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Farm Kitchen: Bread the MaryJane Way  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 10:08:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by LisaTwo
Ok, I did this and I don't think it turned out the way it was supposed to! Wahhh. It is so heavy. My husband thinks it is because of the weather? Could that be right? I will cut it up and either make croutons or feed it to the chickens. But I don't want to give up. Any suggestions?
Lisa- how old was your starter? If you are on your first week or two, the starter might still be a bit young. Yeast breed pretty quickly, but it still takes time to get the population so dense that it can really do a good job in the bread dough. Try again this coming week and I bet you will see an improvement in the rise. Also length of time can affect rise as well. Real sourdough takes much longer to rise.
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 Please come visit Nora and me on our blog: Put your pin on the farmgirl map! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 4:14:26 PM
ok- Hear ye, hear ye, moment - Everybody paying attention? Good! The sourdough biscuit recipe from MaryJane's Lifebook is to-die-for good. Perfect use for young mother/starters. I highly recommend everyone makes them the first few baking times as the starter matures. The pancakes from the lifebook were delish as well but the biscuits are beyond excellent. "where the name is bigger than the farm, but no one seems to mind" blog happy farmgirl #89 |
True Blue Farmgirl
403 Posts

403 Posts |
Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 4:26:44 PM
I found the following quote from Bernard Clayton Jr's classic Complete book of Breads interesting in light of our collective sourdough adventure... "A true starter, be forewarned, can be whimsical and maddening in the formative days. Once established, it is a joy to have in the refrigerator and, if you have like-minded aquaintances to discuss in every detail of its life." he goes on to admit that starters using yeast as a "booster"... "...makes it a sure thing and takes away some of the gamble -and some of the magic." "where the name is bigger than the farm, but no one seems to mind" blog happy farmgirl #89 |
Laura Marie
True Blue Farmgirl
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Rancho Cordova
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 6:03:59 PM
Help please....I can't seem to find where it was about seasoning cast iron pots. I have my dutch oven, but it needs to be seasoned. I have looked through the magazine but I can't seem to remember where I had seen it posted.... Could someone please give this city farm girl a little help, just point me in the right direction and I will go from there. Thank You!
Laura Marie #369
"It's not the size of the farm but the size of your heart!"
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 6:26:05 PM
Laura, Pg 15 of this thread. |
Laura Marie
True Blue Farmgirl
419 Posts
Rancho Cordova
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Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 7:36:43 PM
Thank You Suzan! It is much appericated. On a good not, I did make my 2nd loaf of sour bread. My first was a lovely paper weight but it's because I used the wrong flour. So I got the right flour started over again and bingo....I got a winner...although my neighbor and I at all but 2 sliced for breakfast today. I'm going to up my bater and make something fun next week and the farmhouse bread! I'm super excited. It's a very rewarding feeling to me...Patients is a rewarded! Farm Girl Hugs!
Laura Marie #369
"It's not the size of the farm but the size of your heart!"
Farmgirl in Training
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22 Posts |
Posted - Feb 01 2009 : 8:49:25 PM
My bread didn't turn out so well this week. I did a couple of things wrong this time around and I think I ruined my starter. My bread had a very bitter taste, almost like I added dish soap. It didn't rise very well and it took over 40 minutes to get 3/4ths of the way done. I finally gave up since the top was getting burnt. My kids, bless their hearts, still ate it as long as I slathered butter on it for them.
When I went to feed mother today, she had that same bitter I sent her to her final resting place and started over. My husband and kids are really looking forward to fresh bread each week, especially since my first time was such a success. Hopefully, I'm back on track now. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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1176 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 05:50:34 AM
Day two: My starter was all nice and bubbly this morning!! Happy dance!! And it even smells good!! It was a little more crusty on the edges. But for the most part they mixed in alright.
Dionne, Sorry to here about your bread. Alee, could what we be cooking and or what we use as a cleaner in our kitchen cause our "mother" to take on different flavors/tastes? Especially those of us that are just starting and are only covering our bowl with a cloth?
Kathy H Farmgirl Sister #81 "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world..." (anomymous) |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 06:27:10 AM
made my second batch this weekend with the mother (aka Ethel) and it turned out great! Made one loaf just plain and round shaped for me and my husband wanted small loaves for his "garlic" bread so we made three smaller loaves (he had to shape them...too cute) and they turned out really good too! He is excited about making another plain loaf for me on Wednesday ( I will be at work)...this is fun. janiee farmgirl #390 |
Farmgirl in Training
12 Posts
12 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 06:56:49 AM
Hello everyone, I'm new at this forum and I don't know what Mary Jane's Lifebook is. Is it at a web address or is it a publication? Anyway, I would like the recipe for the sourdough bisquits please. Thanks for all of the great info on this project.
berrypatchmom |
Farmgirl in Training
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Moreno Valley
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Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 07:24:24 AM
Morning everyone...I started my mother a week ago today, Monday. I was not able to use it yesterday(Sunday) to bake....nor did i let it rest yesterday like I think I was supposed to ...oops-forgot. Today is Monday - can I use it today to make my first batch of bread?? Also, how can I get back onto the MJ schedule of Sunday to rest it? Or should I just keep Monday as my Sunday In So. Calif. it is so dry and warm so far this year that the towell will dry out so fast even with the plate on top....any problem if I wet it a couple of times a day if it does dry out OR just let it be? Any suggestions welcome. Thanks, Cathy
Thanks, Cathy |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 07:36:27 AM
Cathy, My towel is drying out too! I just keep wetting it when I am nearby which is infrequently and everything has been fine. Your mother doesn't know the schedule so you can change it to suit your needs and she won't mind. If you didn't bake last week then remove some starter as if you did and start feeding the mother again until the day you want to bake and now you are on the schedule you want...and everyone's happy. Have fun, karen "where the name is bigger than the farm, but no one seems to mind" blog happy farmgirl #89 |
Amie C.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Finger Lakes Region
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Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 07:37:11 AM
I had the heavy loaf/no rise problem the first Saturday I baked, so I just want to report that I got much better results this weekend. Delicious, in fact!
I'm not sure if that's because my starter was a week older and that much more mature, or if it's because I set the dough to rise on top of a heating pad (low setting). Either way, lovely bread.
I did make another rookie mistake in following the directions. I was doing the pan-free bread baked on a cookie sheet. Mary Jane's recipe says to make "2 grapefruit-sized loafs" or "4 orange-sized loafs". Well, when I looked at the "sticky water balloon" of dough in my hands, it looked like I had 1 grapefruit. So I just made 1 loaf, and as it rose it burst and spread all over the place. No big deal, but I got a very wide, flat loaf. I think perhaps the instructions mean to say "grapefruit-sized after rising". Either that or my conception of what a grapefruit looks like is way overblown.
Bottom line: make 2 loaves, whether it looks like a grapefruit to you or not. |
Farmgirl in Training
10 Posts
10 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 07:51:37 AM
Today was the forth day since starting mother. She's looks great, but smells really strong. Almost like a sour milk. I'm assuming thats fine. I had to change her to a large bowl as she rose and took over the towel on top of her. Medium size was too small. lol I also realized i'm adding a little too much water each time. A 1/3 flour and 1/3 water was what i was adding then i saw someone said 1/4 water so maybe thats why she rose so much. I'm using Gold medal organic flour as that was all that was available here. I usually use unbleached Sapphire flour for all my baking. I hope the gold medal works well. I'm also going to check the place where we get flour in 50lbs to see if they have organic flour available too. You guys are awesome! I love reading thru the posts and getting all the tips. I wish my magazine would come! :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
4813 Posts
4813 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 08:14:17 AM
Karen - it is probably not necessary to rewet your towel during the day but it is up to you. It should be fine if the towel dries out.
Amie - I thought my two grapefruit sized loaves looked small at first too. I baked one as a whole loaf and had a lot of horizontal spreading too. I wanted a bigger loaf though. I think I am going to try something a little different next week. I am going to allow the dough to rise in a bowl about 3 or 4 hours then tranfer it to a baking sheet and allow it to rise only about an hour and then bake it. MAYBE this will prevent it from spreading.
Anne - go to the very first page of this topic and there is a link to the whole article! You don't have to wait for the magazine!
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog
Edited by - willowtreecreek on Feb 02 2009 08:15:36 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
4813 Posts
4813 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
22941 Posts

22941 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 08:37:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by maerwert
Hello everyone, I'm new at this forum and I don't know what Mary Jane's Lifebook is. Is it at a web address or is it a publication? Anyway, I would like the recipe for the sourdough bisquits please. Thanks for all of the great info on this project. berrypatchmom
Welcome to the forum, Mary!
MaryJane's Lifebook was her first book that she published. It’s 416 pages with more than 600 photographs and illustrations; farm kitchen recipes; make-it-easy how to’s; outpost advice; and old-fashioned tips, hints and values. She also has since published 2 more books MaryJane's Stitching Room and MaryJane's Outpost. You can buy one or all three here:
MaryJane also has a main website: On the main page you can explore the options with the bi-monthly magazine that she publishes including extras found here :
She also has products that she sells online, including AMAZING Chocolates and Organic food that all it needs is boiling water added- as she says "Fast food that isn't Junk"
There is much more, including information about here Bed and Breakfast, Farmgirl U, the farmgirl Sisterhood where you can earn merit badges. Have fun exploring the site- there is so much wonderful information it, and of course the forum here is an amazing wealth of fun personalities and information!
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 Please come visit Nora and me on our blog: Put your pin on the farmgirl map! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 08:39:09 AM
Thanks Julie! I'm glad to know that. You know we are having a heat wave here in Southern California? My hair dried this morning before i got done washing it... so the towel on top of my MaryJane is always dry by the time i get near it these days. Happy day to you, karen "where the name is bigger than the farm, but no one seems to mind" blog happy farmgirl #89 |
Quintessential Kate
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 08:51:53 AM
I keep a small spray bottle filled with purified water....and spritz "Ma's" towel when it dries out. Ciao, Kate
Heart of Texas Chapter AKA: Hot Farmgirl #234
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Farmgirl in Training
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Moreno Valley
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Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 10:03:30 AM
OK - just now mixed up first batch of Farmhouse Bread and have it sittin in it's cast iron pan to rise today. (thinking psitive here!) It is very thick and dense....not sticky at all! Followed the recipe exactly. Anyone else have this result? Not supposed to add water, right? Curious. Will post end result later tonight. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1311 Posts
1311 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 10:29:16 AM
I am on my 3rd loaf of bread. I have had my mother going for 3 weeks now. This last loaf of bread I made was the farmhouse bread. It was really really super sour. Is it suppose to get that sour ? I have had sourdough at Panara Bread and it was much milder than mine. I know when I smell the "mother" its smells like super strong beer. You can smell it when you come in the house.
My last loaf was super sour but didn't rise as well as the first two. But we had an ice storm and have not had power for over 7 days now.I know that is probably effecting the rise.The first loaf of bread I made was sour and really good but this last loaf I just can't get over how sour it is. Its that strong !! lol... I am not complaining here just a little worried if this is I am typing this post while our little generator is running. Thank goodness we have a little power for the computer,the freezers, and we have a gas cooking stove to cook on.
Is there something I can do to tone down the sourness a little without totally ruining the recipe? My family...especialy my 2 sons didn't seem to like it quite so strong. They like the raisin/cinm. bread much better I guess because it was sweeter.
Thanks Linda
Raspberry Run Farm Nubian Dairy Goats |
Edited by - wooliespinner on Feb 02 2009 10:33:04 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
403 Posts

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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 02 2009 : 12:59:54 PM
Mary - I am working on a recipe for biscuits that I will post later tonight if my internet at home is fixed or will post first thing in the morning.
Farmgirl Sister #17 Blog
Farm Kitchen: Bread the MaryJane Way  |