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 Spider repellent for your house

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Leslie Posted - Sep 18 2006 : 1:40:48 PM
Does anyone have a good remedy for keeping spiders out of the home? Many years ago I recall hearing that you could tie a bunch of wintergreen mint and hang it upside down and that repelled spiders. Has anyone else ever heard of that, or any other old wives' remedies for spiders? They make an awful mess of my whole house. Thank you so much in advance!
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
walkinwalkoutcattle Posted - Oct 07 2009 : 06:20:39 AM
We have always called those oranges "Orchard Balls". I had no idea they could deter spiders! I can't wait to hear if you ladies have found something that's worked. I'm sick to death over finding these spiders in corners, and I feel bad killing them! I try to take the bigger ones out to the garden and let them go, but, the smaller ones I just hit with the broom!

Starbucks and sushi to green fried tomatoes and corn pudding-I wouldn't change it for the world.
Bear5 Posted - Sep 26 2009 : 12:20:19 PM
After reading all of the postings, that is it for me, I am calling the spray people to come and spray my house Monday!!!!!!!!!!! We never had this many spiders, but after two floods they are all over the place.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
countrymum Posted - Sep 21 2009 : 08:31:33 AM
I wonder, does the lavendar spray work on those hairy centipede things? I have those and I really don't like them. I was told they eat spiders. Anyone know?

"Life is brief & very fragile. Do that which makes you happy."- Flavia
JulieJ Posted - Sep 21 2009 : 08:11:31 AM
Thought those of you fighting the Stink Bugs would like to know this stuff works GREAT if you get them with a direct hit of it. They are starting to swarm our house looking for someplace cozy for the winter.
jinia Posted - Jul 13 2009 : 6:09:39 PM
Saw the topic and jumped right on in...seems were having a stellar spider season here too...Just moved to a new place and battling spiders outside and in...will now double efforts! Been a big debate on wether to spray some spider stuff at least outside trying to handle it without the chemicals but might come to that.I am totally creeped out now!!!!

Katie Im sorry to here about Chloe but glad to here she's recovering well!!
Bear5 Posted - Jun 26 2009 : 8:22:15 PM
Gross, after two floods from hurricanes, we had spiders all over the outside of the house, and inside.
I've almost got the inside spiders under control, but every third day I go outside and spray the house with a hose to knock them down. Those things just keep coming back. I wonder if vinegar would help.
Alee may know this.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
Bellepepper Posted - Jun 11 2009 : 09:06:45 AM
Going to the woods to gather hedge balls. We have lots. Our well house is made of cement blocks and the spiders live in the holes in the blocks. When the guys have to get into the wellhouse to do repairs, they have to lean over the blocks. Going to put a hedge ball in every hole. Our storage sheds are also full of spiders. Grandson sets off bombs in his shed, I haven't yet but I'll throw in some hedge balls into mine. In the celler also. Gee, this sounds almost too simple to work.

Ole Ron was bitten by a brown spider about 40 years ago. Didn't go to the Dr right away. He had a horrible ugly black hole in his leg. It took 18 weeks to heal. I can't imagine my baby being bitten.
Bear5 Posted - Jun 10 2009 : 8:22:27 PM
EWWWWWWW, we have spiders all over the outside carport, doors, pation, deck, even a few in the house. My cats smash them during the night. In the morning I sweep up lots of them. Gross. I'm going to try all of the above, it may take some time, but somethings got to help. They are totally gross.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
Herbal queen Posted - Jun 10 2009 : 6:55:39 PM
the repellent that tree hugger makes repels all incests including flea spider and mosquitoes. Because it is herbal it can be used in the home and outside the home and also on human. Check it out
at treehuggerclothing.If the click the link that says are you looking for tree hugger clothing on the top after browsing around learning about the many other natural way to keep you health.

Hebal Quees
T.H.C Prace to you and all you know,love all in the word and watch it grow for great herbal advice and handmade clothing for fee hosting
Herbal queen Posted - Jun 10 2009 : 6:41:33 PM
There are many herbal things that you buy at low cost through tree hugger clothing. will kill or keep any bugs away at lo cost . They are not on the product list right now but will be soon so if you would like one now go ahead you http://treehuggerclothing.ingo and register, and send me an email. I will be happy yo make you some before we are read to put it out on the market. Pay through paypal or money order.


T.H.C. Peace to you and all you know. love the world and then watch it grow. for great herbal advice and handmade clothing for fee hosting
Herbal queen Posted - Jun 10 2009 : 6:38:52 PM
There are many herbal things that you buy at low cost through tree hugger clothing. will kill or keep any bugs away at lo cost . They are not on the product list right now but will be soon so if you would like one now go ahead you http://treehuggerclothing.ingo and register, and send me an email. I will be happy yo make you some before we are read to put it out on the market. Pay through paypal or money order.


T.H.C. Peace to you and all you know. love the world and then watch it grow. for great herbal advice and handmade clothing for fee hosting
Leslie Posted - Oct 05 2006 : 09:33:46 AM
Lori! What Acid/Alkaline thing? Yikes!!
Nancy Gartenman Posted - Oct 04 2006 : 3:58:30 PM
THANKS Sunshine for posting that, I was wondering what to look for. ok, don't want to see that while I'm looking.
Katie, sorry to hear that chloe was bitten, and glad to hear she is fine now. we know now for sure that we do not like brown recluse spiders. How come we didn't know this before? Or was I just not paying attention? I THINK I JUST NEED TO STAY RIGHT NEAR THE GRAMMY CHAIR AND EMBROIDER.
Leslie Posted - Oct 04 2006 : 3:57:10 PM
Follow-up already: I used 1 TBLS. of Bonner's liquid soap, 5 drops each of lavender and tea tree because I had those. I used an old spray bottle I already had, and went about my business: I have several (I thought!) corners where the spiders like to live. I went there first, and low and behold, sprayed into the corner and some of them were blown out of the corner by the power of the spray! But since they'd been hit by the spray, they were "coated", and kind of floundered around. Revisiting the spots ten minutes later - and they've died!! Whewwwhoooo!! Now, once I got to crawling around on my hands & knees I realized that I've got spiders in EVERY corner, not just "several". Some of them are weensy, but they still make one heck of a mess. So I just sprayed 'em all. Caveat: a wet mess in the corner, in my enthusiasm I sometimes oversprayed and it ran in a wet streak down the wall, but Oh, Well. Dead spiders! I will report back in a few days to update on whether or not new ones have moved in.
sunshine Posted - Oct 04 2006 : 3:29:48 PM
if you really want to see a wolf spider here I don't think most of you want to see some of these photos you are warned

or if you wan to see a brown recluse same warning and worse

have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe
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Leslie Posted - Oct 04 2006 : 3:19:45 PM
Hi girls - I haven't made up the spray yet, but after all this brown recluse chat I'm going to do it right now. I hope Chloe is better now, with the chat room fallout being that the rest of us are completely freaked out. AND WHAT ON EARTH IS A WOLF SPIDER?? Please! Do we have those here in Wisconsin? I don't blame you a bit for hiring the bug man - I would nuke the entire compound if I were in your shoes. And I hate that kind thing too - I completely sympathize. I'm always afraid that stuff will make me grow a third arm. Good luck, and NO SPIDERS!*


*except where we want them.
katiedid Posted - Oct 01 2006 : 5:33:46 PM
I forgot to add...We call Mountain West Pest Control and had the whole house, yard and garden sprayed...I just couldn't come home until it was done!
I usually don't have stuff sprayed, but I was sick with worry.

The pest control people said it was safe to spray inside too, but we chose not to....which is probably why the big old wolf spider was inside next to my bed!!


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katiedid Posted - Oct 01 2006 : 5:30:55 PM
Oh have no idea about nutty until that type of bite happens to your BABY! I freaked the doctor prescribed xanax because I was sure it was going to happen to my other children.....DON'T go on the interenet and look up everyone's bites!
I just imagined it happening to poor little Chloe when I saw huge gapping, black holes in peoples legs!!

I was a basketcase to say the least!
Luckily we ran to the doctor right after the bite, Eldon found the spider limping around (Chloe must have rolled over on it or something) and we took it with us for a positive identification and they started treatment right away.
Chloe has healed up amazingly well!
Her bite is almost has been a long 3 week process, but in some cases it can go on and on for months!

I hope it never, ever happens to anyone else!

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Libbie Posted - Oct 01 2006 : 11:40:06 AM
I can't wait to hear if it works! Leslie - I know - when something that I care about is threatened, I get that same "vigilante-like" protectiveness. These spidery-things are so scary to me. I really don't mind "regular" spiders, but just knowing that these brown recluse/hobo spiders are around MY HOUSE (I've seen their webs - YIKES!!!) makes me nutty!!!

XOXO, Libbie

"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe
Leslie Posted - Oct 01 2006 : 07:09:06 AM
Hi Ladies - This is just horrifying to me. Now I'm starting to get that creepy paranoid thing I get, like when the raccoons and coyotes are stalking my chickens, and I get all vigilante-like with the "just shoot 'em all" thing...geez. So I'm looking online for a recipe or something to help with the spiders, just ordinary household type spiders, not brown recluse or anything, and I come across this link to a guy who was bitten by one and took pictures of his bite...OH MY GOD. It went in stages from the first day of the bite to a horrendous wound that completely opened up and his tissue started to die and he needed several surgeries...granted, he warned about the graphic nature of the photos, but did I heed the warning? OH NO! I can take it...well, I haven't forgotten it since, a few weeks ago now, and now with Chloe's painful story, this just adds to it. Poor child! So now I'm like the shark killer or the stingray hunters after Steve Irwin's death...stalking the brown recluse. Oy.
SO - I bought Bonner's soap and am going to add Tea Tree Oil and Lavender Oil to it, and I'm going to test a few corners in the house to see if it works. I will report back.
Libbie Posted - Sep 30 2006 : 10:59:34 PM
Kate! I'm so sorry to hear about Chloe's spider bite - it really must be the time of year or something because my parents' dog was bitten by either a brown recluse or a hobo spider a week or so ago - his bite didn't go as well as Chloe's sounds like it did - he just had his first reconstructive "fur" surgery today. How is Chloe doing now?

EEEewwwww - I am really getting this spider paranoia thing going on lately. I agree - any help with spiders is VERY great!

XOXO, Libbie

"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe
katiedid Posted - Sep 30 2006 : 5:44:52 PM
I really really need a recipe for some sort of spider deterrant!
A couple of weeks ago our 3 year old Chloe got bitten by a Brown Recluse spider!
IT was so horrible...I didn't know that a spider bite can be systemic..she cried with bone and muscle aches, she had nausea..

So, about 10 days after her bite (we had to go to the doc everyday to make sure it wasn't getting REALLY bad, like plastic surgery to remove the dead tissue bad) I found a huge HUGE huge spider in my bedroom, right next to the bedside table...I freaked out! Eldon wasn't home so I just put a jar over the spider, and then a big old can of coconut oil ontop of the jar..and I couldn't even go in my room!


Any help with spiders is great,
Love and light to you

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berries Posted - Sep 19 2006 : 3:51:37 PM
Yes Leslie, we have the osage orange trees here, and I will try it. We live in the national forest, and have lot's of spiders. They make a mess of the outside of the house! I will try it! Thanks!!!!! I think they are really neat looking - the oranges that is!

thanks, fondly, gloria g. Richards, TX

strawberry fields forever and ever!
CabinCreek-Kentucky Posted - Sep 19 2006 : 3:38:41 PM
gosh ... grandson lucas and i just watched 'charlotte's web' ... wish all spiders were that charming! xo

True Friends, Frannie


Leslie Posted - Sep 18 2006 : 7:38:37 PM
Thanks, ladies! I'm going to try the spray, but the monkey brains, well...that will have to wait.


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