I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but there is an urban homesteading family in Pasadena, CA which is a fairly well-to-do area in Los Angeles County. They have been doing it for year's - pretty cool and encouraging. Check out www.pathtofreedom.com and go to the challenge button.
Anyway their homesteading challenge for 2008 is to cook meals with products raised within 100 feet of your back/front/side door, patio or balcony. They are trying to encourage people to get back to the victory garden mentality for a variety of reasons.
I thought it sounded interesting and something other farmgurls would find interesting too.
Isn't their website the coolest! I just love it. The amount they produce from such a samll lot is truly amazing.
Watch their calendar section because in the past they've had workshops at their place. Not too much in the last year or so because they've been working on some big renovation projects. I'm hoping they might do something in conjunction with the plant sale at the Huntington Library in May. That would be a great gardening day.