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 cleaning house for cancer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Annab Posted - Sep 29 2009 : 05:33:26 AM
I have posted about my frined who is going through chemo for kidney cancer.

She and her hubby and an bunch of old friends will be visiting end of the month for our fireworks party. She wouldn't have it any other way even thou she'll have another treatment 2 days before they are scheduled to leave.

So I get a message via my folks that i'm going to have to super clean the house.

No problem since I was going to have to anyway, but i'm a little leery 'cause we live in the country and have a dog in the house.

Jaz will be boarded that Friday morning, but pet hair isn't the problem,,its all the dust everywhere from living on a dirt road.

Sure hope I can do Dona justice.

Anyone out there survived cancer or had a similar delema?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
frannie Posted - Oct 13 2009 : 2:30:22 PM
i am in my last week or radiation for breast cancer,(and congrats to you cindy lou!) and i did not seem to have any problem with dust. my house situation sounds very much like yours anna, no matter what i do it just seems as though the dust is winning.
every one is different i understand in their reaction to chemo, so i dont know why your friend is cautious about the dust. maybe she has developed a real sensitivity to it.
i know you will do fine in preparing for the party and i just hope yall have a wonderful time.

frannie in texas
home of "green"crafts,
where no scrap is left behind

Cindy Lou Posted - Oct 13 2009 : 08:26:37 AM
Hi Anna,
I just found your post. I am a breast cancer survivor, 3 years now. You said "the end of the month". Was that September, already past or October? In case its October and you are still concerned, I don't think that any special cleaning would be necessary.

When I was having chemo it was pretty much life as normal around here, and this place is a zoo! 3 dogs, 2 cats, and 5 cage birds. I was working as a teacher and only missed the days of my chemo. And seriously people germs are rampant in an elementary school, its almost as bad as a hospital. I did have a problem with my blood count after the last chemo but then the Dr. just said to stay home, it was safer than a hospital. I was given no special cleaning instructions. Though we try to use organic products when we can. If she is planning on travel 2 days after treatment andy nausea must be under control, but she may not like some of the foods she did in the past. Some people feel chemo changes there food preferences.

"You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd.....
But you can be happy if you've a mind to. All you've gotta do in knuckle down, buckle down and do it, do it, do it!"

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