. -- Margaret B. Runbeck
Edited by - Motholelis Mom on Sep 22 2010 9:22:05 PM |
Farmgirl in Training
22 Posts
22 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2010 : 07:17:57 AM
Happy Autumnal Equinox to all, indeed.:)
Last night I watched the full moon slowly rise above the mountains as I tended the burn barrel. It was so beautiful a sight I could only stand there and stare as the sun's light was slowly replaced by the moon's glow. As I slept, her light covered me through the window near my bed.
Now the surrounding hills are glowing with the sunrise. I'm sure the kids and I will fill the weekend with Autumnal crafts. It's the first weekend they've been home with me since I moved here. :)
Single Mama living her off-the-grid dream life... |
True Blue Farmgirl
463 Posts
463 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2010 : 2:53:56 PM
Mabon blessings to all!
"That which does not kill us makes us strong!" "I cast all my cares upon you Lord." |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |