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 just de-frosted the big freezer...

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prairie_princess Posted - Sep 06 2009 : 4:19:49 PM
what a job! i took the old hair dryer to the frost and ice, but it STILL took too long for my liking. but at least it's done and all my food is nice and neat and tidy again...

anyone have any tips to make this job go faster?

"Only two things that money can't buy, that's true love and homegrown tomatoes."
- Guy Clark

"The man who has planted a garden feels he has done something for the good of the world."
- Charles Dudley Warner
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geminidream62 Posted - Sep 20 2009 : 5:38:36 PM
Thank you for this post, I've been needing to defrost one of my freezers for a loooong time (not gonna say how many years but let's just say I'm not sure we even defrosted it when we moved here in 2001 <G>). Took out the food, propped open the lid, dragged a garden hose over and inserted it into the drain place with the adapter thingy, pulled the plug on the inside and started using another garden hose to flush/break off the ice. Created a good 6" deep puddle which never drained. Ugh...much fiddling and very cold hands later <G> I just gave up and started bailing.

Think I will let it sit a day unplugged and then fire 'er back up tomorrow after work. This poor old dear has been thru many military moves and has gotten cracked and damaged over the years, I'm sure there is a lot of frost on the inner walls of the case that could stand a nice slow defrost too. Luckily it is outside in a spare room off the garage and can drain with no problem. nasty job out of the way thanks to knowing you all are out there taking care of your freezers. Thank you so much for the inspiration to just get it done already.

midwifee Posted - Sep 11 2009 : 6:53:10 PM
Keeping the freezer pretty full helps keep down the amount of frost build up. I do use the hair dryer, but I loved the hose and laundry room floor drain idea. Plan it into your next addition girls.

coast to coast farmgirl is in the blood
windypines Posted - Sep 11 2009 : 09:06:24 AM
Ahhh I just did this job yesterday to 2 big freezers. I pour hot water onto the sides and then scrape some with a plastic scraper. Worked pretty well and fast. Now If I could only find a good way to divide and keep everything organized! At least now I know what and how much I got in them. Ready for butchering this fall.

acairnsmom Posted - Sep 08 2009 : 9:15:03 PM
Elizabeth, my tip to make this go faster is to let DH do it! LOL


Toto, we're not in Kansas any more!
prairie_princess Posted - Sep 07 2009 : 4:10:44 PM
yes, that sounds easy! i did try to pour boiling water over the ice, but the post was too big to fit in the freezer and i ended up burning myself... but i never thought of just putting the pot inside to help steam-melt the ice... i'll have to try next time.

"Only two things that money can't buy, that's true love and homegrown tomatoes."
- Guy Clark

"The man who has planted a garden feels he has done something for the good of the world."
- Charles Dudley Warner
Alee Posted - Sep 06 2009 : 6:28:16 PM
Wow! That IS slick, Diana! If we get to build our own house, I'll have to remember that or see if it could be modified into a house if we have to buy a pre-built one.

Farmgirl Sister #8
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gramadinah Posted - Sep 06 2009 : 6:15:45 PM
We have it easy it is in the laundry room with a drain in the floor remove all the stuff hook a hose to the utility sink faucet and spray it out with hot water. Takes about 30 mins and unload clean and to reload.


Farmgirl Sister #273
Alee Posted - Sep 06 2009 : 4:40:03 PM
Have you ever tried boiling water and putting the pot inside the freezer on a hot pad?

Farmgirl Sister #8
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