T O P I C R E V I E W |
QueenofQuiteAlot |
Posted - Mar 18 2009 : 2:12:33 PM In the winter my hens don't lay, I have no electricity for their henhouse and it gets coooold here! So, this year I thought I'd be smart, and since I have an over-abundance of eggs the rest of the year, I thought I'd freeze some eggs for winter baking. That way I won't have to resort to store-bought eggs at all, since my children refuse to eat tem. They are spoiled and used to fresh, free-range eggs from our own hens. I love that! Anyway, I'm freezing three eggs at a time in a sandwich bag, about the right amount called for in baking something- or two goose eggs per bag.

By the way if you can get a goose, by all means do- our goose kept us in eggs all winter. We had just enough to get by for cooking and only had to buy eggs once. 
~Hick Chicks Soap Barn ~ www.hickchickssoapbarn.com
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http://muckbootsnaprons.blogspot.com/ http://proverbs31nubians.blogspot.com/
Muckboots 'N Aprons at Home Chapter http://yakimafarmgirls.blogspot.com/ |
11 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Alee |
Posted - Mar 22 2009 : 8:55:58 PM You can also freeze eggs and then put them in your gear when you go back packing. I took a back packing course in college many years ago and one of the instructors brought steak and eggs for his breakfast the next morning. It was neat to watch him pour out perfect eggs that had been frozen. When we started-but had slowly defrosted during the hike and then over night.
Alee Farmgirl Sister #8 www.awarmheart.com Please come visit Nora and me on our blog: www.farmgirlalee.blogspot.com Put your pin on the farmgirl map! www.farmgirlmap.blogspot.com |
pinkroses |
Posted - Mar 22 2009 : 2:10:29 PM Well it is good to know one can freeze eggs. Is it safe? I suppose it is since it is frozen, hugs sheila
www.ohkayteagirl2.blogspot.com http;//www.sheilascreativetouches.blogspot.com |
TeJo |
Posted - Mar 21 2009 : 3:56:37 PM I'm so glad to get this tip! I wondered if you could freeze eggs...
To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn't afraid of facing challenges. - Paulo Coelho -
StarMeadow |
Posted - Mar 21 2009 : 10:53:03 AM I had no idea you could freeze eggs either! I'll definitely try this too. |
Montrose Girl |
Posted - Mar 19 2009 : 11:42:22 AM Yup. I did this too. I whipped them up and labeled each bag. They are strange when they come out of the bag (kind of lumpy), but cook up great as scrambled eggs or in baked goods. Definitely recommend this.
Best Growing |
QueenofQuiteAlot |
Posted - Mar 19 2009 : 08:35:49 AM I did "squish" them after putting them in the bags...they do seem to come out of the freezer in better condition if that's done. Time will tell- I'll let you all know in the winter when I start using them!
~Hick Chicks Soap Barn ~ www.hickchickssoapbarn.com
Homespun Raw Goat Milk Soaps 'n More
http://muckbootsnaprons.blogspot.com/ http://proverbs31nubians.blogspot.com/
Muckboots 'N Aprons at Home Chapter http://yakimafarmgirls.blogspot.com/ |
sjs |
Posted - Mar 18 2009 : 8:45:06 PM I had no idea you could do this. What a great idea! And thanks Tasha for the tip. :)
-------------------- Learning to live is learning to let go.
Visit my food blog! http://www.wasabimon.com - natural cooking to live for.
Calicogirl |
Posted - Mar 18 2009 : 6:26:01 PM Oh Melody! A girl after my own heart 
[size=1]By His Grace, For His Glory[/size=1 ] |
melody |
Posted - Mar 18 2009 : 5:06:02 PM I didn't know you could freeze eggs. Good thing to know since Easter is just around the corner and they go pretty cheap (No pun intended!!)
Melody |
GaiasRose |
Posted - Mar 18 2009 : 2:46:53 PM a tip....I have found they freeze better if beaten first. They seem to thaw and cook up better if not in their whole state.
~*~Brightest Blessings~*~ Tasha-Rose Farmgirl Sister #88
Blogs: http://gaiarose.wordpress.com Etsy: http://ForestFaeries.etsy.com
"Joyful chaos, working in tune with the seasons, telling itme by the sun, variety, change and self-direction; all this wwas replaced with a brutal, standardized work culture, the effects of which we are still suffering from today." - Tom Hodgkinson in 'How To Be Idle' |
Calicogirl |
Posted - Mar 18 2009 : 2:18:10 PM I've never thought of freezing eggs. Great idea!
Thanks Dalyn :)
By His Grace, For His Glory |