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 December Tea Swap - Partners Posted

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
churunga Posted - Dec 05 2021 : 02:21:25 AM
November Tea Swap
Sign up 12/05 through 12/15
Partners 12/16 and be ready to send.

Marie (churunga) sends to [Andrea (AndreaPA)
Andrea (AndreaPA) sends to Vanessa (Audra Rose)
Vanessa (Audra Rose) sends to Marlene (MBurns)
Marlene (MBurns) sends to Ruthie An (ruthie218)
Ruthie An (ruthie218) sends to Marie (churunga)

Sorry this is late. I was hoping for more to sign up. We will be skipping January.

1 Send 4 tea bags and a card or note to your partner.
2 Contact each other and exchange addresses.
3 Keep it simple to keep postage down. Bookmarks, recipes etc. are light. Add ins not required.
4 New swappers please email your address and email address to me.

Happy Swapping!

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MBurns Posted - Jan 05 2022 : 07:25:51 AM
Ruthie,wondered if you received the tea? Happy new year to you!

Farmgirl friends are fun.
AndreaPA Posted - Dec 26 2021 : 10:48:59 AM
I received teas from Marie. Thank you so much Marie they all look delicious. I love the star you sent also.

Farmgirl# 8166
churunga Posted - Dec 25 2021 : 1:35:01 PM
I received the package from Ruthie.

I like getting warm, fuzzy socks. The puzzles will keep me entertained. The poems are wonderful. And the tea - Teekanne Cherry Berry, Forest Fruits, Fresh Orange, Garden Selection, Raspberry and Wild Berry.

Thank you. I love everything.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
ruthie218 Posted - Dec 23 2021 : 08:02:55 AM
Your tea is on the way

Farmgirl sister#4072
Audra Rose Posted - Dec 20 2021 : 4:30:42 PM

I got Andrea's package today and am so thrilled with the cute teacup shaped tea holder. The teas inside all look yummy. They are my "Mother's Little Helper" at work. Thank you!

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Audra Rose Posted - Dec 18 2021 : 4:44:10 PM
Marlene's went out today.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
AndreaPA Posted - Dec 18 2021 : 11:37:40 AM
I mailed to Vanessa this morning.
Merry Christmas everyone!!

Farmgirl# 8166
MBurns Posted - Dec 18 2021 : 09:12:39 AM
Sent yesterday

Farmgirl friends are fun.
TexasGran Posted - Dec 18 2021 : 08:18:56 AM
Well, yall have fun. Sorry I missed the sign ups. Maybe February will be better.
I'm hoping you all have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year.

Let God's light shine through you every day.

Amazon Children's Books, look for my name:Marilyn Robinson Godfrey
Craftsy: patterns for farm stick animals under my name.
churunga Posted - Dec 18 2021 : 06:03:09 AM
I have sent mine out to Andrea.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
darlenelovesart Posted - Dec 18 2021 : 05:46:20 AM
Thanks Andrea,
I think I will be here at Copper Ridge Care Center for Christmas but that is ok..
l will join in when I get home again.


Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer
Just. follow God unquestionably Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.


#4943 - March 2013
FGOTM June 2013
FGOTY 2016

AndreaPA Posted - Dec 18 2021 : 05:07:32 AM
Somehow I missed that partners were posted. I have Vanessa's address.
Darlene - I hope you will be home for Christmas! Will be praying for you.

Farmgirl# 8166
darlenelovesart Posted - Dec 12 2021 : 3:34:49 PM
I will be watching this time. I am in a care facility right now here in Redding for at least ten days. I will be watching. Merry Christmas everyone!


Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer
Just. follow God unquestionably Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.


#4943 - March 2013
FGOTM June 2013
FGOTY 2016

ruthie218 Posted - Dec 12 2021 : 2:25:39 PM
I'd like join please.

Farmgirl sister#4072
MBurns Posted - Dec 09 2021 : 07:34:54 AM
Me too

Farmgirl friends are fun.
Audra Rose Posted - Dec 05 2021 : 4:19:57 PM
Sign me up sis!

Farmgirl Sister #6754
darlenelovesart Posted - Dec 05 2021 : 07:08:12 AM
Hi Marie if I don’t have my surgery on the this coming Wednesday I will be back to join.

Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer
Just. follow God unquestionably Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.


#4943 - March 2013
FGOTM June 2013
FGOTY 2016

AndreaPA Posted - Dec 05 2021 : 04:40:45 AM
Sign me up please!

Farmgirl# 8166

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