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 Silo Art Trail

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AussieChick Posted - Mar 17 2021 : 4:20:56 PM
My husband and I witnessed some incredible art work during a recent trip we made to outback Queensland. Silo Art & Water Tower Art has become a big deal here in Australia, so much so, that they have created driving trails to showcase the artworks. They have completely transformed the rural landscapes. Check out this website to see some amazing creations:-

Australian artist, Guido van Helten, has also visited the USA to paint some silo art through the Midwest. I have also seem some beautiful barn quilts scattered throughout the US. There are some truly talented people out there!

Farmgirl #6058

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
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MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 24 2021 : 12:37:34 PM
Those are beautiful! I would love to see them in person. Thank you for sharing.

ddmashayekhi Posted - Mar 24 2021 : 05:44:04 AM
Cindy, I'm so glad you didn't get flooded and instead got the much needed rainfall to see you through winter. I live in the Chicago area and we are very low on rain for March. One never knows what nature has in store for us, the weather reports certainly don't! Please keep posting pictures of your beautiful home & country!

Dawn in IL

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold, when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade." Charles Dickens
Dreamer42 Posted - Mar 23 2021 : 8:51:28 PM

Farmgirl Sister #7038
AussieChick Posted - Mar 23 2021 : 5:29:34 PM
Thanks for checking in on us Dawn! Yes, NSW has been having some severe flooding (1 in 100 year event). Lots of swift water rescues going on down there. Fortunately, where we are in Queensland, we have just been having wonderful soaking rain. It is a little late in the season for us. We usually have a wet summer and we were getting a little worried that we had missed our summer rainfall and would be heading in to a dry winter with minimal water supply. Wivenhoe Dam, which is Brisbane's main water supply, was down to 35% capacity. So, we are very grateful to have had 275 mm (11 inches) so far for the month of March. My garden looks great and when we mow the lawn, it seems like the grass is growing straight up behind us. Such a blessing after a long period of drought.

Farmgirl #6058

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
ddmashayekhi Posted - Mar 23 2021 : 11:13:19 AM
Cindy, have you been affected by the flooding in Australia? I'm sorry, but I don't know if your location is getting it as bad as the NWS areas. I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are all safe.

Dawn in IL

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold, when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade." Charles Dickens
Ninibini Posted - Mar 23 2021 : 08:42:23 AM
THOSE are SO cool, Cindy! We see murals like that on city buildings in Pittsburgh, but what a treat it would be if they covered the mills and towers with art like that! WOW! Totally LOVE that! Thank you for sharing! Hugs - Nini

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

suny58 Posted - Mar 18 2021 : 1:45:09 PM
All I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW!!!

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
YellowRose Posted - Mar 18 2021 : 06:48:06 AM

FarmGirl Hugs, Sara
FarmGirl Sister #6034 Aug 2014
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015 & Feb 2019

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
ddmashayekhi Posted - Mar 18 2021 : 05:15:54 AM
Beautiful paintings! Thank you for sharing them with us. I love seeing the barn quilt art here in the Midwest. Some folks in town even have them painted on their garages.

Dawn in IL

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold, when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade." Charles Dickens
windypines Posted - Mar 18 2021 : 03:18:36 AM
I get a magazine from John Deere that ran an article about the silos in different places. Amazing. Different counties in WI have barn quilt maps. I hope to get one made for our barn sometime.

Farming in WI

FGOTM June2019

katmom Posted - Mar 17 2021 : 10:16:00 PM
Oh my Stars! these are Awesome!
what a fun road trip in a Caravan,, to see all the lovely art work...
I cam hardly wait for traveling weather so I can hit the trial and be a Glamping tourist!!!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

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