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 Mini Haberdashery Swap!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dreamer42 Posted - Jan 08 2025 : 3:31:43 PM
Hi Ladies,

If anyone is interested in a "mini" haberdashery swap, please sign up below.

Something mini such as an altered/decorated altoid tin, decorated box, or other type of "holder" and include a handful of mini haberdashery items such a slow stitch kit, fabric, lace, buttons, embellishments, needle, thread, etc. This could be something useful and/or decorative, something that may take you back in time. Ideas are endless!

The British/English defination of haberdashery:

small items used in sewing, such as buttons, zippers, and thread; notions.
a shop or a department within a larger store that sells items used in sewing.

Sign ups through February 10th.

Mail out February 24th.


Farmgirl Sister #7038
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dreamer42 Posted - Jan 19 2025 : 11:00:45 AM
Hi Candy! Mine is done already too!! I'm happy your excited! Yay!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #7038
tigger9777 Posted - Jan 17 2025 : 12:25:59 AM
I got so excited about this swap, mine is done and ready to mail once partners get assigned.

Sister # 8283
Farmgirl of the Year 2022
Farmgirl of the Month Dec 2021
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Farmgirl Chapter Leader
"Everything Counts, Someday Eventually"
Dreamer42 Posted - Jan 15 2025 : 07:50:37 AM
No problem, Connie, I will take you off the list! Take care!

Farmgirl Sister #7038
Killarney Posted - Jan 14 2025 : 08:58:41 AM
April, I'm sorry to have to withdraw from this swap.
I'll tune in to see all the amazing boxes.

MBurns Posted - Jan 14 2025 : 07:35:27 AM
The video was so interesting. Enjoyed it. How funny Vanessa. Reminds me of the PBS British shows I watch.

Farmgirl friends are fun. Farmgirl of the month 8/2016 and 9/2019
Killarney Posted - Jan 13 2025 : 1:32:31 PM
Vanessa! Yes!! I love it!!!

Audra Rose Posted - Jan 13 2025 : 12:52:56 PM
I am tempted to answer the phone with "FerRELL residence, the lady of the house speaking!"

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Killarney Posted - Jan 13 2025 : 10:27:50 AM
Vanessa, I totally heard you! I adore England and all things England!I started watching the BBC on PBS when I was a teenager.
I have the Charles Dickens Christmas Village!Many different editions of a Christmas Carol.When my husband and I met in 1971, we both had a great love for England. We both loved all kinds of music, and we lived through the British Invasion, some of the best Music that is still being played on oldies radio.We fell in Love with British TV on PbS, "Are you Being served"? Was our favorite! They mention Haberdashery in the opening of the show!
It's on our bucket list to go to England!me and my husband talk to each other in cockney English
An example of what I say to him the morning is:
Ello Govna, would ya like a spot of Tea this very morning or a bit of Bangers and Mash! Here is a part of my Dickens village, now over 25 years old.

Blessed in Colorado Posted - Jan 13 2025 : 10:27:40 AM
Well put Vanessa, I wish we were all together to have a Cuppa and a Seeing Circle. What fun we would have and probably not be able to stop laughing!

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

Dreamer42 Posted - Jan 13 2025 : 10:08:48 AM
Audra Rose - you had me laughing... I re read your message 3 different times, and I agree with Dianna, I could totally hear your accident!! England and Scotland are my homelands, would make sense why I'm a tea addict!!

Farmgirl Sister #7038
Dreamer42 Posted - Jan 13 2025 : 10:03:32 AM
Loved Loved Loved the video, Wanda! Thanks for sharing!!

Farmgirl Sister #7038
tigger9777 Posted - Jan 13 2025 : 12:10:27 AM
I have to admit, this swap confused me and I had to do some research.
Sign me up.
I bought "a container" and I am starting to fill it will notion goodies.
Candy #8283

Sister # 8283
Farmgirl of the Year 2022
Farmgirl of the Month Dec 2021
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"Everything Counts, Someday Eventually"
Wanda Sue Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 6:13:14 PM
That’s it Karen! Thank you for posting the link.

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
Farmgirl of the Month: Aug/2022

Jokamartell Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 3:02:14 PM

Fingers crossed, this is the video that Wanda Sue was talking about! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
suny58 Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 09:58:45 AM
Vanessa! Busting a gut laughing! You're a mess farmsister! I could hear the accent and excitement so clearly!

Wanda Sue, looking forward to getting home and catching this video during lunch! Ty for sharing!

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 09:10:56 AM
I just watched the video on YouTube Wanda Sue, it was Amazing! How fun it would be to go on a field trip to the shop and warehouses, so interesting . We could spend hours there and get everything on our list.
Thank you so much Wanda Sue.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

Wanda Sue Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 04:02:48 AM
April please sign me up.
I found an interesting video on YT I would like to share.
I’m not sure how to add link, so I will just give you the channel name
and the video to look for.
The channel is titled: Stitchless Tv Sewing DIY Style
The video is titled: William Gee 110 yr old Haberdashery shop
I hope you enjoy watching as much as I did.

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
Farmgirl of the Month: Aug/2022

Blessed in Colorado Posted - Jan 11 2025 : 5:18:09 PM
Hi April, I have finally caught myself up on my others swaps, so please add me. I really enjoyed the last one you did

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

sweettea59 Posted - Jan 11 2025 : 4:15:55 PM
Hi April please add me to this swap. It has been way too long since I did a Haberdashery swap. Thanks for hosting.

Farmgirl Hugs & May all your Wishes come true.
Farmgirl #2215
Audra Rose Posted - Jan 10 2025 : 12:19:29 PM
Gor blimey! Sign me up luv, I'll brew a cuppa and have it ready before you can say Bob's your uncle.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Dreamer42 Posted - Jan 10 2025 : 07:26:32 AM
I have all you ladies down, thank you for joining!! XO

Farmgirl Sister #7038
jillyd Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 8:54:03 PM
Please sign me up. I haven't done a swap in ages. This will be fun!

Farmgirl #6748

"When life gets super crazy, do your art. It helps you remember the exquisite, imaginary, delightful, lovely side of what is otherwise sometimes a bit much" Sylvia Olsen
Killarney Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 8:12:12 PM
April, add me please!

Connie #3392
sweettea59 Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 6:54:06 PM
Hi April please add me to this swap. It has been way too long since I did a Haberdashery swap. Thanks for hosting.

Farmgirl Hugs & May all your Wishes come true.
Farmgirl #2215
shennandoah Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 6:52:19 PM
Yes!!!! I would love to.

Making memories, building connections, and adding color and magic to every day life

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