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 Any Suggestions? For a Bar of Beeswax??

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LauraH Posted - Dec 08 2008 : 6:21:17 PM
I have been trying to clean out some of my crafty stuff and found a block of beeswax. Anyone have any ideas for recipes/gifts especially now for christmas gifts??
I thought I saw a lotion bar recipe in a thread somewhere??
Lip balm, soap???
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Jami Posted - Dec 10 2008 : 2:14:13 PM
I bought a cheap cheese grater to use for my beeswax and it works great so there is no pre-melting except for the recipe you're using it in and you just grate up as many ounces or teaspoons you need. But I have to say that I had a beekeeper friend give me a big block of wax too...thought I would use up so much making some lip balm...ha ha. The recipe called for 2 tsp and it made 12 lipstick tubes of lip balm....I'll have to go into commercial production to use up the block I have! So I know how you feel Kay.

Dawn published a lip balm recipe about a month ago, now I am shaky on this as I'm not sure which Dawn and where the recipe is on the forum. I printed it out and she was so right, it turned out great for the little chapstick tubes that I purchased online. I am addicted to it...flavored it Pear and it's awesome.
Jami in WA

Farmgirl Sister #266
LauraH Posted - Dec 10 2008 : 1:56:22 PM
Yikes! Thanks for the info on cutting the beeswax! I have just used a cheese grater for what I have used so far, easy melting.
prairielandherbs Posted - Dec 10 2008 : 08:36:15 AM
Beeswax ornaments are lovely too! :)

Kay, I melt mine down and pour it into ice cube trays, they make nice little handy sized blocks that way. Just don't pour it too can melt the plastic. Or, use a hot knife to cut the beeswax. OR, freeze it, place it in an old pillowcase, and beat the hell out of it with a hammer. :)
therusticcottage Posted - Dec 09 2008 : 8:17:26 PM
Lotion bars can be made with it too. Or beeswax candles. I have a block of beeswax that I'm melting down to put in smaller quantities. Trying to take chunks off this huge block is almost impossible!

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LauraH Posted - Dec 09 2008 : 5:39:51 PM
thanks for the info!!
Bonne Posted - Dec 09 2008 : 2:57:00 PM tons of recipes
A salve/balm can be made with any vegetable oil & beeswax. I think I use about 25% beeswax. Also solid perfume or "lotion" bar using fragrance oil or EO to the beeswax/oil blend. Add Eucalyptus oil for a chest rub. Infuse the oil with dried herbs for an herbal blend. Just don't introduce ANY water to a recipe UNLESS you use a preservative. (goes moldy) BLOG
queenofdreamsz4u Posted - Dec 08 2008 : 10:33:53 PM
Here are some lip balm recipes but you can just do a google search and you'll find hundreds of recipes that call for beeswax.

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