Karen,"electricdunce" sent me the nicest package today. I love her work, remember the pillow she sent me before? Wish I could do the piecework like she does. Just to perfect. NANCY JO
Nancy-Jo, enjoyed catching up on your blog. I have been so busy and a bit depressed lately.. haven't been doing much of anything besides taking care of the kiddos..
I take it one day at a time. We are miserable here. Just can't stand it anymore. We had an offer to move back to Oregon on the beach but it appears it is falling through. If it does then we will continue with our plans to move to MO but we were all excited about moving back home. To be close to friends that were more like family. So I am sad. The kiddos aren't happy. We have had sandstorm after sandstorm that forces the boys to stay inside. these boys were practically living outside when we were in CA.. I had to drag the 4 year old in the house at the end of the day. Now he has so much anxiety that I am pulling my hair out. And my tmj has really been acting up big time so I have been in much pain. Sorry for the vent. I am just worn out. We just were not meant to be Nevadians.