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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 20 2010 : 1:11:01 PM
Happy Equinox to all - a wonderful time of re-birth. Good wishes to all that we may have a wonderful and fruitful year.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

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Posted - Mar 20 2010 : 6:30:45 PM
Happy Spring to everyone. We in Texas believe it or not are having snow and freezing weather on this first day of spring. So much for Global Warming.
Blessed be Beth
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
540 Posts

Del City
540 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2010 : 1:18:14 PM
I was very sad because we got snow and sleet on Saturday and my poor, beautiful daffodils were all bowed over and I thought I was going to have to go cut them. However, after a thaw yesterday, they are looking much happier today. I just love those daffies!
Life's a dance you learn as you go |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2010 : 3:45:06 PM
glad you girls made it though the snow, and your daffies are recovering, Kay. we had a little snow shower today, but very brief. I too love daffodils, my neighbor is giving me some, I figure they will need to be transplanted in the fall, right?? I'm still trying to plan the garden, i'm aiming for an English country garden look, to go with our old cottage.
Hope everyone had a great Equinox in spite of the cold. blessings Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
133 Posts
133 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2010 : 11:23:59 PM
Hi Ladies hope you all had a great equinox! it was freezing here for the past few days! I am so looking forward to the warm sun to kiss my face and to get rid of heavy winter clothes!!!!We started planning our garden over the weekend looks like its expanding..again hahaha also I have some plans for some berry bushes and a few fruit trees in my field this year I am so excited!!! My father in law just gave me some daffodils this weekend they look so sad out in the cold rain:( hopefully it will warm up soon. I am just itching to get Dirty!!hahaha
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
True Blue Farmgirl
1853 Posts

1853 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2010 : 2:40:29 PM
just dropping by to say hi love the site and so many wise woman love reading the posts happy equinox all and many blessing
inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2010 : 5:52:39 PM
Hey Deb, good to 'see' you. Hope you had a lovely equinox. I too, really enjoy getting to know this group of wise women. glad you are here. blessings Phyllis |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2010 : 10:43:25 AM
Good morning all. Hope everyone had a happy equinox celebration. In light of the coming 2012 shift, I wanted to ask if any of you have changed the way you deal with others in difficult situations - like a business that hasn't followed through on a product or say a vehicle recall issue? I have been caught up in just such a moil in the past month and the frustration levels, anger levels have been through the roof. Although the issue still isn't completely resolved, it came to me that this is what must be fixed in order for the shift to be a positive one. You see, I realized that all of this is an integrity issue. The same integrity issue that caused the economy to bust in the first place. If people run their lives, their businesses, their governments with integrity and honesty, then none of this would be happening. As a result of this idea, it came to me to approach this issue with this business in a totally different way - to use the idea of integrity as the basis for all of my dealings with these employees or owners as the case may be. It applies doubly to me - for anger and frustration just clouds the issue in the end and lowers me to the level of the gray area situation that caused this in the first place. I realized that as long as I wasn't centered in the energy of light, then I would continue to be stuck in this spiral of getting nowhere. My frustration was punishing me far more than the business I was dealing with.
So, Being women who base their lives in spirit, and creating reality, I wanted to know if any of you have a set way of centering yourselves to resolve these kinds of problems with the tenure of the outcome being "for the good of all involved"?
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2010 : 11:05:29 AM
I agree with you there is not more integrity in this country. How can there be when our elected officials are dishonest and lack anything remotely like integrity. We set pro ball players and movie stars as role models and our kids watch that on the news and TV. I don't know how to deal with these issues. Customer Service only means getting the customer out of the store and making sure they don't give you any customer service. I find myself avoiding as many of those situations as possible. I know there is alot of stuff about the shift in 2012 but I wonder about that. That date is based on the Mayan Calendar which then translates to the current calendar which we have only been following since about 1547 and is inaccurate. So how do we even have any idea that the dates of 2012 are correct. I believe that what is happening right now is the shift from the age of Gemini to the age of Aquarius. I also believe that the unusual weather is due to Gaia (the Earth Mother) rebelling against the treatment it has been receiving. 2012 may and probably will bring a shift but I believe the shift has already started and it has started with those of us that are honoring the earth, protecting the plants from harmful pesticides and trying to care for the animals that are being pushed further and further out of their homes. We are the change, If we treat the earth, animals and other people then maybe we can make the shift a good one. As your say Sheri, live in the light
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2010 : 6:51:34 PM
I don't know very much about the 2012 shift, but I believe that Gaia is rebelling against the way we treat her. I also believe that people are still evolving, not necessarily physically, but spiritually. A Native American chief (can't recall his name) had a dream that someday the white man would turn to the Indians for advice on how to save the planet. I think all people living in this time are going through a change of mind, values, and seeking after the wisdom of the ancients. Maybe I'm an idealist, but I believe most people are starting to see that the old ways are no longer working. But it's important not to toss away all the old ideals--that would be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Change is inevitable, but is has to be positive. cindy |
True Blue Farmgirl
1853 Posts

1853 Posts |
Posted - Apr 02 2010 : 8:28:45 PM
i also feel a shift in the things around me the fear dissatifaction and anger about the direction things are going, so much talk so little positive is disheartening just watching the news so much violence scandals and betrayals. we reap what we sow i try each day to bring random acts of kindness to someone, even the smallest kindness can go a long way. you are right about integrity and honesty. it is a time for change. stay focused on being positive. its hard work but it pay off in the long run. inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
True Blue Farmgirl
720 Posts
720 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2010 : 8:12:21 PM
Sheri, I found a Pagan prayer that I like and use often. It includes a phrase " me to come from a place of love for all..." I find myself repeating this phrase to myself when I'm faced with a difficult person or situation. It seems to fit well with you wonderful idea.
"Be the change you want to see in the world" -Gandhi |
Candy C.
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
823 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2010 : 12:48:03 PM
Had a pretty bad nightmare last night. I even woke DH because he said I was breathing "funny!" In the first part, I had crocheted a small toy cat for the cat to play with and it had come to life! That was pretty weird. Then, I went to sit in a chair in a somewhat darkened room and something grabbed a hold of me (in my crotch area ). I was finally able to get up and of course there was nothing there but I felt an ominous presence. I kept backing up and trying a banishing spell but I felt like it was advancing on me. I think that was when I was breathing weird. Anyway, it really bothered me and 9 hours later, I still feel uneasy. I think I feel a little better now that I put it out there though! Thanks for "listening!"
Candy C. Farmgirl Sister #977
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. |
True Blue Farmgirl
76 Posts
76 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 01:23:56 AM
Hi! My forum app finally got approved, so I am a new Farmgirl! I remembered seeing this thread somewhere as I was wandering across the site previously, so it was the first one I went looking for. And please sign me up for the witchy Farmgirls chapter. 
Lis vka *the Sourceress*
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 07:10:17 AM
Good morning all. Welcome Elizabeth. I'm sorry to hear about your weird nightmare, Candy. I hope that your sense of foreboding has finally eased. I rarely have dreams that upset me like that but I have had a few over the years and I still remember the details years later....
I hope everyone had a pleasant weekend. I still haven't decided exactly how to respond to my "situation" but decided that until I am clear, to not do anything. I really want this to be a win, win situation - so that future customers of this business will not be treated as I was. I think the bottom line is that until businesses think of their customers as human beings and not dollars we will continue to repeat this economic pattern.
Today it's back to transplanting tomatoes. I still have 120 to do. Have a great day everyone.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 08:13:03 AM
Welcome Elizabeth. This is a great place to make a few friends and learn a lot. This thread gets quiet sometimes but we all check on it now and then.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
Candy C.
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
823 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 08:22:31 AM
I agree with you Sheri, if everyone would REALLY try to "treat others as you wish to be treated" we would not be in the mess we are in in this country. I have a ring that is inscribed "Let Your Life Speak." That saying portrays the way I try to live my daily life and how I try to treat other people. Wish some of these big companies would "get it!"
Oh well, I do feel better today, thanks! Good luck with your tomatoes, my garden seems pretty small compared to what some of you ladies are doing! LOL!!
Welcome Lis, glad you are joining us!
Candy C. Farmgirl Sister #977
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. |
Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts
8 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 1:17:07 PM
Hey yall! I'm new here. I can't believe I found you all! And sign me up for the Witchy Farmgirls chapter!!
Amy* |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 1:30:57 PM
Welcome Amy. There is a good group of ladies here.
Farmgirl Sister 572
When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer". |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1853 Posts

1853 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
268 Posts
268 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 7:01:26 PM
Lions and tigers and Witches... oh my.. can I play here too??
someplace between lost and found annette )O(
not all who wander are lost |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 7:05:47 PM
Yes my pretty....and your little dog too!! (sorry, I couldn't resist) Welcome to our group it's always nice to have new contributions.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
True Blue Farmgirl
133 Posts
133 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2010 : 01:58:28 AM
Hi Ladies!!! haven't been on to chat in a few days, so busy with work and family I haven't even had time to breathe!!!!! I have had an extremely bad week and have had way to much negativity blowing in my way! any suggestions to help eliminate some of it would be greatly apprieciated. I hope you all have a great week!
Welcome emily its great to see another PA girl here! Blessed Be
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
True Blue Farmgirl
133 Posts
133 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2010 : 02:01:49 AM
Dont make me break out the flying monkeys!!!!
Hi Amy Welcome!!!!!!!
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,for they shall never cease to be amused:) |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |