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Jokamartell Posted - Jan 06 2025 : 5:16:44 PM
My hubby and I cooked a turkey yesterday for dinner. I am wondering if anyone else is as grossed out with the job of taking the meat off the bones! It didn’t bother me when I was younger but today it really bothered me…gunk under my finger nails, the cartilage stuff…lol. My hubby was laughing at me. I told him I didn’t think I would make a true-blue homesteader since I could never butcher the animals I cared for much less pick at their meat!! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
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Red Tractor Girl Posted - Jan 14 2025 : 12:40:45 PM
What a story, Heather!! I could never butcher any animal for food. That would be too much for me. But I am fine making soups with meat and taking it out at the end and pulling it off bones to chop up and return to the soup pan. As a matter of fact, I am making turkey rice soup from turkey wings right now. Love homemade soups!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
Wanda Sue Posted - Jan 08 2025 : 11:59:34 PM
I too love your stories Heather, they always make me laugh!

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
Farmgirl of the Month: Aug/2022

Jokamartell Posted - Jan 08 2025 : 7:43:57 PM
Oh Heather! Your stories are amazing! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
MBurns Posted - Jan 08 2025 : 11:06:02 AM
Great story Heather. I grew up on a farm so helped butcher chickens . Not fun but necessary chore. Cows and pigs were usually taken to a local butcher to process. Always had home grown meat to eat.

Farmgirl friends are fun. Farmgirl of the month 8/2016 and 9/2019
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Jan 07 2025 : 7:06:56 PM
That is a great story Heather, you do have great experiences and stories. I am laughing so hard! Thank you.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

nndairy Posted - Jan 07 2025 : 7:01:45 PM
I don't have issues with the meat, or the butchering process, except one funny story. The first, and so far only, time I butchered chickens I had no idea what I was doing. My grandma laughed at me that I was reading and following instructions in a book. When it came to the part of removing the innards I flipped my headless, featherless chicken upside down in my sink and reached in. Obviously the chicken was no longer alive, but when I put my hand in the chicken - it made a chicken noise!!!! I jumped half way across the room!!!! I'm surprised I didn't need to change my pants! Once I realized what happened (I pushed air through it's windpipe - it wasn't going to attack me!) I couldn't quit laughing at myself.

“I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” — George Washington

Nancy Joplin Posted - Jan 07 2025 : 2:14:40 PM
When I was helping my sister harvest chickens, I was always the one who cleaned the chickens. I was also blessed to be able to help feed dress an elk. It is a necessary job, and some people would starve without people like me!

Nancy 8352
StitchinWitch Posted - Jan 06 2025 : 9:22:27 PM
Yuck -- me too. I don't like touching meat. DH the hunter does the deboning and cutting and when he's not here the fare is vegetarian.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
suny58 Posted - Jan 06 2025 : 5:38:40 PM
I can't do emojis here but pretend there's a green in the face one on the verge! Lol....yea, I get pretty grossed out too. Thats why I eat mostly veggies.....very little meat, blah

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Jan 06 2025 : 5:34:54 PM
No, I could never butcher an Animal either Karen and Tom debones all our chickens, turkeys etc. it is a messy job for sure.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

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