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 September Tea Swap PARTNERS POSTED

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Audra Rose Posted - Aug 14 2023 : 4:26:20 PM
Nothing is better than savoring a new flavor of tea. Send 4 packaged teabags to your partner with a note.
Sign ups will be open until Thursday, August 31st when I'll assign partners. Mail out by September 5th.

*** Here we go! Contact your partner for her address. A short note is always appreciated. Remember to post a picture of your goodies. If you have any questions please contact me.

Vanessa (Audra Rose) and Connie R (criley)
Darlene (darlenelovesart) and Cindy (Aussiechick)
Marie (churunga) and Candy (tigger9777)
Marlene (MBurns) and Sherry (sweettea)
Rea (Lacey) and Connie W. (Killarney)

Farmgirl Sister #6754
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Audra Rose Posted - Sep 30 2023 : 04:13:31 AM
I am so glad you liked the paper. It's the last of a pack of stationery I have.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
criley Posted - Sep 29 2023 : 09:36:15 AM

I am finally posting my thank you!!! I received your tea two weeks ago, but misplaced the CUTE note that came with it. I really wanted to find it to put it in the photo. Finally decided today to search high and low and behold! it was right where I put it for "safekeeping". LOL. Anyway, thank you so much for my teas. The elderberry will come in handy to boost immune system; peach tea is one of my most favorites; Raspberry Creme Caramel sounds delish; and Cleopatra's Night -- tea fit for a queen! But the thing that made me giggle the most was the note, on flamingo stationery!! I am a flamingo fanatic, so it is perfect for me! How did you know? <wink, wink> Thank you so very, very much. I can't wait to partake of tea and biscuits. Blessings, Coni

Farmgirl Sister #4938
Livin' the Life of Riley
tigger9777 Posted - Sep 27 2023 : 10:48:21 PM
Thank you to my swap partner Marie Listopad.
I anxiously await cool Fall temps to enjoy the tea you sent.
Thanks for the crochet pattern and oragami star, very creative!

Sister # 8283
Farmgirl of the Year 2022
Farmgirl of the Month Dec 2021
Farmgirl Guide
Farmgirl Guru
Farmgirl Sharpshooter
Farmgirl Chapter Leader
"Everything Counts, Someday Eventually"
Killarney Posted - Sep 27 2023 : 8:33:31 PM
Rea, I'm so glad it made it to you! Yay! for Fall weather!!

Connie #3392
Lacey Posted - Sep 26 2023 : 11:42:47 AM
Good Afternoon Connie,
Just got back into town. Thank you for the tea and card, looking forward to trying the Salted Carmel tea! It is feeling like fall weather to enjoy a cup of tea.

Rea Nakanishi
Farm Girl Of The Month Jan. 2022
“Action is the foundational key to all success.”
– Pablo Picasso
Killarney Posted - Sep 22 2023 : 9:27:57 PM
Rea, checking to see if you received your tea?
Audra Rose Posted - Sep 17 2023 : 2:18:50 PM

I got Coni's package yesterday but only got to taste some of the tea she sent this afternoon. They are all from The Great Mississippi Tea Company. I'll be taking them to work so I'll be able to enjoy them there. Thank you Coni, I feel spoiled!

Farmgirl Sister #6754
darlenelovesart Posted - Sep 14 2023 : 12:18:57 PM
That’s a beautiful cup Cindy.
What a nice place to drink your tea!
I am glad you enjoyed it!
Vanessa that is a lovely cup to drink tea out of too!.

Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer
Just. follow God unquestionably Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.


#4943 - March 2013
FGOTM June 2013
FGOTY 2016

AussieChick Posted - Sep 14 2023 : 10:50:16 AM

A view from my back patio this morning. Cup of tea at my side, courtesy of Darlene!

Farmgirl #6058
Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
Killarney Posted - Sep 13 2023 : 11:32:28 AM
Thank you Rea for the wonderful teas and stroop waffles and Fall towel! The cat spoon is just too adorable!!! It arrived on a cool fall- like day! High of 80 today! I am so Thankful!

Connie #3392
MBurns Posted - Sep 12 2023 : 3:41:49 PM
Thank you for the teas. Can't wait to try them.

Farmgirl friends are fun.
darlenelovesart Posted - Sep 12 2023 : 07:14:28 AM
Oh cool Cindy I can’t wait to see your picture!

Yes it was good to be swap partners again.
Have a great day!

Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer
Just. follow God unquestionably Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.


#4943 - March 2013
FGOTM June 2013
FGOTY 2016

AussieChick Posted - Sep 12 2023 : 07:12:18 AM
I’m so glad you like it, Darlene! The parcels you sent me arrived yesterday too. I’m going to take a photo of my cup of tea & a view out my back patio to post on the forum soon!! So nice to be swap partners again.

Farmgirl #6058
Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
darlenelovesart Posted - Sep 11 2023 : 3:54:52 PM
Thank you Cindi!
I received your package today! Thank you for the beautiful card Apple Carmels and yummy
Teas! I love what you wrote in the card! Thanks.
Thanks again

Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer
Just. follow God unquestionably Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.


#4943 - March 2013
FGOTM June 2013
FGOTY 2016

sweettea59 Posted - Sep 08 2023 : 10:36:29 AM
Thank you Marlene, I received my tea today. Finally cooling off enough here in Texas to have a cup of tea. Can’t wait to try them.

Farmgirl Hugs & May all your Wishes come true.
Farmgirl #2215
Killarney Posted - Sep 07 2023 : 8:07:18 PM
Rea you tea is on the way!

Connie #3392
sweettea59 Posted - Sep 06 2023 : 6:59:54 PM
Marlene, yours went out on the First of September.

Farmgirl Hugs & May all your Wishes come true.
Farmgirl #2215
MBurns Posted - Sep 03 2023 : 09:25:04 AM
Sent tea yesterday

Farmgirl friends are fun.
darlenelovesart Posted - Sep 02 2023 : 7:11:32 PM
Cindy, I will send out your Tea on Tuesday.
Have a good weekend!

It’s on its way!


Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer
Just. follow God unquestionably Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.


#4943 - March 2013
FGOTM June 2013
FGOTY 2016

criley Posted - Sep 02 2023 : 3:04:23 PM
Looking forward to a nice cuppa tea, Vanessa! Yours will be going out later this week.


Farmgirl Sister #4938
Livin' the Life of Riley
darlenelovesart Posted - Sep 01 2023 : 11:04:11 AM
Cind! Yay we’re tea swap partners! I will send your tea out tomorrow or Tuesday,because Monday is Labor Day! No mail that day!

Have a good weekend

Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer
Just. follow God unquestionably Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.


#4943 - March 2013
FGOTM June 2013
FGOTY 2016

Killarney Posted - Sep 01 2023 : 10:30:53 AM
I sent lacey my addy and ask for hers!

Connie #3392
Audra Rose Posted - Sep 01 2023 : 09:37:45 AM
Connie, your tea is on the way.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Audra Rose Posted - Aug 31 2023 : 3:30:21 PM
I got it - I like to collect emails of Farmgirls.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Killarney Posted - Aug 31 2023 : 2:53:23 PM
Vanessa, I see now there are 2 connies! LOL! I think I sent you my address by mistake. LOL!

Connie W. #3392

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