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 What kind of paper can I sew on??

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Nancy Gartenman Posted - Dec 13 2008 : 1:09:37 PM
Thinking of making a few things with paper on the sewing machine. Can I DO THAT?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jumpingjuliet Posted - Dec 14 2008 : 11:49:00 AM
I saw on DIY where they pressed flowers between layers of waxed paper and then stitched it with the sewing machine and made envelopes for notecards. So cute. I put a roll of waxed paper in my craft room to inspire me to try it but have not got to it yet. You have inspired me to try some brown paper ornaments stitched together.. Sounds too fun to pass up. Thanks
Merry Christmas!

I am one with my inner farm girl!
Nancy Gartenman Posted - Dec 14 2008 : 10:23:32 AM
Well I made an card and posted a picture. But you guys have given me a lot of other new ideas!! So I will see what else I can come up with.
Marybeth Posted - Dec 14 2008 : 09:34:07 AM
Oh Grace that sounds like fun. Another way to make homemade cards.
When we were kids we used to do that by hand using fat yarn. I forgot all about that. MB
"Life may not be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well dance!"
grace gerber Posted - Dec 14 2008 : 09:28:16 AM
Sounds like so much fun - it has been ages but one of the projects I remember doing is cards. I used a wing needle, lengten my stitch and slow up on your speed. What I did was using the wing needle and rayon thread I used a zig zag stitch. Sewed the length on the edge of the card. When I got to one end I turned around and came back the length of the card. When I took it off the machine I tied the treads and placed a tiny dab of glue. Let it dry and then came back and crocheted a fancy edging using the zig zag as my first row. Very lovey and really a fast project once you have your settings. Oh I forgot to say before I started I trimed about a 1/2 inch of the front flap of the card so the crocheted edge woule then be the same length as the back.

Sorry for the long explaination.... Good luck and please share photo's if you can. Happy Sewing

Grace Gerber
Larkspur Funny Farm and Fiber Art Studio

Where the spirits are high and the fiber is deep
Marybeth Posted - Dec 14 2008 : 09:11:47 AM
What kind of sewing were you going to do? Decorative stitching? Or punching holes for decoration? Or are you making paper clothes???? MB
"Life may not be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well dance!"
Nancy Gartenman Posted - Dec 14 2008 : 08:39:15 AM
Thanks for the info girls. I might try something today. I was thinking that brown paper you buy for wrapping packages for mailing might work, not to heavy not to thin.
Marybeth Posted - Dec 13 2008 : 8:45:50 PM
I have sewn a bit on card stock. I would tear any lighter paper. MB
"Life may not be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well dance!"
queenofdreamsz4u Posted - Dec 13 2008 : 4:50:41 PM
Here's my favorite magazine for Mixed Media....a whole society of it's own...people that love to mix paper, cloth, paints, objects...on and on...I've never missed an issue I love it so much!

Stephanie ~~~Rug Hooking, Crochet, Sewing, Life Collections & Recollections Blog ~~~~~My Website Catalog... More coming one day!!!
Betty J. Posted - Dec 13 2008 : 4:47:13 PM
About all you have to do is lengthen the stitch and get rid of the needle when finished. For some reason, paper dulls needles.

Betty in Pasco
electricdunce Posted - Dec 13 2008 : 4:23:20 PM
This is a great idea Nancy Jo, Your grand daughter certainly got some of her brains from her grandmother. I have sewed on paper years ago, I remember using a slightly larger stitch than usual, Paper tends to dull the needle after a while. I can hardly wait to see what you make.


Farmgirl Sister #153

"Give me shelter from the storm" - Bob Dylan
Sitnalta Posted - Dec 13 2008 : 3:42:42 PM
As long as you have the right needle you can do it. :) I would suggest the same size needle you would use to sew denim.Unless you are sewing on tissue paper or something like that, then your needles size wouldn't need to be quite so large. I would love to see what kind of "paper" projects you are sewing. :)

Farmgirl Sister #235

Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work You don't give up.

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MsCwick Posted - Dec 13 2008 : 3:41:03 PM
I cam across paper bookmarks that had been sewn around the edges. I guess you draw the shape, sew it on a larger piece and then trim it. It was a nice zigzag which I guess wouldnt tear as easily as some others.

Bookmarks and greeting cards. Heck, I would even do my business cards!
it's amazing the creativity that gets sparked on this message board!

K-Falls Farmgirl Posted - Dec 13 2008 : 2:50:52 PM
sure you can do that.. what are you going to make?

Cheryl #309
Farm girl sister

Enjoy the little things in life....someday you'll look back and realize they were the big things.
oldfashioned girl Posted - Dec 13 2008 : 2:34:21 PM
Nancy , I have seen stuff like that before, but I can't remember where! I think the one thing is to use a medium stitch length! Good Luck!

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