I added the Heirloom wooden rattles and kids organic cotton tees and wooden trains and wooden push toy cars.
Even though my website isnt complete, and I'm working on it every day adding more merchandise, I just wanted to offer free shipping for farmgirls!!(within US only)(over seas shipping i'll have to look into)
It's just another way to shop from home.
I wont have the paypal buttons available for a while, but can still use the paypal invoice feature for secure checkouts, or we can do a card over the phone....feel free to call and chat with any questions.
Alee, YOUR dolls got here today! They are sooooooo adorable. I love love loe the little girls dress! I hope you make clothes for Nora, because they would be sooo cute! I haven't had a single customer, so I'll let you know what they think if I get anyone looking at them...