This is the first tutorial I've ever done. It's for sock stick horse - really easy, really fast, really cute and *really* inexpensive. It would make a fun Christmas present. My four 1/2 year old plays with hers all the time, and my 2 year old loves hers.
I bought a pack of 10 pairs of cotton socks for $6, a sheet of 4 buttons for 50 cents, two $1 dowels and used 1/2 a bag of $3 batting for two horses. I used fabric and ribbon scraps I had. So each horse cost me $3.10. You could do it even cheaper if you used all items that you had on hand already.
those are just way to cute and the videos were even cuter.. I posted on your blog to win a horsey!!!! hehehehehe One of my graddaughters would just love it...
Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog....Charles F. Doran beverley baggett Beverley with an extra E...
Kelly Wall
True Blue Farmgirl
430 Posts
430 Posts
Posted - Dec 07 2008 : 05:50:45 AM
Too cute! I'm making one today for my nephew! Thanks
I made two for my 6 year old and 2 year old. They have named their horses Lightning and Dora respectively. So simple and inexpensive to make and they absolutely love them.
"There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world"
I can't wait to give the one i won to my granddaughter she will just love it.... thank you so much!!!!!
Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog....Charles F. Doran beverley baggett Beverley with an extra E...
Oh I got mine in the mail yesterday and it is just the cutest thing!!!! My graddaughter is going to absolutely love it!!!! Way to cute!!! Thank you so much!!!!
Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog....Charles F. Doran beverley baggett Beverley with an extra E...