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 Tin Can Windsock *** PARTNERS POSTED ***

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ida Jane Rooney Posted - May 07 2021 : 11:59:37 AM
One of the very first swaps I participated in a year ago was a Tin Can Windsock. I enjoyed making one and loved what I received in return. There hasn't been another since then so let's do it --

You will use a tin can, decorate the outside, include wispy fabric, ribbon, lace, beads, or other to create the long strands that will blow in the wind. Add something to the top to facilitate hanging in a breezy and prominent location.

Enjoy your creativity ~~~


Note that the first four are swap partners - the last three are a round robin.

• Gail / GailMN • Rebecca /BeckyT

• Wanda / Wanda Sue • Victoria / Vicky8257

• Jill / sheridan126 • Nancy / Nancy Joplin

• Connie /Killarney • Kathy / isewbernina

• Ida / Ida Jane Rooney to Tina / Ripleysmine

• Tina / Ripleysmine to Beth / bbarton1980

• Beth / bbarton1980 to Ida / Ida Jane Rooney

"Anyone who thinks they are too small to make a difference has never met the honey bee."
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
quiltee Posted - Nov 05 2021 : 3:16:23 PM
Your bee windsock is so cute, Ida. Are those bee lights on the top? They look like they are lit up.

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month August 2015 and April 2017

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
Nancy Joplin Posted - Nov 04 2021 : 12:36:08 PM
I hope that you received your windsock and the extras. . .sorry that it took me so long.

Nancy #8352
Killarney Posted - Jul 17 2021 : 10:41:35 AM
Jill , what a great idea!!

Connie #3392
BeckyT Posted - Jul 13 2021 : 12:17:04 AM
Gail, did you get your windsock?

Trust Jesus

Farm girl 5171
Ripleysmine Posted - Jul 12 2021 : 2:00:30 PM
Beth, did you receive your Windsock?

Ida, I have your windsock hanging in my living room!! I love it!!

Tina (Mimi to many)

Farm Sister # 8377
sheridan126 Posted - Jul 10 2021 : 3:44:37 PM
Hi Marilyn!
I sewed my streamers along the bottom edge of the fabric before attaching it to the can. It was a little tricky to keep untangled, but I was pleased with how it turned out!

Farmgirl Sister 7889

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -e.e. cummings
Wanda Sue Posted - Jul 10 2021 : 12:48:04 PM
Love it Ida!! Marilyn I used hot glue also! I think Vicki tied hers to the
Strings that hang it up top because she cut out both ends. She also
Used a “church key” to punch holes on the sides to tie ribbons. I learned
a lot from her design! Thanks again Vicki!!

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
Killarney Posted - Jul 10 2021 : 11:10:46 AM
Ida! LOVE IT!!!

Marilyn, I used a glue Gun!
Connie #3392
TexasGran Posted - Jul 10 2021 : 08:33:14 AM
Your wind socks are very fun to look at.
I have a question....How are y'all getting your streamers to stay in the can?
I've forgotten what. . . I did last year...but I know I struggled.

Let God's light shine through you every day.

Amazon Children's Books, look for my name:Marilyn Robinson Godfrey
Craftsy: patterns for farm stick animals under my name.
sheridan126 Posted - Jul 10 2021 : 06:12:40 AM
Ida, that windsock is beyond adorable!! I love that it lights up!

Farmgirl Sister 7889

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -e.e. cummings
Ida Jane Rooney Posted - Jul 09 2021 : 9:44:21 PM
Tina - Let me help you out.

"Anyone who thinks they are too small to make a difference has never met the honey bee."
bbarton1980 Posted - Jul 08 2021 : 3:38:03 PM
Hi Ida,

I have not forgotten you. The windsock is created. I will get it boxed up and sent out this weekend.


Beth O'Nyon
Farmgirl #8065
Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ripleysmine Posted - Jul 03 2021 : 04:10:15 AM
Oh my goodness, these are all beautiful! Yall are some crafty ladies! Ida sent me the most beautiful Windsock, I am still trying to figure out how to post a picture here!
Beth, your windsock has been delayed but will be on the way soon, that's what I get for thinking my husband had already mailed it... never again!

So glad I found you all! Can't wait for the next crafty adventure!

Tina (Mimi to many)

Farm Sister # 8377
Killarney Posted - Jul 02 2021 : 3:11:57 PM
I usually take pictures of my crafts to use as a guide if I do it again. I forgot this time.

Connie #3392
Wanda Sue Posted - Jul 01 2021 : 5:56:05 PM
Thanks y'all, it sure was fun to put together!

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
Killarney Posted - Jul 01 2021 : 10:55:07 AM
Wanda I love it!! I love decoupage!! I forgot to paint mine white too and I had a tiny rust spot bleed thru. Overall I thought it turned out good.

Connie #3392
Vicki8257 Posted - Jun 30 2021 : 1:11:26 PM
I absolutely love it. Couldn't get my picture to load. I hung it right away in my living room so I can enjoy it all the time. Thank you so much. Vicki

Have a beautiful Day, Vicki
Ida Jane Rooney Posted - Jun 30 2021 : 1:06:14 PM
Good job Wanda - it is adorable.

"Anyone who thinks they are too small to make a difference has never met the honey bee."
Wanda Sue Posted - Jun 30 2021 : 12:34:03 PM

This is the one I made for Vicki. I am proud of it since
This was my first one, but I have learned some ideas for next time.
I should have painted the can white before I decoupaged the
napkin and the colors would have popped more. Also next time I will make the streamers longer.
A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
Ida Jane Rooney Posted - Jun 30 2021 : 11:22:58 AM
I would love to see a photo of everyone's windsock. If you know yours has been received but the recipient is unable to post a photo, please post what you have sent for all to enjoy.

"Anyone who thinks they are too small to make a difference has never met the honey bee."
Killarney Posted - Jun 30 2021 : 10:16:45 AM
Kathy, Checking to see if you got your package. I mailed it June 14th. I have tracking to make sure it got there. The mail has been so crazy this past year. My post office says its still slower than normal.
Connie #3392
Vicki8257 Posted - Jun 21 2021 : 3:41:34 PM
Wanda. Thank so much. I absolutely love my wind sock. I have already hung it up. It is the coolest ever. Thank you so much. Vicki. Also I'm glad you like your wind sock as well. It truly was an fun project.

Have a beautiful Day, Vicki
Wanda Sue Posted - Jun 21 2021 : 1:29:25 PM

Vicki I love my windsock!!! It is so lovely and the tinkle of the bell is so sweet!
Thank you, thank you!!

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
Killarney Posted - Jun 19 2021 : 10:49:25 AM
Kathy, Yours is on the way!
Connie #3392
sheridan126 Posted - Jun 18 2021 : 4:38:48 PM
Hi Nancy!
Your windsock went to the post office today! Have a lovely weekend :)

Farmgirl Sister 7889

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -e.e. cummings

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