T O P I C R E V I E W |
annegirl |
Posted - Jun 24 2007 : 5:09:02 PM Ok...not sure where this should go, but since it does involve homesafehome *wink* i'll put it here.
I only have one child. I stay at home. So therefore I should have plenty of time to get things done. I feel though lately that I am constantly cleaning and running errands...leaving no time for stitching and sewing.
How do I go about getting everything in some sort of order so that I can manage my time better? Any suggestions? Any ideas on how to organize my day better?
19 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
SarahJ |
Posted - Jun 29 2007 : 07:31:00 AM Well, I had to have a little wake up call a few months ago. I always hung on to that excuse about "having the perfect house should take a backseat to being a good mother..."
But, one day, I actually took a REAL look at how I was spending my time. All that time I thought I never had, I really did. I wasn't spending all the extra time that I wasn't cleaning my house on my children.
I had plenty of time to be on the computer, the phone and to do several other things. I finally realized that this wasted time would better serve my kids if they got to live and learn in a house that was reasonably clean and healthy. I was hardly teaching them good habits if they saw I always had time for the computer, but never time to clean.
So, for me the time management battle was won once I started to be brutally honest with myself about how I was spending my time, and admitting that part of being a good mother is giving my kids a reasonably clean and healthy environment to grow in. It simply had to become as much priority as all of the things I was filling my time with. |
Alee |
Posted - Jun 28 2007 : 4:47:40 PM Hmm... I am bad... I haven't been doing my 15 minutes a day. Sleeping has just seemed too inviting! LOL Does it count that I did a bunch of cooking and baking today? Darn...more dishes...
The amazing one handed typist! One hand for tying, one hand to hold Nora! |
Maryjane Lee |
Posted - Jun 28 2007 : 3:07:38 PM LOVE Fly Lady!!!!
Hugs, Maryjane Lee
The Beehive Cottage~ est. 1971 |
Hideaway Farmgirl |
Posted - Jun 26 2007 : 10:45:43 AM I still keep a list of things to do, for the day, or for the weekend, whatever. I used to make loooonnngg lists on regular sized paper, but now I use quarter sheets of paper or tiny notepads...if I cannot fit it on the piece of paper, I cannot realistically get it done in a single day! It has helped enormously. If I am worried about how much to get done, I will put time estimates on the tasks, and stop when I get to 8 hours. Yes, you can call me anal....
I like the flylady site as well, and have been using several of her ideas, just not in a regimented way. Oh, to be more organized!
"There are no strangers here, only friends you've yet to meet." |
Alee |
Posted - Jun 26 2007 : 10:44:29 AM Oh I don't mind the time nursing Nora at all! I love being there for her and I enjoy every minute of it (yes even when I get a bit tender! lol!) But as soon as Nora is done, I should be up doing things! But I guess I just needed that nap, eh?
The amazing one handed typist! One hand for tying, one hand to hold Nora! |
ali2583 |
Posted - Jun 26 2007 : 08:05:25 AM I agree with you Tabitha. I also think that people won't remember you for your spotless house, but for the fun and fascinating things you do - whether that's stitching or playing with sidewalk chalk.
I used to always fret that my house wasn't clean enough, or that I wasn't doing enough. So now, I make a list at the beginning of the day of all the things I want to get done. Sometimes the list is long, sometimes it's not - it just depends on what I think I can accomplish during my day. And quite often I will put "me" things on this list like reading or going for a walk. It kind of "itemizes" my time, but it allows me to make sure that I can accomplish my work, but also make time for me.
"God's gift to you is life. What you choose to do with that life is your gift to God" |
Tabigirl |
Posted - Jun 26 2007 : 07:05:36 AM It is comforting to know that others struggle with this too. In addition to keeping my house and life somewhat organized, I have also learned that I can't do it all and making a choice to play with sidewalk chalk instead of mopping the floor is ok too. Have a wonderful day ladies! |
annegirl |
Posted - Jun 25 2007 : 2:52:00 PM I totally agree. Weeds can wait. My Nora is turning 3 in September...it has gone by entirely too fast! |
mikesgirl |
Posted - Jun 25 2007 : 2:42:03 PM Oh, Alee - treasure that precious time nursing Alee. Weeds can wait!!!!!!! |
Alee |
Posted - Jun 25 2007 : 2:39:50 PM I know what you ladies mean about time getting away from you! I was nursing Nora and fell asleep. Wow. That eats up a lot of time! I did just get back from a trip, but napping during the day doesn't help me get my garden weeded! LOL
The amazing one handed typist! One hand for tying, one hand to hold Nora! |
annegirl |
Posted - Jun 25 2007 : 2:11:11 PM awhile back, i had a list with daily chores. when i followed that list, i pretty much was able to keep up with the house and have free time. but i swear something has happened in the last few months that has caused my house to be dirtier/messier and my time to be very short ;) got to get it all under control! I do know that part of it has been we've been gone about every other week and that means packing/laundry/suitcases...jsut stuff everyone...i always seem to find time to put my neat junk finds away when we get home lol ;) |
Kay Marie |
Posted - Jun 25 2007 : 1:57:28 PM I choose one evening a night as my TV & stitch night. I stitch during the show. During commercials I'll get up and clean and straighten around the house. This way I get to do something I want to do rather than feeling like all I do is clean house after work. |
mikesgirl |
Posted - Jun 25 2007 : 1:35:12 PM I too have a tough time getting a routine that will accomodate my home business. I think it might be easier if I had to GO somewhere to work on it - even if it was just down the street! Home beckons when I'm trying to work on business. |
doglady |
Posted - Jun 25 2007 : 10:35:45 AM There's also a great book called "The Power of Focus" by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen. It has a step by step system to use so that you complete what's important to you.
The dogs own the house but the people pay the mortgage! www.kennelcreations.com |
kitchensqueen |
Posted - Jun 25 2007 : 08:38:42 AM I don't use the FlyLady method (although it seems to be quite popular and make sense) but my approach is pretty simple. Granted, I don't currently have any children, but being (recently, anyway) a full-time student and full-time worker definitely left me time-challenged. When I come home from work, I don't sit down and put my feet up right away-- I spend 15 minutes walking around the apartment and tidying things, wiping down counters and mirrors (it's easy because I keep all of my cleaning supplies where they are used, and not in one central spot). We also try to stay on top of "chores"-- when the trash is full, take it out; wash a few dishes before the sink gets full; make the bed when we get up; etc. I also make it a point to allow myself free time as part of my regular day, even if there are dishes in the sink. I find if I don't have my free time, I don't feel good and if I don't feel good I don't have the motivation to do the housework, and it's a yucky cycle. Don't feel bad about taking free time! I think that sometimes as women we feel that if we don't have immaculate houses and yards we are lacking in some way, but we have to remember that what's really important is cultivating an immaculate family, social and personal life. (Sorry, that was me waxing poetic for a second :-) ).
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Alee |
Posted - Jun 25 2007 : 08:29:30 AM Stacey-
There is a lot of things to wade through at the FlyLady site. What I do is find out what "zone" I am supposed to be working on for the week and then I read the "assignment" for the day. If I don't like the assignment then I just work in the zone for 15 minutes. So here are the links I use on that site.
http://flylady.com/pages/FlightPlan.asp http://flylady.com/pages/FlightPlan_Missions.asp
The amazing one handed typist! One hand for tying, one hand to hold Nora! |
annegirl |
Posted - Jun 25 2007 : 06:02:28 AM i have a hard time finding gardening time. my husband has started working the garden in the evenings when he gets home. i have to say he is pretty good helping out around here...but he's also good at making messes ;)
i looked into flylady when nora was first born and just couldn't figure it out...i'll give it another shot! |
Alee |
Posted - Jun 24 2007 : 6:24:00 PM I do http://flylady.com too. I also make sure to really set aside a few minutes for myself. The thing that I have a hard time doing is my Gardening. Also, my fiance and I have worked out a system where we both do some housework each day.
The amazing one handed typist! One hand for tying, one hand to hold Nora! |
Tabigirl |
Posted - Jun 24 2007 : 5:25:29 PM Take a look at flylady.com she has a simple approach to cleaning, getting organized and time manangement. I don't follow the whole program but have found some really helpful ideas that work for me. Take care Tabitha |