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Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 23 2009 : 11:55:24 AM
Hi, Brooke! Actually, Beth is my sister and I live in her home. We just discovered a couple of years ago in a conversation that we are both have the same beliefs although she has way more experience than I do. She shares her wonderful horses with me, too!
Nice to meet you.
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful. Welcome it in every face, in every skip, in every flower." Ralph Waldo Emerson
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 23 2009 : 12:12:03 PM
Looking forward to it. My understanding of the besom exchange is that we create one and exchange it . . . someone please correct me if I am wrong.
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful. Welcome it in every face, in every skip, in every flower." Ralph Waldo Emerson
True Blue Farmgirl
1403 Posts
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Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
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Posted - Jul 23 2009 : 3:37:58 PM
I'm not laughing! I love your names. Green Girl Coven struck me so far. LOVE IT! Too fun! Any more out there?
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
True Blue Farmgirl
89 Posts
89 Posts |
Posted - Jul 23 2009 : 3:58:12 PM
The KitchenWitch Collective? Gaia's Green Goddesses? The Besom Broomstick Brigade? I still kinda like the simple "witchy farmgirls"....
LOL! I hope some of y'all are better at this naming thing than I have been...
chickens clucking, bees buzzing, flowers blooming, all is good! |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 08:26:54 AM
Well sisters,
I am off to commune with nature this weekend. I will be back on Monday to hunker down and prepare for harvest. I have agreed to take the month off from writing (my next book) not on MJ's site, :) in order to be a good farm wife to my overworked husband. I will be doing some truck driving, driving kids to and fro and making all of the lunches for the crew. My husband, who is a third generation farmer here in Oakesdale wants an old-fashioned harvest with the food brought to the field for lunch and the works. (I'd be like the ole time cookie!) but he knows that with my schedule I can't do that, so we have settled on having meals in the field on Sundays only and boxed lunches the rest of the week. First Sunday it will be Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob from the garden, peach pie, lemonade, iced tea, etc. You name it. I am looking forward to it as I have never done anything like that before. I am not looking forward to leaving my new characters, but alas sometimes the goddess must do something for the husband, right?
How about Gaia's Goddesses?
That is my only thought. I think I kind of like Witchy Farmgirls as well.
Chat with you all Monday...
Best Regards,
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 08:28:00 AM
Marianne, Woah! I didn't even see Gaias Green Goddesses before I added Gaia's Goddesses. We must be connected!
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
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Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 08:32:22 AM
I like the Witchy Farmgirls the best.
Linda in Scranton, PA
Wear the apron of humility. 1 Peter 5:5 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 08:39:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by NudeFoodFarm; Coven Name?;How cool.;Hmmmmmmmmm...I will have to think about that. Any suggestions?#13;#10;
#13;#10;Brighid's Cauldron? (Brighid is pronounced "breed.") Brighid is associated with healing and creativity. Her symbol is the cauldron, which can also be symbolic of groups like ours -- what you get out of it depends on what you put into it, and all that. Of course, she was a powerful Celtic triple-goddess (maiden, mother, crone; warrior, healer, lover and any number of other combinations that represent all the things women -- FARMGIRLS! -- can be) before she morphed into the Catholic Saint Brigid.#13;#10;#13;#10;Nothing wrong with Witchy Farmgirls, though :-) |
Edited by - Rosemary on Jul 24 2009 08:42:35 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
539 Posts
539 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 08:41:01 AM
Amy, have a wonderful time communing. It sounds like hard work and good fun. If I lived closer, I'd volunteer to come and help.
As far as a name goes, I also like Witchy Farmgirls.
Blessings friends!
Jonnie Farmgirl #648
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful. Welcome it in every face, in every skip, in every flower." Ralph Waldo Emerson
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
1825 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 08:45:05 AM
Off-topic but relevant, I guess: What's with all these #13;#10:#13#10 things in my posts lately? What am I doing wrong? |
True Blue Farmgirl
433 Posts
Benton City
433 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 08:54:21 AM
Amy, I wanna eat lunch at your place! ~Do I have to work in the field? If we were closer ya know I would. . .
As for names, I like Brighid's Cauldron, beautifully thought out. Gaia's Goddess's is nice too (especially since it is Tashas' tag name ~Gaia Rose.
However Witchy Farmgirl seems to work great. We certainly have been getting responses and gathering awesome ladies from coast to coast.
As for the Besom swap. There are pictures (on page 5ish, I think) of a beautiful Besom that was give to Tasha. I personally got some rare Broom Corn (the original broom fiber) and want to make/create Besoms with that. But you can use any stick, wood, prunings. I also intended to tie it in ribbon and use stones, and dried flowers to adorn it. The idea is to use it to clear the negative energy out of your space (or alters).
There has been a lot of talk about hedge/kitchen crafting. Does anyone have any personal rituals that you practice while cooking and cleaning?
Best, h
Nude Food Farm ~Grown so good, Dressing is Optional. |
Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 09:02:55 AM
Hi all - I love to think that there is room for everyone and all beliefs. I live in a predominately born again area and they are very closed minded along with a large Mormon faction as well. It's not as bad as it used to be tho. A few years ago they used to beat my mailbox off the post because it had a dragon painted on it and they thought it was a serpent of the devil!! Actually my husband was Chinese and it helped folks to find our driveway. Personally I lay pretty low on the local front as far as my beliefs in the general neighborhood. I agree with Amy - folks just assume that you think the same way they do. It never crosses their minds that there might be another way of thinking. I don't try to convince anyone of anything. It doesn't matter to me what they believe that is their path. As to characters in small Eastern WA towns ---ain't that the truth!! We even had a gal here with two husbands. She made no bones about it and introduced them both at community gatherings. The trippy part is that no one batted an eyelash over that. Even more interesting, she had a "gospel music hour" on local cable TV!!! You are right - nobody could possibly invent these characters and be believed.
Gotta get out there and water all potted flowers before they dry up in this heat. I like Gaia's Green Goddesses. However, Witchy Farmgirls is to the point and proclaims who we are without a doubt.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
Greyhound Mom
True Blue Farmgirl
57 Posts
57 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 11:15:58 AM
I like Gaia's Green Goddesses, too...even Green Goddess Coven! And Amy, thanks for not laughing ~ hahaha!!! And good grief you certainly are a busy Goddess, aren't you? What a busy weekend! Have fun!
You are so right, Shari. It's all about that traditional upbringing thing and what people want to hear! They kind of forget where the whole religion thing started, don't they! I like seeing in the new seasons with a holiday and celebrating the Moon phases and thanking all the Gods AND "Goddesses" who helped my garden grow the way it does and keep me so balanced!
Magickally yours, B ~
"The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth, and we have a sacred duty to protect her and return thanks for the gifts of life." |
Edited by - Greyhound Mom on Jul 24 2009 11:17:50 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
4247 Posts
Clarks Summit
4247 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 12:30:21 PM
This is what I found when I wanted to know more about WICCAN. It sounds like me after all. Anyone have a comment on this link? Did you look at it?
Linda in Scranton, PA
Wear the apron of humility. 1 Peter 5:5 |
Contrary Wife
True Blue Farmgirl
2164 Posts
Teresa Sue
2164 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 12:51:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by yarnmamma
Hi witchy sisters, I am not sure if there is another Linda that you are refering to but I think I found the chapter in the Henhouse at one time...
This forum can be read by anyone in the general public. We should be careful to not post our whole name and address or especially our personal email address here for that reason.
I think ya have to be a "farmgirl member" to join a henhouse....the indication is the red hexegon by our name and it's $20 for a year and patch, newsletter and info is sent us..
check out that information under the topics on general chat forum.
It is up to the group if we want to go to a private henhouse...a password is required and admittance thru the creator of the henhouse. Make sense? I hope so.
In my experience it is too easy to forget that this is a public forum.
Linda in Scranton, PA
Girls you should be aware that anyone can read the henhouse posts also, but only those who are in the sisterhood can post in them. I find it interesting that in this day and age we still have to be so careful if we don't fit into the mainstream of beliefs. Amy, I know exactly what you mean, I live between Tekoa and Oakesdale, and I do the same, smile and nod 
Teresa Sue Farmgirl Sister #316 Planting Zone 4
"Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly." The Dalai Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
895 Posts

895 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2009 : 4:06:50 PM
I like Witchy Farmgirls and Gaia's Goddesses. Either one suits me. Brooke I was thinking about your Mom and Sister the other day. How are they doing. I guess you met my sister. She has been with me for a few years now. It is good to have her here and not so far away. I want to be part of the besom swap but have had not creative ideas yet. Hope one comes along soon.
Farmgirl Sister 572
May the force of the horse be with you. |
Amy Warwick
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jul 26 2009 : 9:30:22 PM
Teresa Sue! We live so close together!! Why can't I place you? Well anyway...I will probably feel stupid about that someday since you probably know exactly who I am. i loved living in Tekoa and now between Tekoa and Oakesdale. What a blast these people are. I think living "out" of the towns probably helps a lot.
And, Heide, you can lunch at my place anytime. You will get put to work though :>
I guess my vote is Witchy Farmgirls. What say you all??
For information on SUMMER SNOW please visit
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it ~Aristotle
True Blue Farmgirl
263 Posts
Glen Burnie
263 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 07:30:11 AM
Farmgirl Hugs, Carol
Farmgirl Sister #222 Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter |
True Blue Farmgirl
451 Posts
451 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 1:47:43 PM
Hi ya'll, I like witchy farmgirls just fine. you came up with lots of neat names.
Linda, that website is quite interesting. looks like good info in Wicca.
sorry I haven't been posting much. things around here are insane. I'm not sure that it's appropriate to ask this here, but will hope it's ok.
my family has some health problems. My daughter and I have CFS and fibromyalgia. we are also chemically sensitive. about a month ago we had to treat the house for termites. It made us all sick, but my husband especially. he has been having agonizing abdominal and back pain, can't really eat. my daughter also has the abdominal pain, has had it for more than 10 yrs, I think it's abdominal migraines, the only symptoms that fit.
I've tried everything to help. valerian helps a bit with the pain, but sure doesn't help the nausea. LOL> I have been trying to take care of everything, cleaning, walking the dog. last week the dog, who is a 40plus pound puppy, pulled me down and dragged me through the yard. thankfully a couple of nice young boys, stopped her, retrieved my cane and helped me up. LOL.
just wondering if any of you wise women have any ideas to help with detoxing and cleansing to help clear us up? hope you don't mind me posting this here, I just know that you all are caring and smart about natural healing. thanks and blessings to all Phyllis |
True Blue Farmgirl
2552 Posts
St. Paul
2552 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 2:20:53 PM
okay, so I am posting again, but I have to vent in this post.
So you all know I am in the midst of starting a business. I have had some of my items in my shop for some time now. Last week the gal I am taking the shop from ad a friend of hers-a hypocrite Christian- in the shop helping her to liquidate her merchandise. This woman messed with a small shrine I had put up OUT of the way, taking the prayer I had inside my Li Yuan temple and then putting up a card with the ten commandments on it behind my altar. She higlighted the first commandment. Another card like it was placed in the back of the shop behind a selenite I had in the big back window. I confronted all parties. The next day I came in I discovered books removed from shelves. I put them all back out but felt something wasn't right....she had inserted into each book and each oracle set a little bible tract. Did she really think I wouldn't know she did it?
So today, after much rigarmarole and disrespect and discourteous behavior and the constant request for illegal actions in the transfer I said, "That's IT!" I took all of my items out of the store and am now going trough the building owner and going at the slower pace that I originally intended.
I gave the girl who put all of those tracts in my stuff her crap back with a little note that read soemthing to the effect of "you must be more clever when dealing with a witch-Goddess Bless."
I'm telling you! I have never dealt with more hypocritical or crazy people! The husband of the gal I was dealing with is so shady and creepy!! GRR
I am so glad to be done though. Now I can focus on getting it all set for December like I originally planned.
I am tired of the religious bigotry in this town and that is one of my goals with opening the space I plan to open.
O how I adore the Goddess when she sets things right for me.
How are you all? I have missed you and see that you have been busy witches!!
~*~Brightest Blessings~*~ Tasha-Rose Farmgirl Sister #88
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"Joyful chaos, working in tune with the seasons, telling itme by the sun, variety, change and self-direction; all this wwas replaced with a brutal, standardized work culture, the effects of which we are still suffering from today." - Tom Hodgkinson in 'How To Be Idle' |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 5:13:42 PM
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with a so-called Christian. Some people think they have the right to force their beliefs on you, in the name of "saving" you. My take on it is that Jesus never forced his beliefs on anyone. We all have different things that "save" us--be it religion, or nature, or a hobby--there are so many different spiritual paths, but if they bring inner peace and joy, isn't that being "saved"?Anyway, feel free to vent. My own spiritual path has led me to some places I'd never thought I'd go, but through it, I've learned what works for me and what doesn't. And maybe that's what it's all about. Cindy
"Dog is my co-pilot"
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Sheep Mom 2
True Blue Farmgirl
1534 Posts
1534 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 5:53:38 PM
i Have never understood the need to have everyone believe exactly the same. It's almost like they are afraid that if everyone doesn't buy into what they believe that somehow it lessens who they are. How sad. That kind of fear truly limits people. I hope none of this hinders your business. I've been down many spiritual paths as well and I truly believe that until we understand that all spirituality is valid then we will continue to have such violence and fear in our world. The fact that she felt it was acceptable to desicrate another persons shrine,,,,amazing what audacity people have in the name of religion. I hope things smooth out for you now and all goes well.
Blessings, Sheri
"Work is Love made visible" -Kahlil Gibran |
Greyhound Mom
True Blue Farmgirl
57 Posts
57 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2009 : 7:27:59 PM
I, too am sorry for the pain someone else has caused you. I believe in my Kharma too much & have always felt that when someone did bad things or wished something bad to me it would always come back to them three fold!!!
Just remember the way of the witch...Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill & ye harm none, do as ye will & ever shall the rule of three...what ye send out comes back to thee. Follow this with mind & heart & merry ye meet & merry ye part. I am sure that you truly live by this rule and are strong enough to overcome this person bad intentions.
Magickally yours,
B ~
"The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth, and we have a sacred duty to protect her and return thanks for the gifts of life." |
Edited by - Greyhound Mom on Jul 27 2009 7:28:55 PM |
Gathered Up: witchy farmgirls?  |