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 I love MicroFiber!

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Alee Posted - Oct 03 2009 : 12:15:34 AM
I love the micro fiber cleaning clothes. I had some years ago but they have long since been used up. Well I found a bundle today for five dollars and am so happy! Yay!

If you haven't ever tried Mircofiber clothes- do try some! Don't use them in super hot water or bleach though. That fries the little fiber hooks that do all the cleaning!

They are really awesome because they don't even need cleaners to work! They have little tiny hooks that sweep by and pick up all the dirt! I just got my bathroom mirror to sparkle using just a wet microfiber cloth and a dry one! It looks so great (and it was gross seeing the junk I got off it! I can't wait to clean my car with one!

Farmgirl Sister #8
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FebruaryViolet Posted - Oct 05 2009 : 1:29:40 PM
I've used them for several years now. My mom and her friend have that cleaning business and she swore by them. I was skeptical at first, but I love them. I also have the microfiber mop. And, for all you cloth diaper gals, you can actually use the microfiber cleaning cloths as doublers--crazy absorbency!!!

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Alee Posted - Oct 05 2009 : 1:21:56 PM
Isn't it crazy?! I just brought one out to the car and am almost afraid to start using it in here! I might be frightened to death!

Farmgirl Sister #8
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melanie47601 Posted - Oct 05 2009 : 09:53:21 AM
Oh yes! I LOVE Microfiber cleaning cloths. I use them all the time to clean my home as well as cleaning for clients. You would now believe how much time you can save or the amount of dirt that disappears!


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Alee Posted - Oct 03 2009 : 8:06:04 PM
You know that scum that can hang out in the ridges of your kitchen sink handles? The stuff that the kitchen scrubbie just can't seem to get to? Well the Microfiber clothes got it in one go! Whoo Hooo!

Farmgirl Sister #8
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simplyflowers Posted - Oct 03 2009 : 5:23:56 PM
I'm going to get some myself! Thanks for sharing Alee!

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Bear5 Posted - Oct 03 2009 : 2:32:01 PM
The micro fiber cleaning cloths are on my "To Order" list. I'm happy to hear they are nice.

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Alee Posted - Oct 03 2009 : 06:31:25 AM
Aren't they fun? They really impress me! :D

Farmgirl Sister #8
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City Chick Posted - Oct 03 2009 : 05:54:58 AM
I bought a huge pack of them at (cough) wally world in the automotive department. They were only $5.00 I think I got 10. They really do work well. I also found 2 window washing cloths there - I forget the price but it was reasonable.

I use the microfiber to was my bathroom floor (hand & knees style) really does a great job.

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