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 Homemade Laundry Soap Once Again :)

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Calicogirl Posted - Sep 22 2009 : 10:01:11 AM
Hi Girls :)

I know that this question has probably been asked previously but with all of the posts (and length)of the Homemade Laundry Detergent threads I thought that you might know off the top of your head what the answer is.

Can the detergent be made with any type of homemade bar soap? Not glycerin but cold processed? I just thought that it may be nice with a scented soap. Can someone tell me whether it's possible and if not why not? I just like to know the science behind it :)

Thanks ladies


By His Grace, For His Glory
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GoldenSeal Posted - Sep 27 2009 : 2:24:22 PM
You can change your superfat percents on the lye calculator. I've heard of people putting it to 0-1 percent for laundry soaps. I haven't made laundry soap with my soaps.
Calicogirl Posted - Sep 23 2009 : 6:13:10 PM

I usually use the Zote or Fels-Naptha. I was just curious about scented soaps :)


By His Grace, For His Glory
5 acre Farmgirl Posted - Sep 23 2009 : 5:17:18 PM
I just made some with "Zote" and Fels Naptha....

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Calicogirl Posted - Sep 23 2009 : 10:37:35 AM
Thank you Alee! That makes total sense. I just had to know the answer :) I have plenty of soap for now to make detergent but when it's time I will order some from you :) Thanks again!


By His Grace, For His Glory
Julia Posted - Sep 22 2009 : 3:21:37 PM
Soap Queen to the rescue!!!!

For tomorrow and its needs I do not pray, but keep me, guide me, love me, Lord just for today.
St. Augustine

Alee Posted - Sep 22 2009 : 1:12:12 PM
Yes, you can use any soap, HOWEVER real soap (aka homemade soaps) do have the natural glycerin in them and most soapers superfat their soap (leave a certain percentage of oil unsaponified) so it is not drying to the skin. So when you wash you clothes with homemade Hand soap, my experience is that you will get soap scum floating on the top of the water and leaving a ring in the washer. Sometimes a residue on the clothes. That is because the oil that is good for the skin isn't the greatest for your clothes.

Now not to sound like I am just trying to push my products, but I do make a homemade all natural laundry soap bar as an affordable replacement for the Fels in the recipe. Right now I just have unscented on hand, but I am always willing to make a scented batch. Also another note is that unlike the synthetic fragrances found in commercial laundry detergents, the fragrance in most homemade soaps is going to be much much much lighter and will most likely wash out. Instead try adding some essential oils in with some vinegar in the rinse or putting some essential oils on a wet washcloth in with the clothes in the dryer. A drop or two is more than enough and will help scent the clothes

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