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 Citra-solv to the rescue

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graciegreeneyes Posted - Oct 18 2009 : 10:05:33 AM
If you are ever looking for a good de-greaser check out Citra-solv. It is an all-natural product and works great!!!
I know this has been mentioned before but it is worth another mention - it just simplified a major kitchen cleaning project for me.
Amy Grace

Farmgirl #224
"use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
graciegreeneyes Posted - Oct 19 2009 : 2:08:20 PM
I have been using it straight for maximum cleaning - you could dilute it to make a spray though.
I have used this stuff to take automotive grease off of carpets - works fabulous!!

Farmgirl #224
"use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"
City Chick Posted - Oct 19 2009 : 04:47:20 AM
I'm looking for a good degreaser. I may have to search for this. I have some spots on my stove top that my Mom suggested using de-greaser.
herblady55 Posted - Oct 18 2009 : 6:53:03 PM
Hey ...I just found it online at ...8 oz. for $ that good? It doesn't say how much to use. What's the water/solvent ratio?

I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman-
herblady55 Posted - Oct 18 2009 : 6:10:48 PM
ok...Ty Amy!I'll look.

I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman-
graciegreeneyes Posted - Oct 18 2009 : 2:44:47 PM
Organic food stores are your best bet. The one I work at has carried it for years
Amy Grace

Farmgirl #224
"use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"
herblady55 Posted - Oct 18 2009 : 2:34:52 PM
Thanks for the tip Amy. Where do you find it? I've not seen it.

I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman-

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