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 ?? on washing wool blanket

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campchic Posted - Oct 02 2009 : 05:40:59 AM
I have just aquired a Hudson Bay wool blanket. It is in great shape, but is discolored and smelly. How would you wash it? I don't want to get it dry cleaned because of the chemicals and the expense. Any ideas?


Farmgirl #190
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Cabinprincess Posted - Oct 03 2009 : 12:26:55 PM
I have three wool camp blankets and I wash them by hand in my tub. Always cold water, Orvis soap (used to wash sheep, from any feed store)push water out by hand, spin completely in the washer and hang out on the line to dry. They are always just fine, but sometimes they get little pills on them and I just use my little buzz machine to shave them off. Hot water will cause you problems, just stick with cold.

I can't help but picture a sheep washed in hot water with his wool all shrunk to him like a really bad perm. LOL

Smiles, Melody June

God's gift to you are your talents, your gift to Him is how you use them.
electricdunce Posted - Oct 03 2009 : 12:26:33 PM
Almost everything that is marked "dry clean only" can be washed at home without all those chemicals. Wool is an easy one, it is true you have to make sure the wash and rinse temperatures are the same, but I have great result washing blankets in my machine.


Farmgirl Sister #153

"Give me shelter from the storm" - Bob Dylan
1badmamawolf Posted - Oct 03 2009 : 08:57:55 AM
I dry cleaned some wool blankets one time, got them home and had to wash them, could not stand the chemical smell they had from the dry cleaning, it also made them feel odd.

"Treat the earth well, it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children"
campchic Posted - Oct 02 2009 : 7:31:01 PM
Every thing I read is that I should really dry clean it. What do you thinK?


Farmgirl #190
frannie Posted - Oct 02 2009 : 09:50:55 AM
i think the big thing with wool, according to my wool guru is dont change temp. of water between the wash and rinse, ie, wash in cold, rinse in cold. if the temps are different the wool will "felt".
enjoy your blanket.

frannie in texas
home of "green"crafts,
where no scrap is left behind

1badmamawolf Posted - Oct 02 2009 : 08:41:35 AM
cold wash and rinse, gentle cycle, also you may need to block it, and line dry out of the direct sun.

"Treat the earth well, it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children"
gramadinah Posted - Oct 02 2009 : 07:10:32 AM
Woolite and the washing machine. Line dry.


Farmgirl Sister #273

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