T O P I C R E V I E W |
Patsy |
Posted - Feb 16 2007 : 10:03:27 AM Awhile back, I was reading some posts on a cookbook I wanted to get. Of course being the dolt that I am, I didn't write down the name or the author.
I remember is was written by a woman and it was something about going back to the common sense ways or natural ways or something like that. Since I can't remember the name of the book or the author, I can't find it in the search.
I went back thru the kitchen section and the health section but I can't find it.
Does anyone have any idea of what I am talking about? I wasn't dreaming was I?
Blessed are those who love the soil,
9 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Libbie |
Posted - Feb 20 2007 : 09:31:59 AM
...So glad I could help! I love these books - both "Nourishing Traditions" and "The Encyclopedia of Country Living." GREAT titles for the farmgirl's bookshelf, for sure!
XOXO, Libbie
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe |
Aunt Jenny |
Posted - Feb 17 2007 : 1:19:37 PM Oh Faith you would have loved her (she passed away last year) Carla was a humble, quiet person and had so much knowledge, but was always willing to listen and loved to learn new things too. We were lucky to know her. She stayed here at our home twice..the last time summer before she died she was here three days and we had the nicest time. I am so glad THAT was the book you were looking for Patsy..yay LIbbie!!!
Jenny in Utah Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies http://www.auntjennysworld.blogspot.com/ visit my little online shop at www.auntjenny.etsy.com |
Patsy |
Posted - Feb 17 2007 : 12:06:53 PM Libbie,
THAT"S IT!!! Woo hoo thanks so much. You know how it is when you can't think of something. It just keeps your mind from moving on to something else.
Blessed are those who love the soil,
faithymom |
Posted - Feb 17 2007 : 11:36:37 AM Oh, I see...
That's cool that you knew her! I have gotten a lot of great information from her books, and I always wonder how people I admire, but don't know personally, really are...
Thanks for the clarification about the books, Faith
"All television is educational television. The only question is, what is it teaching?"-Fmr. FCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson |
Aunt Jenny |
Posted - Feb 17 2007 : 08:37:18 AM oh, I bet that is it Libbie!! Faith..she just wrote the one big book about country living and recipes..it has 10 different editions and along the way they changed the name. I personally like the older editions best for reading, but of course the newer ones have more info. I have three different editions!! I knew the author pretty well.
Jenny in Utah Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies http://www.auntjennysworld.blogspot.com/ visit my little online shop at www.auntjenny.etsy.com |
Libbie |
Posted - Feb 17 2007 : 07:59:37 AM Okay - what about Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon?
XOXO, Libbie
"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe |
Patsy |
Posted - Feb 17 2007 : 06:40:13 AM No, that isnt it. I am thinking it was written by a woman who went back to the old fashioned way of eating and explained why it is better .....oh man, this is driving me nuts. It was a book I really wanted to get. I searched thru all the topics for at least an hour and couldn't find it.
Blessed are those who love the soil,
faithymom |
Posted - Feb 16 2007 : 11:16:31 PM Jenny, I'm pretty sure the Encyclopedia is different from the recipe book...at least they have them listed in 2 different places in our library. I haven't checked out the recipe one yet, but the Encylopedia is on my table right now! I think it is the 3rd time I've checked it out...I should buy my own copy someday.
"All television is educational television. The only question is, what is it teaching?"-Fmr. FCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson |
Aunt Jenny |
Posted - Feb 16 2007 : 1:50:28 PM Is it Carla Emery's Encyclopedia of Country Living? (It used to be called "Old Fashioned recipe book".
Jenny in Utah Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies http://www.auntjennysworld.blogspot.com/ visit my little online shop at www.auntjenny.etsy.com |