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 Fall Cleaning

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Alee Posted - Oct 07 2009 : 12:42:26 PM
Today is one of those mid-week days where you realize you have some extra time and the house needs the attention so why not clean. And then I got to thinking that this whole cold snap has really taken us by surprise and we are not ready for the weather.

So let's talk Fall Cleaning! What do you do for fall cleaning in your house? I found a list online but haven't read through it yet. Before I read through it I want to list the things I want to get done and then see if the list gives me any good ideas:

I want to shampoo the carpet in the three rooms that have carpets plus the stairs

I want to scrub down the inside of all the kitchen cupboards, cleaning and organizing as I go

Wipe down and oil the outside of the cupboards

Clean (inside and out) the stove

Clean out the fridge and sanitize

Scrub kitchen floor on hands and knees

Clean out pantry cupboard and organize

Dust the house

Clean the bathroom and re-seal the grout where it is having issues

Clean and organize the laundry room

Clean and organize the upstairs office

Phew I am tired just thinking about it! LOL

Farmgirl Sister #8
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13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
herblady55 Posted - Oct 14 2009 : 8:48:37 PM
Wow! After reading all of those, I'm tired.~whew~ I've been putting off painting my walls....all of them. I love to paint, but I have so many walls. And they are(old)walls, lots of cracks from years of vibrating from our (too close)2 sets of train tracks....about 400 yds. The house was built in the 1920's.I've fixed most of the cracks upstairs but still have the downstairs. I'm thinking of doing 1 whole wall with sayings. I know...adventurous aren't I? I found this neat website( got the idea. just free-hand them arched across the wall. In this day and age we and all our visitors need all the encouragement we can get. Why not put it on a wall? What do you gals think? Hugs&Squeezles! Judy

I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman-
happydaze Posted - Oct 14 2009 : 5:43:37 PM
Good Grief!!So much to do, so little ambition. GS is moving out this weekend, so will get his room for our sewing room again. Little room where I'm stuffed into will become the pet hospital, nursery, brooder etc room. Been tossing out his garbage all week, it either all goes with him or to the land fill. My friends and I will have a ball transforming the guy room to a gal room. I'm thinking of using wall paper samples to make a quilt block on one wall! of course rip up the carpet, may paint on the floor too.
acairnsmom Posted - Oct 10 2009 : 8:52:55 PM
Great website Alee! I need a little motivation to get any cleaning done since it's just me and the dog during the week (dh comes home on weekends). I've been thinking of making a running list of things that need to be cleaned only once in awhile that always seem to get put on the back burner (I haven't cleaned the inside of my kitchen cabinets in years! LOL). It's nice to see what cleaning chores other FG think of.


Toto, we're not in Kansas any more!
gr8tfulmom Posted - Oct 10 2009 : 5:24:33 PM
Yesterday we did some deep cleaning of the main floor rooms, removed screens, sucked up dead bugs, did about half of the fans in the house (we have lots) both floor and ceiling, worked on my sewing loft (it was a huge mess), pulled some of the garden and got down and dirty with the kitchen...which still needs more attention, the cupboards, kitchen appliances, and pantry are next on my list.
Bear5 Posted - Oct 09 2009 : 08:58:21 AM
I want to do all that too, however........................................I'm waiting for you and your family to visit. LOL
You should have your own cleaning business. LOL I have never come across anyone who cleans as much as you do! Did I mention that I will cook if you and your family come down to Louisiana.
Have a great day, Alee. And- take some time to sit and smell the roses. LOL

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
Alee Posted - Oct 08 2009 : 12:43:49 PM
LOL! Gena- sometimes having someone else come in is the best present you can give yourself!

Farmgirl Sister #8
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southerncrossgirl Posted - Oct 08 2009 : 08:56:01 AM
You girls are exhausting me! I just want my knee all better so that I can do regular cleaning!!
I guess I am going to have to save my money and have someone else come clean. I know my DH ain't gonna do it!

"A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes"==Cinderella
Autumn Leaves Posted - Oct 07 2009 : 3:36:08 PM
I'm not sure if this counts but, we cleaned out the rain gutters today and last week I cleaned out the wood shed and we got it all filled up for a while. Still need to finish pulling up the garden and putting away all my tools.
Inside... I always do a huge cleaning the day I put up and the day I take down the Christmas tree. It just seems like before the rush of the holidays and all the company is a good time and then once it's all over clean it really good for the rest of winter. More hidden stuff like the cupboards and closets I usually do a little every week starting now.

Warm Wishes

Never let yesterday use up too much of today - Will Rogers
Alee Posted - Oct 07 2009 : 3:12:08 PM
I can sympathize with that Teresa! The only reason I was thinking about it today was the nasty weather we have been having! LOL
1badmamawolf Posted - Oct 07 2009 : 3:03:25 PM
I'm still way too busy to Fall clean, my major cleaning is done in the dead of winter, thats when I have the time, and when the weathers bad, I don't feel guilty being in the house all day, LOL.

"Treat the earth well, it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children"
Alee Posted - Oct 07 2009 : 3:01:58 PM
Oh yes! I forgot going through clothes! We really need to get rid of the worn out clothes and put away the summer clothes this year. I am NOT turning up the thermostat because my husband refuses to wear sensible winter time clothes! LOL

Farmgirl Sister #8
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chaddsgirl Posted - Oct 07 2009 : 1:40:04 PM
Good Grief!! I'd have to take a week off work to get all that done!!!

It's funny you should bring it up though, Alee. I was thinking about Fall cleaning last night while I was cleaning my bathroom. The list you found is great, reminded me of a few things I want to get done this weekend. Here's what I would like to accomplish for Fall Cleaning:

Clean out all bathroom vanities, vaccum and organize. THROW AWAY THINGS I DO NOT NEED.

Clean and organize craft room and office. Go through contents of each room and get rid of things we are not using. Set up sewing area in craft room and organize fabrics, threads, etc.

Clean and organize cabinents in the laundry room

Shampoo carpets

Wash walls

Paint Bathroom and wash shower curtain

Put garden to bed, organize greenhouse for winter use

Clean out all closets, get rid of all items not currently in use.

I'm sure there is more that needs to be done, but that's what I have in mind right at the moment. :)

A person is a success if they get up in the morning and get to bed at night and in between does what they want to do. Bob Dylan
Alee Posted - Oct 07 2009 : 12:44:25 PM
Oh and here is that online list I found:

Farmgirl Sister #8
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