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 PARTNERS POSTED - May Pocket Letter

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jokamartell Posted - May 08 2023 : 7:40:08 PM
Please forgive me for the late posting of partners. I was able to go on a semi-last minute weekend get-away.

There is an uneven number so this will be a swap where you will send your partner a pocket letter but receive your pocket letter from a different partner. (Hope that makes sense)

Marlene will send to Debi
Debi will send to Laura
Laura will send to Jennifer
Jennifer will send to Karen
Karen will send to Marlene.

Who’s ready for another pocket letter swap! How does a summer theme sound? Think vacation, beach, 4th of July, gardening, and if those topics don’t speak to you, choose your own!

Signs up until May 20th, partners assigned May 21 and mail by end of the month! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MBurns Posted - Jun 06 2023 : 08:51:37 AM
Cute card also

Farmgirl friends are fun.
MBurns Posted - Jun 06 2023 : 08:51:03 AM
Thank you Karen for the beautiful gardening pocket letter and tucks. So fun.

Farmgirl friends are fun.
LauraBell Posted - Jun 05 2023 : 08:50:09 AM
Hi :)

Just wanted to let Jennifer know her letter is on it's way - thanks for being patient with me.

Debi - your letter arrived Saturday and it's so cute! Thanks for the summer tucks too - Definitely will be enjoyed.

These pocket letter swaps are so much fun!


Happy to be Farmgirl Sister #7286
Farmgirl of the Month October 2022
Debi Carr Posted - Jun 02 2023 : 06:32:52 AM

Thank you Marlene

Farmgirl Hugs,
Debi #1983
JenniferAnn Posted - Jun 01 2023 : 5:11:54 PM
Karen, I am so glad! Happy it made its way to you & you're welcome :)


Jennifer Chapman
Jokamartell Posted - Jun 01 2023 : 1:49:42 PM
Jennifer!! Oh my goodness, I love my pocket letter!! Thanks so much! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
Debi Carr Posted - Jun 01 2023 : 1:39:13 PM
Laura yours went out in yesterday’s mail also.

Farmgirl Hugs,
Debi #1983
Jokamartell Posted - Jun 01 2023 : 10:55:15 AM
Marlene, your pocket letter went out in yesterday's mail! :) Enjoy!

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
Debi Carr Posted - May 30 2023 : 10:31:32 AM
Thank you Marlene , I received my pocket letter today !

Farmgirl Hugs,
Debi #1983
JenniferAnn Posted - May 17 2023 : 08:32:17 AM
Thank you Karen, & what a fun idea!

Jennifer Chapman
LauraBell Posted - May 17 2023 : 08:26:51 AM
Hi Jennifer - welcome to the Farmgirl Community!

I hadn't seen pocket letters before either - such a fun idea! I have really enjoyed these swaps - It's given me the motivation to get back into paper crafting (and using my stockpile of supplies).

I got some great ideas on Pinterest too so definitely check there for some inspiration.

Happy to be Farmgirl Sister #7286
Farmgirl of the Month October 2022
JenniferAnn Posted - May 17 2023 : 08:09:01 AM
Thank you Karen, & what a fun idea!

Jennifer Chapman
Jokamartell Posted - May 16 2023 : 6:41:41 PM
I’ve added you to the list, Jennifer! I will post a link to creator of pocket letters. You use a baseball card protector with the 9 card slots to create it. :) Welcome to the sisterhood!!!

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
JenniferAnn Posted - May 16 2023 : 12:19:03 PM
Please add me to the list, Karen. I am a new Farmgirl and would like to participate. Silly question, but what specifically is a pocket letter?
Thank you,

Jennifer Chapman
Jokamartell Posted - May 15 2023 : 5:56:35 PM
I'll add you to our list, Laura! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
LauraBell Posted - May 15 2023 : 3:46:03 PM
Hi Karen :)

Please add me to this - I am really enjoying these swaps!


Happy to be Farmgirl Sister #7286
Farmgirl of the Month October 2022
Jokamartell Posted - May 14 2023 : 10:43:46 AM
Thanks, Debi! I added you to the list! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
Debi Carr Posted - May 11 2023 : 09:50:36 AM
Yes ! I love these .

Farmgirl Hugs,
Debi #1983
Jokamartell Posted - May 09 2023 : 7:24:38 PM
Thanks, Marlene! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
MBurns Posted - May 08 2023 : 8:48:59 PM
Yes please

Farmgirl friends are fun.

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