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 Attention soapmakers

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brightmeadow Posted - Dec 01 2007 : 07:52:24 AM
I got a post on my blog from someone who has "lots of glycerin soap/glop left over from making biodiesel and wonders if I have any recipes for making this mixture into hard bars of soap"

I am a beginner at soapmaking (melt and pour for me) but I know some of you gals are experts.

He is in Namibia, I'm afraid I don't even know where that is, I hope it's not near Nigeria and is not some scam, but I hate to be so paranoid about everything. His email is, (remove the _at_ and put in you-know-what) if you have information or a web site you're willing to share with him, please do so.

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brightmeadow Posted - Dec 03 2007 : 2:55:47 PM
He mentioned he had looked for suggestions on line without success, and it was hard to get books in his location, but you girls have "seconded" my misgivings. I removed his post from my blog. Thanks for the feedback.

You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands - You shall be happy and it shall be well with you. -Psalm 128.2
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smoothiejuice Posted - Dec 03 2007 : 06:51:06 AM
yep, run away from him, the internet is able to help him if he is for real, you need to stay away.
celebrate2727 Posted - Dec 02 2007 : 7:06:02 PM
RUN- do not respond to this and delete it.

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PlumCreekMama Posted - Dec 02 2007 : 6:56:16 PM
I am in agreement with Kay. I don't trust anybody from anywhere in Africa. Every time I have a litter of puppies to sell, they call and call via relay. If you don't answer, they will just keep calling. I just say "no interested". I wouldn't even email him. Just ignore it.
therusticcottage Posted - Dec 02 2007 : 07:30:56 AM
Run from this guy as fast you can! It sounds like a scam to me. If he wants recipes then he can Google them like the rest of us do. I wouldn't even respond or get involved in any kind of conversation with him.

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Bonne Posted - Dec 01 2007 : 7:04:39 PM
glycerin is a by-product of biodiesel manufacture, but when you make soap, it's a chemical reaction of fats/oils and sodium hydroxide which produces glycerin as well. Glycerin isn't added in order to make soap, it's created during the process. Blog Soap

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