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 Another wind and rain storm...

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katmom Posted - May 06 2020 : 11:47:58 AM
We had such lovely weather yesterday,, only to awake to heavy winds and rains this morning!
My poor hubby dashed out to take all the deco stuff down by the trailers in the wee hours this morning! bummer!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
YellowRose Posted - May 14 2020 : 11:53:59 AM
I wish a storm would break loose here and drive away the high humidity. If it would thunder and lighten I would feel a lot better. Maybe by midnight it'll get here.

Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. & Feb 2019

Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.

Tchr66 Posted - May 14 2020 : 11:50:25 AM
Started drizzly here, the sun is out and I must refocus and write an essay.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
katmom Posted - May 12 2020 : 11:49:28 AM
Oh how I wish I could open my windows and let the Spring Breeze in... but not going to happen today.. rainy drizzly so far and rain in the forecast for the coming week..

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

Red Tractor Girl Posted - May 12 2020 : 05:19:20 AM
This year, many Farmgirls from all over are having late and unusual Spring weather. Hopefully this will end soon as everyone ,who is still freezing , are SICK AND TIRED of being cooped up with the heat on and winter clothes on. Gardens need planting and the windows need opening and fresh air rushing in.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
katmom Posted - May 11 2020 : 5:19:48 PM
Hate those unexpected thunder storms!
and... it's suppose to rain tomorrow and off and off for the next 2 weeks... uugh! not Glamping till June I guess!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

MaryJanesNiece Posted - May 08 2020 : 12:02:25 PM
Grace, we had a very large wind storm on Wednesday too. It came out out of nowhere. I had to fish real quick and close all my windows because it was whipping my blinds around. I also had to move our new tree that we haven’t planted yet into the garage because the wind had blown it over too. It felt like our house was going to end up in the land of Oz! No rain for us though. Stay safe in all this crazy weather.

katmom Posted - May 07 2020 : 8:54:58 PM
and,,, just when I thought we might get some nice weather.. the weather peeps said, more rain in our forecast.. Oh Joy!
I guess I shouldn't complain,,, all this rain means no drought and the Lakes are full...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

ddmashayekhi Posted - May 07 2020 : 08:47:06 AM
Unfortunately here in the Chicago area we are looking to dip down to the 20's for a few nights and only 40's and 50's during the day. Our final frost date is May 15 and it looks like nature is allowing winter a few more hits. I will plant my begonias and impatiens after the cold snap ends. Hopefully spring will finally stick around for all of us soon!

Dawn in IL

Bloom, where you are planted.
HollerGirl56 Posted - May 06 2020 : 8:36:10 PM
Well ladies we are almost at freezing tonight and maybe an inch of snow for Friday night. We haven't been to our little cabin yet all spring. Such nasty wet weather I have never seen----such as Winnie said ---when we were young in the mountains. I remember cold rainy summers with my bell bottoms soaking wet and slugs over taking our gardens. Then hot springs and summers the last few years. Each is bad.

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis
Red Tractor Girl Posted - May 06 2020 : 1:29:12 PM
I remember May being very turbulent in Virginia when I was growing up. We would flip-flop between great days and cold rainy days. Usually by the very end of the month. the weather turned more stable and warmer weather settled in. That back and forth, always made it iffy for those of us trying to start an early tan in our backyards!! LOL!!!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018

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