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 Help... Headstart needs knit or crochet hats

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barnagainkristin Posted - Nov 26 2008 : 7:01:25 PM
I work at an elementary school which has 2 classes of headstart students. They are adorable preschool children who come from low income families. As you know here in Utah our winters can be very cold. Last year many of the children did not have warm winter clothing including hats and mittens. Their teachers were forced to search through the lost and found for warm wear so they were able to play outside each day. I love to knit and I know there are many of you who knit or crochet. I would love to gather hats to give to the children this year so they are able to play outside and have something of their own to take home. I wish you could meet these little dolls. They are the cutest most diverse little group I have ever seen. My goal is to gather hats to give to them for the cold weather. Any warm pattern would work and they could use hats for boys or girls in washable yarn sized for ages 3-5. This year most are 4 year olds. Hope some of you farmgirl knitters and crocheters can help.

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barnagainkristin Posted - Dec 12 2008 : 9:28:11 PM
Oh and Monica,
The little ones are out for winter break now and will be back in January so don't stress or hurry since I won't even see them until the New Year when it's very cold and they will need to wear all those darling little hats from farmgirls across the U.S.

barnagainkristin Posted - Dec 12 2008 : 9:24:07 PM
Thanks Monica,
They can use more whenever we get them. You are so sweet. Didn't Beverley say she sent a hat for you since you sent her a hand spinner? Do you make drop spindles or sell them? I would love to learn how to spin and I heard that is a good way to start.

oldfashioned girl Posted - Dec 12 2008 : 9:07:32 PM
Kristen, Mine are on their way as soon as I can get them done!!!

farmgirls rule!
barnagainkristin Posted - Dec 12 2008 : 8:24:46 PM
Just wanted to let you know that 30 hats were delivered to Headstart on Thursday. They were so happy. If anyone is still making hats they could still use more. The ones delivered were very appreciated. Thank you so much!

barnagainkristin Posted - Dec 08 2008 : 6:54:45 PM
Checkout the stitching room, farmgirl philanthropy thread. I think that is the place for newborn hats that I saw.

barnagainkristin Posted - Dec 08 2008 : 6:16:08 PM
Just received 4 hats from Sherri and 2 from Beverley. Thanks farmgirls. You are wonderful!


"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." John Muir
barnagainkristin Posted - Nov 27 2008 : 5:43:00 PM
Oh Wow! I knew farmgirls would plow through and help these little ones out. I have sent you each an email. Thanks for your interest in helping.

oldfashioned girl Posted - Nov 27 2008 : 09:53:33 AM
Kristen, Count me in! This is what Christmas is all about!!! How many kids do you need them for? Let me know where to send some!

farmgirls rule!
Marcy Posted - Nov 27 2008 : 06:00:22 AM

I don't have any that size, but I have a bunch of newborn hats and matching booties. If you or anyone else can use those, I would love for them to go to a new home. Also, I will get to work on some larger hats and such and let you know when I finish some so that I can send those out.
Take care and have a wonderful day!

Farmgirl #170

Today well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
mikesgirl Posted - Nov 26 2008 : 8:12:30 PM
I'd be happy to donate some of my hats to Head Start kids. Just let me know where to send them.

Farmgirl Sister #98
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