Why type to do you love? I need a pretty big one and something sturdy. The box stores one's just don't work for me. I don't mind paying $$$ if it works. Any suggestions???
Heather, do a google search for drying racks. I can't remember the name of the company that I saw them through but the were Amish and they were wonderful. Yep, they will cost you but you will have them forever! Mine aren't very good but I use them all winter. I would love to have some nice ones! Good luck!
Hiya I know my mom has an awesome one. Its from some sort of Amish market. Really sturdy. I got a really nice one from ..yep..u guessed it Walmart. It actually lasted me quite a few years...5 anyways. I was the not cheap on but the not really expensive one either. hugs jessie
When life sends storms, remember to dance in the rain!
I have a european style drying rack I picked up while shopping at IKEA last summer in Chicago. It sits about 4 ft high and folds out rather than up. I can typically dry an entire load of shirts or pants on it, plus it is great for laying my hand knitted sweaters on to dry. You may be able to google and find a rack such as this.
Heather, the ones I have are from Lehmans (non electric catalog). They are so sturdy I can hang a big load of jeans on them. I tried that with other ones and they broke. They are made super big and sturdy. They are a bit pricey but the electric co. we have they paid for themselves in no time. We have one of the highest in Ohio. They are online at www.Lehmans.com
They have 2 sizes and they run between 65 and 77 dollars but they are made super duper. They are made from hardwood not pine. They carry non electric things and stuff you can not find anywhere else. They even carry wringer washers and washboards.
Each day is precious...take a few of those minutes for yourself.
Do you have a colony near you that does wood working? We have Huetterite Colonies all over around here. They can make just about anything. Call or stop one on the street and inquire. They could even make the ones that mount to the wall and fold up when not in use. I get some produce, meats and handiwork from them and its always well made.
"Taking joy in life is a woman's best cosmetic."-Rosalind Russell
I bought two adjustable ones from Target. They are white powdercoat finished steel ones and are pretty sturdy. I have been pretty happy with them. The adjustable part is the width of the unit.
Don't miss out on a blessing, just because it isn't packaged the way you expected. ~MaryJo Copeland
You might also want to check out vintage stores. I got an old one from a friend who has an antique store where I live and I love it. It is large enough to hold a whole load of clothes including jeans. It is also made of much stronger dowels than the smaller ones. Good Luck!