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 March Card Swap

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Feb 27 2023 : 1:12:01 PM
Hey ladies! It's time for the next card swap!

This months theme will be... St. Patrick's, green, clovers, and luck.

~Sign ups close March 8 with mail outs right after.

~Please email me your address if you haven't already so I can make a master list to send to everyone.

~You must send a card to each person that signs up, either handmade or store bought.

Happy card swapping!

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 27 2023 : 2:17:25 PM
Oh good, Karen! I read your first message wrong. Sorry about that.

Jokamartell Posted - Mar 24 2023 : 5:30:00 PM
It wasn’t too smashed. Krista…just a little smooshed. :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 24 2023 : 12:46:14 PM
Thank you for the tip Karen! I will try that with my next 3D cards! I am sorry yours arrived smashed.

Sheila, I am sorry yours was smashed too. Darn it. Hopefully it wasn't too bad that you guys are able to save them still.

VT Oma Posted - Mar 23 2023 : 6:46:39 PM
Krista, my card was only a little smooshed a little on one side not bad at all.

VT Oma
Farmgirl #5766

MBurns Posted - Mar 23 2023 : 07:32:37 AM
Thank you Krista for the neat st pat card and little clover.

Farmgirl friends are fun.
Jokamartell Posted - Mar 22 2023 : 6:31:50 PM
I’ve received cards for Jami, Krista, Shelia, and Marlene! Thanks girls!

Krista, the front of my card was too smooshed. Just a little. Sometimes just putting in one panel of cardstock helps to protect the thicker Card fronts! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 22 2023 : 11:01:41 AM
I am glad it arrived Shelia. Was the front of the card ok? Or did it get smashed in transit?

Thank you for letting me know Marlene. I have it changed on the master list.

MBurns Posted - Mar 21 2023 : 06:43:01 AM
Thank you Jami for pin and cute st Patrick card. Thank you sheila for sweet st Patrick card, thank you Karen for lucky st Patrick card. Next month April my address goes back to post office box 9,Swisher Iowa 52338. Thank you all so much.

Farmgirl friends are fun.
VT Oma Posted - Mar 20 2023 : 1:48:40 PM
Krista, your card came in the mail today, it is very cute your calligraphy was pretty. I will not give it away but the surprise inside was nice of you.
Thank you, We are actually having a warm sunny but with Lots of snow around for the first day of Spring. Nice day and Nice mail

VT Oma
Farmgirl #5766

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 20 2023 : 12:46:57 PM
Jami, I received your card on Saturday! It was so pretty. Thank you.

VT Oma Posted - Mar 17 2023 : 4:08:52 PM
Jamie and Karen I received your cards to day they are so nice. Jamie I just love gnomes and Karen the Irish Blessing is one I never heard it is a nice one am going to try and remember. Thank you both.

VT Oma
Farmgirl #5766

VT Oma Posted - Mar 17 2023 : 3:59:55 PM
Kirsta I put my reading glasses on and saw that there were instructions on the back good thing because it took 3 hours to cook.

VT Oma
Farmgirl #5766

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 17 2023 : 2:22:09 PM
Sorry Sheila, I don't know how long. I haven't made corned beef before.

Thank you Karen and Sheila. I received your cards yesterday. I have all the pretty green cards lined up on my counter. It is very festive for today.

VT Oma Posted - Mar 17 2023 : 07:37:46 AM
Happy St. Patrick Day !!! Everyone I bought my corned beef cabbage and potatoes, now I just need to look up how long to cook the corned beef, any one know how long per pound of beef ?

VT Oma
Farmgirl #5766

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 15 2023 : 12:00:23 PM
I received your card as well Marlene! Thank you. Mine went out today. Sorry for the delay. I hope they arrive correctly and by this weekend. Thank you all for swapping with me.

VT Oma Posted - Mar 14 2023 : 6:00:23 PM
Thank you Marlene I received my green sparkly clover I stuck it on the wall under my TV, which is nice to see the green since we are being hit by a Nor Eastern snow storm, here in VT. I bought my cabbage and corn beef & potatoes, I think I will get some mint chocolate chip ice cream to have for desert, on St. Patrick's Day.

VT Oma
Farmgirl #5766

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 13 2023 : 12:37:33 PM
Oh good I am glad Marlene, Karen, and Sheila!

VT Oma Posted - Mar 12 2023 : 4:46:33 PM
Hi Krista, I did get your email list of address, sorry I did not reply lettng you know

VT Oma
Farmgirl #5766

Jokamartell Posted - Mar 11 2023 : 5:59:01 PM
Yes, Krista, I received your email. I apologize for not letting you know. :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
MBurns Posted - Mar 11 2023 : 03:39:46 AM
I did receive your email. Thanks

Farmgirl friends are fun.
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 10 2023 : 9:23:50 PM
I am so sorry. I have no idea what is going on. I emailed all of you. I am not sure why all my emails are not going through. I resent it Jami. Sheila, Ruthie, and Karen did my email come through for you guys?

HunnysHen Posted - Mar 10 2023 : 4:15:37 PM
I need a list of gals to send out to with addresses (master list)

w/ TEXAS SIZE Farmgirl HUGS !
Farmgirl Sister :
HunnysHen # 5876
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 10 2023 : 1:44:11 PM
Marlene, I have responded to both of those emails. Please let me know if you get my message to either of those emails so I know where to send the emails in the future.

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 09 2023 : 4:43:56 PM
Email sent with the address list. Let me know if any of you didn't get it.

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Mar 08 2023 : 12:01:34 PM
Happy to have you join Sheila! Today is the last day for everyone to sign up. So I will send everyone a list of addresses tomorrow morning/ afternoon.

I have been working on something a little extra special this month for my cards. I am really hoping they mail safely. You all will have to let me know how they arrive.


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