My 4yo was just diagnosed with asthma, likely triggered by allergies. She's now taking Singulair to see how that helps, but I was wondering if any other gals out there have dealt with this? She goes outside to play most of the day, surrounded by the grass, trees, animals and flowers that are probably making it worse! Any tips?
I have asthma now..didn't always. So far I do okay with an inhaler (Xopenex) and being careful. Hay is one thing that gets me if we are moving alot of it or if I am in the haybarn for a long time. This time of year it is stuffed full and the kids are helping with feeding so I don't have to deal with hay much. I am lucky to mostly be effected by things like dust and smoke and like that..not flowers and animals so far. I wish I had some is a pain for sure.
My daughter has asthma and it was often triggered by allergies, also. I gave her local honey every day to build up her immunity to the local pollens. It made her asthma better in that we eliminated some of the triggers. But I never found a way to totally eliminate it. I'm sure it's out there somewhere...
Farmgirl Sister #35
"If you can not do great things, do small things in a great way." Napoleon Hill (1883-1970)
I have allergy triggered asthma. I use an inhaler (albutrol) when I have symptoms and take zyrtec for the allergies daily. Zyrtec is now over-the-counter but you can still get the genaric brand from your pharmascist w/out a presriotion and it is only 10.oo for 30 days.
Most of my asthma symptoms seem to come on in the middle of the night. I just keep my inhaler handy and it usually does the trick. I still keep pets, work with hay and we still live on a dirt road. I've just learned to recognize the symptoms and take my inhaler right away.
My 6 year old son has Cough Variant Asthma and is also triggered by allergies. His is worse in the fall and winter. He takes daily allergy meds - rx strength - during the fall and uses his inhaler when needed. He had bacterial pneumonia a couple of times in one year...Not fun. He was on daily nebulizer (breathing treatment machine) medcine for over a year, but his asthma is finaly stabilized. Just so long as we recgonize the signs of trouble we can steer away from it! He also had allergy tests to see what he was bothered by. That was truly helpful. Good luck.
Well, I wasn't holding out too much hope that there was a magical answer, but it looks like all I can do is just watch for the signs as she is out doors and anticipate when/ what can trigger it. Thanks for the advice! Next week we'll find out what things are triggers and hopefully that will help as well.
You know I got to thinking that yall might dry your clothes on the line...If you can avoid hanging your girls bedding that would help. The pollen and allergens get on the bedding then she breathes it in all night. If yall want to keep drying on the line then after its all dry through it in the dryer on high heat for 10 minutes to help kill the allergens. We do that for spring cleaning!