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 Hot Flashes....and HRT
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Quintessential Kate
True Blue Farmgirl

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Tyler TX
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Posted - Oct 13 2008 :  10:17:51 AM  Show Profile
I am having HOT FLASHES like there's no tomorrow.....and am not looking for sympathy, but for Sisters who have gone through it..are going through it, and what you have found works.
A little history......I'm 54 years YOUNG......and didn't have a HOT FLASH until early August this year. They started soon after having cataract removal surgery, and I thought they might be due to the steroid eye drops I was using quite frequently after the surgery. I'm talking waking up in a sweat that is so heavy I have to get up, shower and go to the guest bedroom because my side of the king size bed is soaked. I tried several natural remedies...and some seemed to help....especially the Evening Primrose. Didn't quite get rid of the flashes, but did indeed make them less frequent...and possibly less severe. Then almost 2 weeks ago I went to my GYN...who is a MAN. I figured I needed my yearly "Fun Stuff" check-up and also wanted an opportunity to talk to him. Anyhoo.....long story short. He put me on a HRT that has both Estrogen and Progestin. I have only taken it for 11 days.....and have decided NOT to take it, because to me the risks outweigh the benefits. Truthfully....I have not seen a marked improvement. No more than when taking the Evening Primrose...which he told me to quit taking. When I told the MAN I feel like I have lost the JOY in my life and I feel like I'm walking around in a FOG....he basically said that I'd get over it. That was NOT the answer I was looking for....although I really don't know what I wanted to hear him say.
After taking multiple on-line surveys...and getting basically the same answer / outcome, I have concluded that I am Estrogen Dominate...and went to my local healthfood store and purchased ProgestaCare. A metered progesterone that I will use 2 time daily. (I will not use anything for the next give time for the few doses of HRT I did take to pass through my body.)I am prepared for the HOT FLASHES to come back HOT and HEAVY......but I can deal with them for the short time until I start on the ProgestaCare. Are any of you using a topical Progesterone?? How is it working for you?? Any information will be greatly appreciated. I do know that with the ProgestaCare I will use it for 3 weeks at a time and then take 1 week off. My mentor at the healthfood store said to try to always start it on the 7th of the month and go through the end of the month. That is how I will use it.
As i said before.....any information from any of you experiencing this would be soooo appreciated. It's funny that we feel so all alone in instances like this....and then someone pops in and says...."the exact same thing happened to me"...and then we don't feel so all alone anymore.
Thanks for listening.....and I'm all ears here, patiently waiting for some feedback.

Ciao...and thanks for the feedback,

Heart of Texas
AKA: Hot Farmgirl #234

Today is my best day!

Quintessential Kate
True Blue Farmgirl

175 Posts

Tyler TX
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Posted - Oct 13 2008 :  10:21:17 AM  Show Profile
Okay, okay, I'm not the brightest crayon in the box. I posted this in PROBABLY the wrong forum......please excuse me. If you know of a way for me to get it to a more appropriate forum just let me know and I will see if I can move it.
Feedback will still be appreciated.

Ciao, Kate

Heart of Texas
AKA: Hot Farmgirl #234

Today is my best day!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 13 2008 :  10:29:06 AM  Show Profile
Maybe to Here's to your Health?
I would just copy and post it there, and delete this.

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Farmgirl at Heart

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Corinth NY
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Posted - Oct 13 2008 :  2:29:53 PM  Show Profile  Send Candy a Yahoo! Message
I also had hot flashes like you at the same age, and I took Black Cohash (sp), and it worked wonderfully. They actually stopped. I took the Black Cohash 3X a day, then went to 2, and then 1. Now I am on one in the morning. For quite a while, I did not take it at all until recently. (I was also told to stay away from Caffine, which I did not, but I can tell when I drink a cup of coffee, I get hot flashes shortly after.) I cant say enough how much it helped me. Good luck.
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Contrary Wife
True Blue Farmgirl

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Teresa Sue
Tekoa WA
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Posted - Nov 30 2008 :  2:56:07 PM  Show Profile  Send Contrary Wife a Yahoo! Message
B-12 vitamins help me, I call them my anti-homicide pills, lol

Teresa Sue
Farmgirl Sister #316
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Farmgirl at Heart

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Viola Idaho
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Posted - Feb 17 2009 :  2:38:06 PM  Show Profile
Dear Kate: I am 62 years old and have had extensive experience with hot flashes since mine never went away, like the Dr's said they would. I've been dealing with it for more than ten years. Yours may go away like most women's do. I have had the best luck with black cohosh, at least six pills a day and don't get it mixed with other herbs. Another really good product I found is called Estrocomfort, it has in it I think the ingredient in a concentrated form that really helps. I never had much luck with progesterone creams. On the EstroComfort box, it suggested controlled deep breathing when you feel a flash coming on. I tried this and it does work like magic. After about six breaths, the flash just goes away. Night sweats too. If you practice controlled deep breathing several times a day I think it actually will prevent the flashes (not sure on this one). Other than these methods, I found an MD who prescribes the all natural progesterone (in pill form) and biest cream, also supposedly bio-identical. My insurance pays some of it, and I have found that I just cannot get by without it. I still have a few hot flashes and night sweats but at a level I can live with. Good Luck, I know what you are going through.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Prosser WA
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Posted - Feb 17 2009 :  9:55:30 PM  Show Profile  Send ruralfarmgirl a Yahoo! Message
Hi Kate! I use the Progestrone topic cream and LOVE it! Makes all the difference for me.... L-O-V-E It~ I also recommend all of Suzanne Somers books.. and I hear that Robin McGraw has one out at well on topic.... and of course Dr. Kristin Northrup... But YES on the creams.. I started when I read Dr. John Lee's book~ what your dr doesnt tell you about Menapause.. brilliant!!!

Rene~Prosser Farmgirl #185

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Feb 18 2009 :  5:48:54 PM  Show Profile
I agree with Rene whole heartedly on the progesterone cream. I no longer suffer from the night sweats. I headed down the menopause road at 38 and am 47 now. I also take Greens Today women's vitamins. You can find them at
I still have hot flashes but they are not as intense as I've had in the past. I have come to view this as another season of life and deal with it as naturally as possible.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Del City Oklahoma
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Posted - Mar 04 2009 :  2:35:44 PM  Show Profile
I read the Suzanne Somers book too and it really made sense. I had horrible hot flashes and mood swings and I was only in my 40s. The VA doctors I went to were absolutely no help - they put me on Zolof and would try to keep me on those types of medication along with Premarin and progesterone. YUCK! Pain the butt!!! After reading the SS book, I found a doctor and pharmacist who work with me and use bioidentical hormones. They make so much more sense than the synthetic ones. Also, wear as much clothing as you can made out of natural fibers. I wear 100% cotton night clothes and it has sure helped at night.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Mar 04 2009 :  6:29:38 PM  Show Profile
I am thinking the doctors probably put you on progestin. Progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone that slows in production during menopause. I only use natural progesterone (wild yam) and it has helped tremendously. It can be found at

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Quintessential Kate
True Blue Farmgirl

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Tyler TX
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Posted - Mar 05 2009 :  05:50:10 AM  Show Profile
This is one of the many things I LOVE about being a can always count on your sisters to pipe in and give you sage, tried and true suggestions. I applaud all of you.
I have been using the ProgestaCare topical cream since posting this topic and I have had a gradual increase of relief. I started out using it twice a day,and of course, giving myself the 7 days off once a month. For the past month I have cut back to once a day and the results are holding. My husband and I have been delving deeper and deeper into a more organic, healthy diet and I think that has had an effect also. We love our vegetable we do eat a lot healthier during the abundant growing season.....and between our garden and the local farmers market, we have a good variety of fresh, raw food daily. Looking forward to May, when our Farmers Market will once again open. We still have cabbage and lots of greens that have made it through the winter....and last week did our first planting of the season...sweet onions.
Being a desert rat for sooooo many years, I wear nothing but natural fabrics. Mostly cotton......but there is some wool and silk thrown in. I found the wool very helpful during my intense sweating period, as it wicks so well.
Faith hit the nail right on the head, and I thank you for sharing.
I feel my ATTITUDE is great most of the time.......I embraced who I am and MY circumstances a loooooong time ago and I am sooooo thankful for the wonderful life I have. I am a glass half full kinda gal. The dairy.....well I do like yogurt from time to time,soymilk instead of mammal milk. I do not do so well with the medication/ chemical part.....but would love to get off of the meds I do take. I have a plethora of spine problems.....complete lumbar spine is fused with rods and screws, and my cervical spine at C-5,6 & 7 is fused with bone donated from my hip. And as things go....a lot of people in my situation ALLOW our doctors to turn us into drug addicts. Suffice it to say, I am working on getting myself off of those meds.........but I will say it's NOT EASY. I have been taking them for quite a few years now, and I know that I have to withdraw slowly to be successful.
I have never really used essential oils...but am going to go with your recommendations.
I stay very active......I go, go, go from before sun-up to waaaay after sun-down. I work out using a workout/balance ball, and walk, walk, walk. I am actually starting to feel like "me" again.
Thank all of you for all your help and suggestions.
I will let you know how I'm doing with the essential oils.
Ciao, Kate

Heart of Texas
AKA: Hot Farmgirl #234

Today is my best day!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Naperville Illinois
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Posted - Mar 05 2009 :  06:27:24 AM  Show Profile
I have found a unique way to stop a hot flash in its tracks when they occur at night when I'm in bed. I simply move my head and neck around a bit and the hot flash immediately quits. I have no clue why this works, but I'm glad it does. I also go back to sleep much quicker since I discovered this.

I also take blach cohosh. It has helped tremendously with the day time hot flashes (which became non existent when I started taking it) and my angry mood swings!

Good luck on finding the right balance for you!

Dawn in IL
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Del City Oklahoma
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Posted - Mar 06 2009 :  1:51:46 PM  Show Profile
The thing that had really bothered me was the mood swings. The doctors at our VA are mostly students and they tried to convince me I needed "help". I was feeling rather helpless because it was like I couldn't control myself. My son thought about getting me committed but my 2 daughters told him to back off and watch as I "cycled" through this. Sure enough - once I found a doctor who would work with me, the mood swings are so much better (actually, gone) and I don't have the hot flashes every day at 3:00. The bioidenticals are made out of herbs and vegetables and all. I'm not sure what all but I know they are natural. My pharmacist is so good about explaining everything. But then again, different things work for different people. My doctor runs blood tests every year to see where my hormone levels are and adjusts them accordingly. Also, the VA has a bad habit of using the cheapest drugs they can find and that really is not a good thing.

Life's a dance you learn as you go
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Teresa Tells
Farmgirl in Training

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Iona Idaho
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Posted - Mar 07 2009 :  7:42:56 PM  Show Profile
I've been taking RELIV - Nutritional Supplement specifically Soy Essentials...It's done wonders. Tried HRT, tried creams...nothing worked, but this does. Avoiding caffeine at all costs helped dramatically too.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Loveland Colorado
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Posted - Mar 27 2009 :  2:33:07 PM  Show Profile
I use a bioidentical progesterone cream for perimenopause symptoms, pmdd and endometriosis. I get mine from Beeyoutiful. I also use their SuperMom vitamins which contain spirulina which helps with the fatigue. I began menstruating at 10 years old, I'm 35 now, man it's been a long hall already. I know I would be in a world of nastiness without my beloved progesterone cream!

Theresa in Colorado
Proud Farmgirl Sister #124

"I see skies of blue, clouds of white, the bright blessed day, the dark sacred night, and I think to myself, "What a Wonderful World!" ~ Louis Armstrong
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Farmgirl at Heart

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Newville AL
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Posted - Apr 01 2009 :  8:40:18 PM  Show Profile
In South Africa they use sage tea with honey for hot flashes:

INSTRUCTIONS: Steep a handful of Sage leaves in a cup of boiling water
for 10 min's. Add Honey. Drink 3 to 4 times a day. Should take away hot flashes. You can mix the Sage leaves with any other tea and add honey.

"What is sweeter than honey?"
"How sweet are thy words unto my taste, yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"
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Farmgirl at Heart

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Wendover Ut
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Posted - Apr 11 2009 :  4:28:38 PM  Show Profile
I just learned something new! Never heard of the bioidenticals before. I take .5mg of estrogen daily. I had a complete hysterectomy 9 years ago and went on quite a roller coaster ride until my body settled down. Was taking a progesterone/estrogen combo but quit that 4 years ago and have been doing fine.

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