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 Trailer Reading..

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
katmom Posted - Aug 24 2020 : 9:12:58 PM
So yesterday,, I decided to grab my 'Tea Mystery' book and go out into my trailer and read..
It was delightful,, I stretched out on the sofa with a big ol' glass of iced tea,,, and my book... nothing, no one to bother me.. well for a bit anyway..

First, Kiki my kitty was determined to join me,, so she climbed up the screen door and squeezed through the handle opening on the screen door... she stayed for awhile,, then when she started getting restless,, I got up and let her out..

I returned to my sofa and book and a short while later, hubby and Ginger pup, came to see what I was doing.. they finally left,,, so I returned to my book again,, but this time,, I dozed off... next thing I knew, it was after 4pm... I had been out there in the trailer for over 3 hours..

Not complaining,,,, in fact I wouldn't mind doing it again in the next day or so...
OH,, and Yes, I finished reading my book! lol!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
katmom Posted - Aug 30 2020 : 7:34:16 PM
Winnie, the Tea Mysteries are put out by Guidpost magazine/books.. the stories involve 2 ladies, who own a tea shop and their cat, named Earl Grey.. and they solve mysteries.. in the back there are some recipes and a motivational mini story.. kind of like "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book.

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

katmom Posted - Aug 30 2020 : 7:30:19 PM
Nancy,, yep, gotta 'plan' properly for those naps!,, lol!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

Nancy Gartenman Posted - Aug 30 2020 : 07:12:48 AM
I know what you mean. I get all my stuff, book, ice water, pillow and get ready to read and then kitty
comes and sits on me, very heavy kitty, because she wants me to get up and feed her. Then that's done, I forget to put the phone near me and that rings, so I get up again. Ok Now I can read. I think.
Nancy Jo

Red Tractor Girl Posted - Aug 30 2020 : 05:42:33 AM
Grace, are those Tea Mystery books the ones about a lady who has a Tea Shop in Savannah? Or is it Charleston? She has a dog and a Master Tea Blender who does all the tea blends for this shop? I read a bunch of these years ago and loved them all. Of course I love all those murder mysteries series! I envy your having such a glammed up spot to retreat to and just read or have some wine and either be alone or share time with hubby. It sounds so Farmgirl wonderful to me! Hey, does your WiFi service work out there in the trailer too?? Hehehe, today’s Farmgirl often likes to look up cool stuff of interest like old sewing machines and antiques!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
HollerGirl56 Posted - Aug 29 2020 : 9:07:13 PM
Not much dozing here---if we do lay down the dogs take a barking fit. Yesterday a lady from NC pulled up and asked if she was on the road to Beckley---who would drive straight down a dirt road and ask if they were going to a city, I smelled a druggie for sure. I told hubby---time to pack heat---he refuses to lock the doors,,,,DUH.

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis
katmom Posted - Aug 27 2020 : 4:34:17 PM
It is delightful to relax in my trailer..... my problem is,, I often times get to relaxed... and doze off! lol!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

City Chick Posted - Aug 27 2020 : 08:43:34 AM
How relaxing! I might sneak out to read in my little trailer.


Farm Girl #790

HollerGirl56 Posted - Aug 25 2020 : 05:14:55 AM
Oh my goodness Grace!!! I know the feeling. I am never alone with these animals. We went out to get on our UTV and there was a cat on top of it, cats on roofs---dogs in every corner. Hummingbirds up my rear end---eating two quarts a day or more. This morning I got up at four am and tried to have some peace---ended up feeding a possum cat food and talking to him. Life do get tedious. I usually hide in my guest room and read and even then cats bang on the door and the pug waits out side for me. I do get lonely---but I am never alone. I speak all animal language for sure.

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis

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