T O P I C R E V I E W |
KYgurlsrbest |
Posted - Feb 14 2007 : 07:22:55 AM We had a lovely ice storm last night, which knocked our power out for about three hours or so--no biggee, I said to myself, I'm a farmgirl, and I have a gas stove, candles and lanterns....So, I set all my candles up, lanterns strategically placed, finished the dishes and started to make my homemade turtles for Jus's valentine sweet... Turn on the burner to melt the caramel and..... nothing but gas smell. Turn on the other burner to melt the chocolate and....nothing but gas smell. Apparently, newer gas stoves have electric starters!!!!!! I had even planned on baking a little pizza for me while I made the candy, but that was also out because the temperature is digital. So I was hungry AND fuming.
Just when I thought--I know, I'll get my long kitchen matches and light the burner that way (which I haven't done in a LONG time), the lights came on. Guess it was God's way of saying, "look, the power lines are down around you, dagger like ice-covered branches are plummeting onto your roof at rocket speed, and the EMT's can't get to you if you screw this up, soooo.....Let there be light!!!"
Just think of all of the roads there are...all of the things I haven't seen....yet. |
12 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
brightmeadow |
Posted - Feb 16 2007 : 2:51:44 PM The nice thing about power outages here when the weather is 4 below zero is you don't have to worry about meat spoiling - just put it in a cooler chest and set it outside.... It's the summer outages that make me worry about the stuff in the freezer.
We have all electric kitchen, but I do have a propane stove for camping, I NEED it for coffee when the power is off. Once I have my coffe I am fueled for going out to dinner if necessary! Or, maybe cooking on the grill....
You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands - You shall be happy and it shall be well with you. -Psalm 128.2 Visit my blog at http://brightmeadowfarms.blogspot.com ,web site store at http://www.watkinsonline.com/fish or my homepage at http://home.earthlink.net/~brightmeadow |
KYgurlsrbest |
Posted - Feb 16 2007 : 06:14:35 AM Glad to know--I tell you what, power outages certainly make you take stock of what you need in the house. How many times have I walked by those "wind up" camping lanterns in the store. My mom got us a couple for christmas for our little jaunts, and man did they come in handy!
I'm going to by stock in long kitchen matches!
I, too, would have headed to Barnes and Noble, but my husband had the car so I was literally stuck. I thought of walking, but a little girl north of us was killed by a tree branch while walking her dog (I'm still sad about that) so that pretty much kept me inside.
Just think of all of the roads there are...all of the things I haven't seen....yet. |
tziporra |
Posted - Feb 15 2007 : 9:54:32 PM When we lost power here for 5 days in December I was so glad for that gas stove!!!!! And yes, a match works just as well as an electric starter ;)
Robin |
ArmyWifey |
Posted - Feb 15 2007 : 7:24:10 PM yep a lot of the newer stoves have electric lighters. We use one of those long candle lighter when necessary. So far our power hasn't been out long -- wind. Except for the day the whole post was off from 4am to 10pm to get a new substation online - which just happened to be the day it was maybe 40degrees and windy! It was COLD in the house -- we bailed and went to Victorville to Barnes & Nobles and spent the night in the Holidy Inn.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!
KYgurlsrbest |
Posted - Feb 15 2007 : 6:21:30 PM Wow, Brenda--you must be in that part of Ohio that isn't buried under a mountain of snow and ice! Glad you could still use the potty! 
I'm so glad your power didn't go out, though. I was worried about my meat!!!! I shopped all summer long for it each week at the farmers market, and I'll be darn if a power outage was going to make it spoil!!!
Just think of all of the roads there are...all of the things I haven't seen....yet. |
brightmeadow |
Posted - Feb 15 2007 : 6:15:10 PM Hey, living in the country there's more than just the stove that doesn't work when the power goes out --
I filled up a five-gallon water jug the other day to be prepared in case I needed to flush a toilet after this storm we've had - I thought I was clever too - but the power didn't go out here at all!
You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands - You shall be happy and it shall be well with you. -Psalm 128.2 Visit my blog at http://brightmeadowfarms.blogspot.com ,web site store at http://www.watkinsonline.com/fish or my homepage at http://home.earthlink.net/~brightmeadow |
KYgurlsrbest |
Posted - Feb 14 2007 : 7:31:45 PM Never a dull moment, Jo, though I'm sure anyone who's around me long enough wouldn't pray for a REAL boring day :)
Just think of all of the roads there are...all of the things I haven't seen....yet. |
jo Thompson |
Posted - Feb 14 2007 : 09:16:52 AM Jonni, I swear it's never boring with you! jo
"life is drab without a lab" http://homepage.mac.com/thomja/Anchorage/PhotoAlbum15.html |
KYgurlsrbest |
Posted - Feb 14 2007 : 09:14:45 AM Yep--the power came on, went off, came on, etc...I found that if I could turn on the burner when the power came on, it stayed on even if the power went off! Took a LOT longer than I anticipated, but it was worth it.
So glad for divine intervention!
Just think of all of the roads there are...all of the things I haven't seen....yet. |
Horseyrider |
Posted - Feb 14 2007 : 09:00:02 AM Cute! Yeah, I've had a few 'inspirational' moments like that myself. I'm glad the power came back on! Did you go ahead then and make your goodies? |
willowtreecreek |
Posted - Feb 14 2007 : 07:47:20 AM "look, the power lines are down around you, dagger like ice-covered branches are plummeting onto your roof at rocket speed, and the EMT's can't get to you if you screw this up, soooo.....Let there be light!!!"
LOL you are funny! I have a gas stove with an electric ignitor but the component went out when a mouse chewed through the wires so I always light mine with a matchstick. It's kindof like living in the "olden days" as my sis and I used to say.
Jewelry, art, baskets, etc. www.willowartist.etsy.com www.willowtreecreek.com |
Miss Bee Haven |
Posted - Feb 14 2007 : 07:30:22 AM Sorry about the ice storm, Jonni. It does sound like 'someone' was watching out for you last night. So did you get to cook your pizza and make the candy? We got nothing at all here in Louisville last night. I'm not sure about my farm, though.
"If you think you've got it nailed down, then what's all that around it?" - 'Brother Dave' Gardner |