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 Best Husband EVER!!!!!

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soapmommy60543 Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 05:18:14 AM

I made his life very easy. My birthday and our anniversary are all in December (bday is 12/12 and anniversary is Christmas Eve). He didn't know what to get me this year for a birthday/anniversary/Christmas gift this year. I told him that Cricut Expressions were on sale yesterday during the doorbuster hours, and that Michael's had the cartridges for them on sale all weekend. Not only did he buy the Cricut (that was b-day and Christmas) but 3 cartridges (anniversary). This is awesome - now I can use up some of those odd ball shapes of paper scraps to do cards, etc. Less paper stash! The kids absolutely love it, too. They both helped me test it yesterday to be sure everything worked.

Like I said, I have the BEST HUSBAND EVER!!!

Ann in Oswego

Times may be tough, but farmgirls are tougher!

Craft Fasting since October 21, 2008
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
soapmommy60543 Posted - Dec 09 2008 : 3:26:46 PM
More photos:
Did the "Charlie Brown" type zigzag on the Cricut

Made the letters that spell "thanks"

DS had a blast today making ribbons for his tournament. They probably won't get used (adults can be so closed minded sometimes!), but he had fun, it was about 1/2 hour he wasn't in front of the TV or using the computer or playing a video game, and they turned out pretty nice! He has successfully put them away (which means I won't find them EVER), so sorry no photos.

Ann in Oswego

Times may be tough, but farmgirls are tougher!

Craft Fasting since October 21, 2008
Jami Posted - Dec 09 2008 : 11:24:20 AM
Well, for now I'll just have to live my Cricut life through Ann. I had no idea they cost that much even if they are worth it...makes that hubby of yours extra special Ann! I'm so glad you're having fun with it and making neat stuff!
Jami in WA

Farmgirl Sister #266
LauriP Posted - Dec 09 2008 : 10:43:38 AM
>> << Check out Michaels Crafts, too, if your interested in one of these fabu machines. There are sometimes really good sales on them, plus the die cuts.

One of the Art Supply stores online may have them for a bit less -- Dick Blick or one of the others. I got one of the DVD's in an Art was a very slick advertisement for the entire system. I wanted to run out & buy one, but a little something like Other Bills got in the way..jeesh..Tom said to just go ahead & get one, but he doesn't know what the thing is...He tried to be nice, really he did!

soapmommy60543 Posted - Dec 09 2008 : 10:04:33 AM
It is as easy as they say. If anyone buys one, be sure to watch the DVD that comes with it. I had to watch mine twice to really take in everything, but it can do so many amazing things.

We picked ours up at WalMart for $199 on black Friday. Since then, I've seen them at JoAnn's for $239 and yesterday at Meijer for $299. Both are still good prices. Usually I avoid WM - I used to be a regular, but in the past few years, their quality has gone down the tubes, and the folks who work at our local store aren;t the best at customer service. However, Hubby was going anyway, and when my sister Nancy (who is an avid scrapbooker) said they had them super cheap, we had to jump at the chance. So far, DS has used it the most. Today he made special ribbons for an upcoming Pokemon tournament he will be participating in.

Ann in Oswego

Times may be tough, but farmgirls are tougher!

Craft Fasting since October 21, 2008
Jami Posted - Dec 09 2008 : 09:47:10 AM
Me too, Tammy...I am a soft sell on gadgets that look like fun. Ann, is it as easy to use as they advertise on TV? I didn't know they sold in stores...but I really don't get out much to the stores that might carry something like that either.

Jami in WA

Farmgirl Sister #266
soapmommy60543 Posted - Dec 09 2008 : 09:30:38 AM
Give her a big birthday hug from me!

Ann in Oswego

Times may be tough, but farmgirls are tougher!

Craft Fasting since October 21, 2008
Tammy Claxton Posted - Dec 08 2008 : 4:47:36 PM
Oh I am so jealous! I want a Cricut!! I watch that infomercial and oh and ah over

My daughters b-day is 12/12 too Ann! She'll be 6 on Friday!

Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter

"What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger"

Farmgirl #152
Beverley Posted - Dec 06 2008 : 9:55:24 PM
oh HOW COOL!!!!!! Have fun!!!!

Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog....Charles F. Doran
beverley baggett Beverley with an extra E...
soapmommy60543 Posted - Dec 05 2008 : 6:46:09 PM

Some big letters I made with my new toy... It only took about 10 minutes total to cut them on the machine and put them up on the wall!

DS's Webelos are meeting here tomorrow - we are going over some Boy Scout stuff they need to know to earn their Webelos badges, hence the Boy Scout University sign above the white board in our homeschool. You might even be able to read my writing!

Ann in Oswego

Times may be tough, but farmgirls are tougher!

Craft Fasting since October 21, 2008
soapmommy60543 Posted - Dec 01 2008 : 10:32:45 AM
Oh, and I forgot one thing...

Cindy, he LIVES for Black Friday sales! We joke about how "tight" he is with his money, and often say he is too cheap to pay attention. When those sales ads hit our doorstep, you'd think we'd won the lottery! That's ok, though, because by taking advantage of the sales, we save a lot of $$$ that can be used for other things.

Ann in Oswego

Times may be tough, but farmgirls are tougher!

Craft Fasting since October 21, 2008
soapmommy60543 Posted - Dec 01 2008 : 10:27:07 AM
Ok, my first attempt at a layered piece. It took me a few tries on scrap paper, but I finally got the hang of it. It's kind of like driving a car - you know what to do in general, it's just getting the knack of it, and thank God that it's not rocket science!

This one is going on a plate of cookies for our mail lady. She brings us all kinds of boxes when homeschool starts up in the fall (and whenever I've been bartering), she drives up our hill in all kinds of weather to do so, she always asks the kids what they are doing for school that day, and she is just a really nice lady.

Ann in Oswego

Times may be tough, but farmgirls are tougher!

Craft Fasting since October 21, 2008
soapmommy60543 Posted - Dec 01 2008 : 09:34:34 AM
So far, yes. I've yet to sit down and seriously "play" with it to see what she'll really do, but I tried the two projects they gave on the demo CD that came with it. They turned out really cute. Can't wait to do more!

And, it's so easy my kids can do it, too. Now we can spend more time together crafting!

Ann in Oswego

Times may be tough, but farmgirls are tougher!

Craft Fasting since October 21, 2008
Keeper of the Past Posted - Dec 01 2008 : 07:04:23 AM
Ann, I saw a commerial on TV about your new! I am impressed! They did some amazing things with it. Are you finding that it does all that they say it will?

The people who make a difference in your life are NOT the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones who care.
Mother Hen Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 9:05:48 PM
Ann, that is a great gift your husband got you. I am more impressed however, with the fact you said it was a door buster sale he had to go to for it. He woke up early, braved the "HUNTING" masses of mostly women to go get this for you.........NOW that IS A GREAT HUBBY!!!!
Congratulations he is a "keeper".

I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalms 34:1
eskimobirdlady Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 7:53:17 PM
it does my heart good to hear so many of us have "the best" hubby in the world! it is rare for me to even hear anyone say they love their hubby! peace connie in alaska
Keeper of the Past Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 6:55:37 PM
Ann, your husband is good! Have fun and enjoy! I too have the most wonderful husband of almost 39 years. He loves to spoil me with surprises.

The people who make a difference in your life are NOT the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones who care.
eskimobirdlady Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 5:35:00 PM
sorry ladies but you are all wrong about the hubbies! mine is the best of the best! he has putt up with me for almost 31 years now! lol.
ann that does sound like a great gift happy cutting! peace connie in alaska
soapmommy60543 Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 4:19:13 PM
Bring your cappuccino maker and we can cut out paper doodads all night long!

Ann in Oswego

Times may be tough, but farmgirls are tougher!

Craft Fasting since October 21, 2008
dkelewae Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 11:49:34 AM
Enjoy your new toys Ann! I know that Michaels was open Thanksgiving day from 6-9 pm and I went up there to grab a few small items to finish Christmas presents I'm making. Most of the people there were snatching up those cutters and cartridges like they were going out of style.

My hubby is the best because he surprised me with an expresso/cappuccino maker yesterday :) Of course now I'm on a caffeine buzz so I have lots of energy to get some stuff done around here...LOL!

Farmgirl Sister #272
St. Peters MO
Country Girl trapped in the city!
soapmommy60543 Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 10:45:57 AM
Ok, it's a 3-way tie for first...

DD and I have been playing with it a bit this morning - it is addictive, so I need to put it away for a bit to be sure I get my chores and schoolwork done before I can play some more.

Ann in Oswego

Times may be tough, but farmgirls are tougher!

Craft Fasting since October 21, 2008
oldfashioned girl Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 08:54:29 AM
Okay Karen and Ann, your hubbies will have to be 2 and 3 because my hubby is the best!!hehehe!!

Ann, Congrats on getting a Cricut! I would not mind getting one someday! My anniversary is on Christmas Eve also!

farmgirls rule!
Jami Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 08:50:44 AM
I've seen those advertised on TV. Fun you got one. Great hubby for sure! Enjoy!
Jami in WA

Farmgirl Sister #266
dutchy Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 08:34:57 AM
Now girls, no fighting please :D :D
Let's just say you BOTH got # 1 hubbies

Hugs from Marian/Dutchy, a farmgirl from the Netherlands :)

My personal blog:

Again new creations added, too cute lol. Come and check it out!!
LivingWell4You Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 08:32:52 AM
What a great gift! I may disagree that you have the best husband ever - mine is pretty special - but you definitely have #2!!!

God bless -
Karen ~ Chickherder & Farmgirl Sister #311
dutchy Posted - Nov 29 2008 : 06:37:13 AM
Sounds fun! I now remember I saw something like that in a craft store in a big town not too far from here.
Wonderful gift, Ann, VERY wonderful gift!!

Hugs from Marian/Dutchy, a farmgirl from the Netherlands :)

My personal blog:

Again new creations added, too cute lol. Come and check it out!!

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